Replicating Graphic Objects Based on Functions

You can create a graphic or graphic template that displays a vertical or horizontal list of element or Symbol objects, for example window blinds, where the number of objects associated with a device or space is not known at the time of configuring the graphic. For example, you may not know how many windows or blinds are in a room or space. The object’s data points you want to replicate must all share the same function.

There are a number of ways to replicate the symbols instances or elements.

Select the topic related to your task:

Replicate an Element or Symbol Instance by Expression

Elements and Symbol instances can be replicated by creating an evaluation in the Evaluation Editor by adding the device address and replication syntax in the Expression field.

  • You have an element or Symbol Instance selected on a graphic and want to replicate it according to the number of data points in an object that share the same function.
  • The devices or objects are located in your Logical or Management View.
  1. In the Evaluation Editor, do the following:
    a. From the Property drop-down menu, select a property.
    b. From the Type menu, select Simple.
    c. Set the Expression Type field to Reference.
    NOTE: This is a basic example of replicating a graphic object. You can initiate replication using all the Evaluation types, as long as the Expression field has the correct syntax as described below.
  1. In System Browser, select logical view or Management View.
  1. Drag the node that contains the devices you want replicated and drop it onto the Evaluation Editor > Expression field.
  • The path of the object displays in the Expression field.
  1. In the Expression field, delete the “;” semi-colon and then do one of the following at the end of the expression path:
    a. If you replicate an object from your logical view, type: [l].@FunctionName[*];
    Example of the full syntax: System1.LogicalView:LogicalView.[l].@SetpointAnalog[*];
    b. If you replicate an object from Management View, type: [m].@FunctionName[*];
    Example of the full syntax: System1.ManagementView:ManagementView.FieldNetworks.Net_1.Hardware.SIM_909020.Local_IO.[m].@SetpointAnalog[*];
  1. From the Properties view, expand the Replication section, and complete the fields until the replicated elements are spaced and lined up as desired.
  1. Click Save .
  • The element or the symbol instance is replicated on the graphic according to the Replication properties settings.
Replicate a Symbol Instance by Object Reference

Symbol instances can also be replicated by adding the object path and syntax to the Properties View > Object Reference field.

  • You have selected a symbol instance on a graphic and want to replicate it according to the number of data points in an object that share the same function.
  • The devices or objects are located in your Logical or Management View.
  1. In System Browser navigate to your Logical or Management View.
  1. Drag the node (room, device, application, etc.) that contains the objects you want replicated and drop it onto the Symbol Instance Properties > Symbol Instance > Object Reference field.
  1. Modify the path in the Object Reference field, by deleting the “;” semi-colon at the end of the expression and then typing the following syntax:
    a. If you replicate an object from your logical view, type: [l].@FunctionName[*];
    Example of the full syntax: System1.LogicalView:LogicalView.[l].@SetpointAnalog[*];
    b. If you replicate an object from your Management View, type: [m].@FunctionName[*];
    Example of the full syntax: System1.ManagementView:ManagementView.FieldNetworks.Net_1.Hardware.SIM_909020.Local_IO.[m].@SetpointAnalog[*];
  1. From the Properties view, expand the Replication section, and complete the fields as required.
  1. Click Save .
  • The symbol instance is replicated on the graphic according to the Replication properties settings.


Replicate a Symbol by Substitution
  • You have a symbol on the graphic that you want to replicate.
  1. Right-click the symbol, and from the context menu, select Symbol Instance > Edit.
  • The symbol opens in a separate tab.
  1. Press CTRL+A and then right-click the graphic and from context menu, select Group > Group.
  1. In the Evaluation Editor, do the following:
  1. a. From the Property drop-down menu, select a property to replicate.
    b. From the Type menu, select an evaluation. In this example, Discrete.
    c. Set the Expression Type to Reference.
    d. In the Expression field, enter a star substitution {*}, a data point value, and end it with the replication [*].
    For example: {*}.@SetpointAnalog[*];
    e. Depending on the type of evaluation used, complete the required evaluation fields.
    For example, in this case, Discrete. Set the following:
    Condition: >0
    Value: Red
  1. Save the edited symbol.
  1. Select the original graphic tab, and then select the symbol instance you just edited.
  1. From System Browser, navigate to your logical or Management View, and drag the device, object, or room and drop it over the Symbol Instance > Object Reference field.
  1. Test in Design mode.