Preparing for a Database Export

Point Naming Conventions

When you are preparing to export the database, you should use proper point naming conventions such as delimiters since this will save time later. This is especially important if you plan on creating a logical view of your system because a logical view often spans devices and networks. The last delimited section of a point name—for example, BLDG1.FLOOR1.RM1.POINT1—will automatically map the point to the proper function in Desigo CC.

If you must change point names before you export your database, contact your Area Technical Specialist to request the Change System Name utility.


You can specify one of six delimiter conventions for point names. However, it is recommended that you use the default delimiter, the Period. Point names with any of the six delimiters will successfully import into Desigo CC. However, the Discovery feature (used for maintaining the database) can only recognize the period.

  • Period (.)
  • Apostrophe ()
  • Comma (,)
  • Dash (-)
  • Underscore (_)
  • Space ( )

Local IO Folder

All point names that do not follow the proper naming convention are placed in the Local IO folder. TECs are an exception to this rule.

Expected Name Mappings

When you import system objects into Desigo CC, you must choose how to map the System Name, User Name, and Descriptor fields into the management station’s Name, Description, and Alias fields.

There are three methods for name mappings between and Desigo CC—Classic, Classic Reversed, and Bad System Name. See the following explanations for more detail:


  • APOGEE System Name > Desigo CC Name
  • APOGEE Name > Desigo CC Description
  • APOGEE Descriptor > Desigo CC Alias

This method allows Desigo CC users to toggle between System Name and User Name fields. The Descriptor field can be displayed and searched on. Logical View and Function Mapping is built based on System Name.

Classic Reversed

  • APOGEE System Name > Desigo CC Description
  • Apogee Name > Desigo CC Name
  • APOGEE Descriptor > Desigo CC Alias

This method allows you to toggle between the System Name and User Name fields. The Descriptor field can be displayed and searched on. Logical View and Function Mapping is built based on the User Name.

Bad System Name

  • APOGEE System Name > Desigo CC Alias
  • APOGEE Name > Desigo CC Name
  • Apogee Descriptor > Desigo CC Description

This method should be used if the System Name in the APOGEE system is not in a suitable format for end users. It allows Desigo CC users to toggle between the User Name and Descriptor fields. The System Name field can still be displayed and searched on. Logical View and Function Mapping is built based on the User Name.

Name Mappings Shown in Table Format

The following table shows the three methods of name mappings from APOGEE to Desigo CC:


Desigo CC Field


Classic Reversed

Bad System Name

System Name




User Name








FLN Subpoint Selector

The information in this section applies to creating a new BACnet project or integrating an APOGEE system.

Information about FLN subpoints applies to BACnet objects only. While exporting APOGEE objects, the system always provides subpoints. The FLN Subpoint Selector allows you to enable or disable subpoints for TEC applications. These subpoints are either:

  • Imported by Desigo CC through files created by the Desigo CC Export Utility in Insight software or in the Commissioning Tool, or
  • Discovered by Desigo CC through the system's Discovery feature, which detects devices already on the network.

The Export Utility exports only pre-defined subpoints in a TEC. TEC subpoints that are not pre-defined will not display in your panels. If you want them to display in the management station, you must add them in the Commissioning Tool’s System Profile application before you create the export files. This allows the subpoints to display as TEC subpoints in your panels, and these subpoints can then be trended, and so on.

The FLN Subpoint Selector also allows you to create default Functions for BACnet TEC applications that are not present in the library. The default Functions can then be configured appropriately.