Configuring Sounds and Media in a Library

You can configure the media files block of a library, for example, to define additional, custom sounds that can be associated to different types of alarms.
The sounds defined in this block become available in the system in addition to those defined in the media library blocks of other libraries (for example, L1-Headquarter > Global > Media Library).





  • You are trained and authorized to handle libraries at the target customization level of the library whose media block you want to modify.
  • The library you are configuring includes the media library block. If not, see Adding Blocks to a Library.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.


Upload Sound and Media Files to a Library

Do this procedure to upload some media files (for example, sound files that can be associated to different types of alarms) to a library.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project or L3-Region or L2-Country > […] > [library] > [media library block].
  1. Select the Media Library tab.
  • The Media Library expander displays any media files already uploaded to this block. Files may be located directly under the media library root folder or organized into subfolders under it.
  1. In the Browse Management expander, click Browse.
  1. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, do the following:
    a. Navigate to the folder containing the media files you want to upload.
    NOTE: You can upload only files of type MP3, WMA, WAV, PPT, and TXT.
    b. Click OK:
  • The Browse Management expander displays all the media files (of the supported types) found in the selected folder.
  1. Drag-and-drop the files you want to upload to the Media Library expander. You can drag-and-drop files to the media library root folder, or into any subfolders under it.
    NOTE: If a file is already available in the media library a message box informs you and asks what to do.
    - Click Yes, to overwrite the existing file.
    - Click No, to abort the operation.
  1. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to upload media files from other folders.
  1. Click Save .


Organize the Media Files in a Library

Perform this procedure if you want to better organize the files contained in a media library block, for example, by grouping them into subfolders, renaming them, or deleting unwanted files.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project or L3-Region or L2-Country > […] > [library] > [media library block].
  1. Select the Media Library tab.
  • The Media Library expander displays the media files uploaded to this block. Files may be located directly under the media library root folder or organized into subfolders under it.
  1. Expand the media library root folder and do one or more of the following as required:
  • Create a new folder:
    a. Select the level (root or sublevel) where you want to add the new folder.
    b. Click Add Folder.
  • Rename a media file:
    a. Select the file.
    b. Click Rename Node.
    c. In the Rename dialog box, enter the new name.
    d. Click OK.
  • Delete a media file:
    a. Select the file.
    b. Click Delete Node.
  • Rearrange the media library structure (drag-and-drop or cut/copy/paste nodes).
  1. Click Save .


Play Back or View the Media Files in a Library

You can listen to or view the media files contained in the media block of a library.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project or L3-Region or L2-Country > […] > [library] > [media library block].
  1. Select the Media Library tab.
  • The Media Library expander displays the media files uploaded to this block. Files may be located directly under the media library root folder or organized into subfolders under it.
  1. Locate and select the media file you want to play or view.
  • The Play Audio button is enabled if the selected media file is an audio file. Similarly, the View button is enabled if the selected media file is a video or document file.
  1. To play an audio file, click Play Audio. During playback you can use the following controls:
  • Click to pause, then click to resume.
  • Click to stop playback.
  • Click to adjust the volume.
  1. For other kinds of media files, click View.
  • The media content is opened in the default system application for that type of file.