Overview of Log Viewer

The Log Viewer application allows you to view the historical data related to system activities and events directly without creating and configuring a report from the Reports application.

The information related to all the system activities and events displays in a tabular format.
You can create a subset of this information by applying the necessary configurations such as filters, identifying the columns to display, specifying the number of records to display,
and other settings, such as resizing the column width or re-ordering the columns.

Once configured, this information can be saved as a log view definition that can be used later.
When you access the log view definition at a later date, the latest data, according to the configurations that you have applied to the definition, displays.

When you save the data as a log view definition that has sorting applied, the sort criteria is also saved.
The next time when you load the log view definition, the data with the saved sort criteria displays.

In a distributed system, the data from all the systems displays in the log view grid.

You can view log data using any of the following procedures:

  • Selecting the Log Viewer root node, a log view folder, or a saved log view definition from the System Browser.
  • Selecting an object from System Browser: This displays the Activity and Event Log records for the selected object in the Detailed Log tab.
  • Selecting an object from any application such as Graphics, Trends, Textual Viewer, or Reports:
    This displays the latest 100 Activity and Event Log records for the object in the Detailed Log tab.
  • Selecting an Activity type or Event type record in the log view:
    When you select an Activity type record from a log view, the latest 100 Activity and Event Logs for the selected object display in the Detailed Log tab.
    However, if an Event type record is selected, the details of the selected event including the different state changes of the event and the user activities
    performed in context of the event are displayed in the Detailed Log tab.
  • Selecting an event from Event List: Displays information about the object involved in the event in the Detailed Log tab.

However, if you have selected more than one object, the Detailed Log tab does not display any information.


When you select the Log Viewer root node, a log view folder, or a saved log view definition from System Browser, you may see the following message above the log view table: Configured View Size reached! Refine search via Search Filter. This means that there are more records in the database than can be displayed in the defined view size. In order to view such records you must either specify filters or modify existing filters.


Default Columns in a Log View

The following table lists the default columns that display in the Log Viewer. In addition to these columns, you can add other columns from the Select Columns dialog box.

Default Columns in the Log View



System Name

Displays the name of the system to which the source object belongs. This is particularly helpful when working with a distributed environment, where you have data displaying from multiple systems.


Date/Time when the activity is performed or state change of event occurred.

Source Description

Description of the source object associated with the activity or event.

Record Type

Type of information displayed. This information can be of type Activity or Event.

Source Property

Name of the property associated with the source object on change of which the activity or event occurred.

Event Message Text

Event message text associated with the source object.

Event Category

Category of the event.

Event Time

Date/Time of the occurrence of the event.

Event State

State of the event.

Event Cause

Reason that triggered the event.

ID associated with the event.

Event ID

Log Type

The Desigo CC application where the activity, such as event printing or commanding is performed.


Nature of the activity performed by the source object. For example, for a Users object type, the value of the Action field could be Login, Primary Authentication and so on.


New value of the Source Property when an activity is performed.


Quality of the new value.

Previous Value

Previous value of the Source Property when an activity is performed.

Previous Quality

Quality of previous value.


Unit of measurement of value of source property.



Values are displayed as per value scaled units (if configured). See Value Scale Units.


Additional Columns in a Log View

Additional Columns



Action Details

Additional descriptive information of the activity performed.

Action Result

Status of a user activity. Possible values are Succeeded, Partially Succeeded, Failed, Unknown.


Displays the link to the report output document that is created when performing the Operating Procedure Steps such as alarm printout, report, or treatment form.

Event mode

Mode in which the event is generated. Possible values are Normal and Maintenance.

Management Station

Displays the host name of the Desigo CC client from where the activity is performed.

Alias [Observer]

Alias of the event enrollment object that monitors any BACnet object.

Alias [Source]

Alias of the source object.

Source Designation

Default hierarchy of the source object composed using the names of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Designation [Application View]

Hierarchy of the source object from Application View composed using the names of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Designation [Current View]

Hierarchy of the source object from the currently selected view in the System Browser composed using the names of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Designation [Management View]

Hierarchy of the source object from Management View composed using the names of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Identifier [Internal]

Internal ID associated with the source object.

Source Location

Default hierarchy of the source object composed using the description of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Location [Application View]

Hierarchy of the source object from the Application View composed using the description of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Location [Current View]

Hierarchy of the source object from the currently selected view in the System Browser composed using the description of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Location [Management View]

Hierarchy of the source object from Management View composed using the description of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Source Name

Name of the source object.

Observer Description

Description of the event enrollment object that monitors the source BACnet object.

Observer Property

Name of the property associated with the event enrollment object on change of which the activity or event occurred.

Observer Designation

Default hierarchy of the event enrollment object composed using the names of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Observer Location

Default hierarchy of the event enrollment object composed using the description of the nodes present in the hierarchy.

Observer Name

Name of the Event Enrollment Object that monitors the source BACnet object.

Observer Identifier [Internal]

Internal Id for the Event Enrollment Object that monitors the source BACnet object.


Discipline of the source object (for example, Building Automation).


Subdiscipline of the source object (for example, Communication for management platform discipline).


Type of the source object (for example, network).


Subtype of the source object (for example, BACnet for type Network).

Alert ID

Internal unique ID associated with an event.


Name of the user performing the activity or treating the event.

Validation Profile

Validation profile associated with the source object.

Audit Trail

Displays Audit Trail if the validated object creates an activity log. However, if an activity log is created by a non-validated object, then this column displays Activity.

Object Version

Displays the version number of the validated object. The version number is incremented each time you perform an activity on the validated object. In case of a non-validated object the Object Version column does not display any value.


Validation comment entered.

Reference Time

Displays the original time stamp of the record that is added, modified, or deleted using the Manual Correction snap-in.

Event Details

Message text associated with the event.

Category Priority

Priority associated with the event.


Name/ID of the supervisor who is designated as the second approver to approve the "Regulated" and "Monitored" validation states before the command or configuration change is executed on the selected object.