FLN Device Editor


When this editor is opened in Operating mode, all fields are display only and cannot be edited. In order to make changes with this editor, System Manager must be in Engineering mode.

This editor displays the properties of the field level network device selected in the System Browser.



Object Name

Displays the FLN Device name.


Displays the FLN Device description.

Application Number

Displays the application number.


Displays the type of device being created.

  • When an MS/TP device is added as a Master device, either the Instance # or the MAC Address must be specified. If the device is added as a Slave device, then both these fields must be specified.
  • When an MS/TP device is added as a Master device, then the Network # and the MAC Address fields are not editable.
  • When an MS/TP device is added as a Slave device, then the Network # and the MAC Address are editable.

Instance #

Displays the device identification number.

Network #

Displays the network number.

MAC Address

Displays the MAC address.


Displays the priority used for writing initial values.

Save Relinquish Default Value

Displays whether or not the relinquish default values of the device will be stored in the controller.

Device Password

Allows you to enter a password for the device.