Datamate Advanced (DMA) Installation Options

Datamate Advanced (DMA), a graphical application often used for commissioning jobs, can be installed as a stand-alone workstation or in a server/client configuration when used with the Desigo CC management station.

Before installing DMA, review how DMA works with a P2 Ethernet, AEM’s, or BACnet configuration.

Datamate Advanced (DMA) and P2 Ethernet

You can install and run Datamate Advanced (DMA) on the same computer that hosts the Desigo CC management station or on a separate computer. There are no configuration issues.

Datamate Advanced (DMA) and APOGEE Ethernet Microserver (AEM)

If you are using Datamate Advanced (DMA) to configure your APOGEE Ethernet Microserver (AEM) devices, whether or not they reside on the same Desigo CC management station or a different computer, you must have a second AEM device on the Automation Level Network (ALN) for DMA. This is because AEM’s cannot be shared.

Datamate Advanced (DMA) and BACnet

If Desigo CC and Datamate Advanced (DMA) are not running on the same management station, there are no configuration issues.

If Desigo CC and Datamate Advanced (DMA) are running on the same management station, check with your IT department to see which of the options in the following table you can use. The table also includes the requirement that the IP address and UDP combinations must be unique for this setup.

BACnet Stack Configuration Options



IP Address

UDP Ports




2 (Same IP address)

Different UDP ports.

You must set up BBMD to support this configuration.



2 (Fixed)

Share the same port.




2 (Uses DHCP)

Share the same port.