Stations Troubleshooting

This section provides general troubleshooting information about client stations.

Client Application Needs to Restart

The Desigo CC system continually monitors the reliability and responsiveness of the client application.

If technical problems are detected, the Desigo CC client application will be automatically stopped and restarted for memory optimization.

  • A message informs you that Desigo CC will be restarted within 1 minute.
  1. Save your work. You can optionally restart Desigo CC before the countdown expires.
  • When Desigo CC starts up again, a message informs you that the client application was restarted due to an unhandled error or low memory problem.
  1. Log on again to Desigo CC.


Disabled Windows Shortcut Keys

Regardless of the operating mode you are working in, the following Windows shortcut keys are disabled:




Closes the active item or quits the active program.


Opens the shortcut menu for the active window that contains, among other commands, Minimize and Close.

Windows key+M

Minimizes all the windows.

If you are working in closed mode, the following Windows shortcut keys are also disabled:

  • Windows key+Pause/Break
  • Windows key+R
  • Windows key+L
  • Windows key+F
  • Windows key+CTRL+F
  • Windows key+D
  • Windows key+U
  • Windows key+F1
  • Windows key+E

Even though the CTRL+ALT+DEL shortcut key is enabled, the system disables all the buttons in the Windows Security window except Cancel.


Troubleshooting Logon Problems

User’s logon credentials

Users can log on to the system as a Desigo CC user or Windows user by providing the username, password, and domain name.

System domain


The current version of Desigo CC supports only one domain. This means that you can only log on to the configured default domain. If you belong to a domain different from the default, you can log on only as a Desigo CC user or local user under [station name]\[user name].
The default domain name is configuration-dependent. If default domain name is not configured, the default station name and Desigo CC (not Windows user) are available as domain instead.

Invalid username or password

When trying to log on, if the user enters an invalid user name or password a message box informs about invalid credentials and asks to retry to log on. The number of times a user can attempt to log on depends on configuration (for details, see Define User Properties in User and User Group Administration). If the number of attempts is exceeded, the user is locked from logging onto Desigo CC for a 5 minute lapse, after which only one more logon attempt is possible. If an incorrect password is entered again, the account will be locked for another 5 minute lapse. To troubleshoot this issue, the user must see the Desigo CC Administrator to carry out the appropriate procedure (Reset Temporary Locked User). In case of Desigo CC users, a new password must also be assigned, if required.

The client application cannot start because the Client Profile file was not found

When trying to log onto Desigo CC client, if the Client Profile is not found, a message informs about this issue. The user can only click OK to close the message box and see the Desigo CC Administrator for assistance.

The client license is not available

When trying to log onto Desigo CC client, if no client license is available, a message informs about this issue and the Desigo CC client will not start. The user must see the Desigo CC Administrator for assistance.


Troubleshooting the Web Client and Windows App Client

If there are connectivity problems, a message box may display indicating that the connection to the server was temporarily lost. Proceed as follows to resume your work:

  1. Click OK to close the message box.
  • The system automatically logs you off, and the logon dialog box displays again on the screen.
  1. Try logging on again.


Troubleshooting WinCC OA Emergency Mode

WinCC OA automatically monitors free virtual memory and hard drive space of the server station. In case of shortage of disk space or virtual memory, it automatically switches to Emergency mode to protect the database integrity.

This secure mode is indicated in the WinCC OA Log Viewer, while an alarm occurs in the Desigo CC station.

  • To solve this issue, free up virtual memory or hard drive space, and restart the project.

However, to prevent WinCC OA Emergency mode, it is recommended to configure Desigo CC to monitor the hard disk space. For instructions, see Monitor Server Disk Capacity. .


Unlocking a Station in Closed Mode

You can normally disable closed mode on a station, and so regain full access to that computer, directly from System Manager. See Removing Closed Mode from a Station.

However, if that procedure fails, or in case of other problems on a station in closed mode, proceed as follows to unlock the system:

  1. Contact Customer Support to get detailed information about the Windows registry settings that force closed mode.
  1. Power on the computer in closed mode.
  1. Start Windows in safe mode by pressing F8 (Windows 7) or SHIFT+F8 (Windows 8.1) and selecting the Safe Mode.
    NOTE: Depending on the specific BIOS and configuration settings of the computer, the F8/SHIFT+F8 procedure may not work. In such cases, you can only access the computer over the network or reboot from a Windows System Recovery device (DVD or Memory Stick).
  1. Access Windows using an Administrator account.
  1. Use Regedit to modify the registry and remove the closed-mode settings as instructed by Customer Support.


Troubleshooting Web Client Application Cache Issue

Message / Issue


Do the following...

In installations with a high number of extension modules, especially if multi-language, Desigo CC web clients might have an insufficient web application storage and fail to start (an Unknown Error displays when starting the web application).

Chromium web browser dll constrains the amount of space available for the installation of extension modules on a Desigo CC web client.

Consequently, the web client application cache is reduced if on the same Desigo CC web client the Chromium web browser is enabled for the online help and many extension modules are installed.

See your system administrator.

A system administrator can enlarge the cache storage quota on the specific client computer by changing a specific registry key.

For more details, see

Troubleshooting Connection Status in Distributed Systems

In a distributed environment, when a system connects to the others its node is automatically created in System Browser at the following path: Project > Management System > Servers.

Every system will monitor its connection status with the others and in case a system temporarily disconnects, an event is generated to inform the operator about the connection failure. When the connection is re-established, the relevant event is automatically cleared.

Note that if a system is permanently disconnected from the others, the field engineer must manually delete the corresponding node in System Browser under Project > Management System > Servers.

Enforce Password Change

Message / Issue


Do the following...

Initial logon fails and you are prompted to change the password.

After creating a project from a template, all the existing users are forced to change their password.

Change your password.

Unable to View Graphics or Objects in a Distributed System

It is possible that the IIS user of the web server on a remote system cannot access the project on the local system.


Follow the instructions to add the IIS user to the local project share from the System Management Console (SMC). This procedure should be followed for each distribution client.


  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Open the Project Shares expander and perform following steps:
    a. Select Share Project check box.
    b. Edit the Base share name, if required. By default, the selected project’s name displays.
    c. Click Add to add the IIS users from the domain that need permission to access the project from the various clients.
    d. In the Select User dialog box, enter the user name or group from your system who need access to the project either from the Current station or Other Domains.
    e. Click Check name.
    f. Click OK.
  • The user or user group is added in the Project Shares expander.
  1. Click Save .
  • The Base share path is added for the shared server project.
  • The individual project subfolders (devices, documents, graphics, libraries, profiles, and shared) are shared and appropriate security permissions are configured for each subfolder.