Setting and Clearing Credentials

To execute (automatically or manually) and download an external web application fixed link report you must first set the relevant fixed link to be executed with user credentials.


Set User Credentials for Executing a Fixed Link
  • System Manager is in Operating mode.
  • You created fixed links for an external web application.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Navigate to Applications > Links.
  1. Select the link(s) whose credentials you want to set.
    NOTE: If you select multiple links, the selected software account is applied to all of them.
  1. Click Set Credentials .
  • The Set Credentials dialog box displays.
  1. From the User Account drop-down menu, select the appropriate user from the list of existing software accounts.
    NOTE: You must choose a user with the appropriate privileges. The language associated with the software account determines the language for any reports generated with this account.
  1. In the Extended Operation tab, specify the parameter values for the link.
  • The user credentials are set for the link(s) and parameter values specified.
    NOTE: In the Operating mode, you can run a report in the Application Viewer by selecting the link from Applications > Links, if the value of the P2 parameter is set to HTML. However, if the value of the P2 parameter is set to any other value (for example, XLSX, DOCX, PDF), then you cannot run the report in the Application Viewer. In this case, you can run the report by clicking Execute in the Extended Operation pane, and specifying the required parameter values
Clear Credentials for a Fixed Link
  • System Manager is in Operating mode.
  • You set the execution credentials for an external web application fixed link and now you want to restore the default settings (no user credentials).
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Navigate to Applications > Links and select the fixed link(s) whose credentials you want to clear.
  1. From the Application Viewer tab, in the toolbar, click Clear Credentials .
    NOTE: You can perform a bulk clearing of credentials.
  • The credentials(s) are cleared.