(Optional) Manually Configuring APOGEE P2
NOTE: If you ran the Network Wizard for APOGEE P2 Ethernet and APOGEE P2 AEM, you do not need to complete the procedures in this section.
This section provides configuration information for APOGEE P2 drivers, devices, and networks—both Ethernet and AEM.
Complete the following procedures as needed:
Adding the APOGEE P2 Driver to the Windows Firewall
You must add the APOGEE driver to your firewall. This allows a network device to initiate communication of alarms and COVs with a computer within your network's firewall.
- From the Windows Taskbar, click Search.
- Enter allow, and then select Allow apps to communicate through Windows Firewall.
- Click Change settings.
- Click Yes when you are prompted to allow the Windows Firewall to make changes to this computer.
- Click Allow another app.
- The Add an app dialog box displays.
- Click Browse.
- Select [Installation Drive]: > [Installation Folder] > GMSMainProject > bin > WCCOAApogeeDrv.exe, and then click Open.
- The GMS Apogee Driver is now listed in the Add an app dialog box.
- From the Apps list, select GMS Apogee Driver and then click Add.
- The Add an app dialog box closes, and the driver is now checked and listed in the Allowed apps and features list.
- Click OK.
Configure an APOGEE P2 Driver
- You have contacted Technical Support and have been instructed to change the settings for threads. If you have not been instructed to change these settings, skip this topic.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Projects > Management System, and then select the APOGEE Driver you want to configure.
- Click the APOGEE Configuration tab.
- Expand Settings.
- (Optional) Modify the default values, as instructed by Technical Support:
- Polling threads
- Pinging threads
- Alarm threads
- Max Panel Failure Alarms
- Trend threads
- Request threads
- Do one of the following:
- If you are running only Desigo CC on the management platform, accept the default Our Server Port setting of 5033.
- If you are running Desigo CC and Datamate Advanced (DMA) on the same management station, make sure that the default Our Server Port setting does not conflict with the port setting for DMA. The two port numbers must be unique when they are on the same management station.
- The System Manager status bar indicates that the data has been successfully saved.
Update the Hosts File
- Your system is not using DNS.
- You have a record available of each Ethernet panel's name and IP address, and each AEM device's name and IP address.
- Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
- Double-click the hosts file.
- In the Open with dialog box, select Notepad.
- Click OK.
- On a new line, type the panel or device IP address, and then press TAB, and then type the name.
Example: [TAB] Device1 (where Device1 is replaced by the name of the panel or device).
- Press ENTER.
- Add a new line for each Ethernet panel and AEM device on your network.
- Save and close the file.
Add an APOGEE P2 Driver
- You must have proper system privileges to add an APOGEE P2 Driver. If you are unsure of your privileges, see your system administrator.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Depending on whether you are adding an APOGEE P2 Driver to a server or an FEP, do one of the following:
- Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers
- Select Project > Management System > FEPs > FEP > Driver Folder
- Object Configurator displays in the Primary pane.
- Click
, and select New APOGEE Driver.
- In the Create New Object dialog box, enter the description.
- Click OK.
- The new APOGEE P2 Driver appears in the System Browser.
Start an APOGEE P2 Driver
- You have added an APOGEE P2 Driver and selected it in System Browser. In the Operation/Extended Operation tab, the Manager Status displays
and the Start button is available.
- In the Operation/Extended Operation tab, in the Manager Status property, click Start.
- The Manager Status displays
Start Successful
Add an APOGEE P2 Ethernet Network
- You must have proper system privileges to add an APOGEE P2 Ethernet network. If you are unsure of your privileges, see your system administrator.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Project > Field Networks.
- Object Configurator displays in the Primary pane.
- Click
, and select New APOGEE Ethernet Network.
- In the Create New Object dialog box, enter the Name, and then press TAB.
- In the Description field, enter the description.
- Click OK.
- The new APOGEE network object appears in System Browser.
Link an APOGEE P2 Ethernet Network with an APOGEE Driver
- You have added an APOGEE Driver and an APOGEE P2 Ethernet network to the management station, and you want to associate the Ethernet network with the APOGEE Driver.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Project > Field Networks > [APOGEE Ethernet network to be associated to a driver].
- Click the APOGEE Configuration tab.
- Open the Network Settings expander.
- In the BLN system name field, enter the name of the BLN you will import.
NOTE: The name is case–sensitive and must match the name of the exported BLN folder; otherwise, the APOGEE Import utility will not find any devices to import.
- From the Monitored by driver drop-down list, select the APOGEE Driver you want associated with the network.
- Click Save
Configure an APOGEE P2 Ethernet Device
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Navigate to Project > Field Networks > [name of APOGE Ethernet Network], and then select the APOGEE device you want to configure.
- Click the APOGEE Configuration tab.
- Expand Device Settings.
- (Optional) Modify the default values as needed for your project:
- Maximum BLN messages: Determines the number of BLN messages the panel can store before removing old ones. The minimum is 50 and the maximum is 4,294,967,295.
- Automatic alarm registration: Check this box to allow the panel to automatically register for alarms.
- COV polling rate (seconds): Determines how often to poll properties that cannot send COVs. The minimum is 5 and the maximum is 4,294,967,295.
- Time sync (minutes): Determines how often to synchronize the time in the panel with the time at the management station. The minimum is 60 and the maximum is 4,294,967,295.
- Eping rate (seconds): Determines how often to check to see if the panel has failed. The minimum is 10 and the maximum is 4,294,967,295.
- In the APOGEE Configuration toolbar, click Save
- The System Manager status bar indicates that the data has been successfully saved.
Configure an APOGEE P2 Ethernet Network
- You have added an APOGEE P2 Driver and an APOGEE P2 Ethernet network to the system.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Project > Field Networks.
- Select the APOGEE network you want to configure.
- Click the ApogeeCnfg tab.
- In the BLN system name field in the Network Settings section, enter the name of the BLN you will import.
NOTE: The name must match the name of the exported BLN folder. Otherwise, the APOGEE Import utility will not find any devices to import.
- From the Monitored by driver drop-down list, select the APOGEE Driver you want associated with the network.
- To disable Cross Trunk, check the Cross Trunk checkbox.
- On the initial creation of the network, the driver does not need to be restarted. However, after initial creation of the driver, if you change the checkbox status you must manually restart the associated network driver. This allows the panels to recognize that the connection with its clients has been broken, and that it must re-establish those connections when it is restarted.
- In the Name field in the Discovery/Import Mapping section, accept the default System Name or select Name for imported APOGEE objects.
NOTE: Trend objects will not be changed when they are imported. Since they are named based on their type, they will appear under their parent point in the System Browser view. TECs will appear under the device in the view and will include the subpoint name AVG HEAT OUT Trend COV. PPCL objects will import with their System Name. FLN objects will import with their Description. If the Description for the FLN object is blank, existing naming rules apply. For example, if an FLN node number is 3, Desigo CC will name the object FLN 3.
- In the Description field, accept the default User Name, or select System Name or Descriptor.
NOTE: If an imported APOGEE object contains a blank descriptor, Desigo CC uses the User Name instead.
- From the Alias drop-down menu, map to either System Name or User Name.
- Do not modify the Hierarchies Mapping section. This is done later when you work in the APOGEE Import tab.
- In the APOGEE toolbar, click Save
Add an APOGEE P2 AEM Network
- You must have proper system privileges to add an APOGEE P2 AEM network. If you are unsure of your privileges, see your system administrator.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Project > Field Networks.
- Object Configurator displays in the Primary pane.
- Click
, and select New APOGEE AEM Network.
- The Create New Object dialog box displays.
- In the Create New Object dialog box, enter the Name, and then press TAB.
- In the Description field, enter the description, or leave the text as it.
- Click OK.
- The new APOGEE AEM network object appears in the System Browser.
Link an APOGEE P2 AEM Network with an APOGEE Driver
- You have added an APOGEE Driver and an APOGEE P2 AEM network to the management station, and you want to associate the AEM network with the APOGEE Driver.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Project > Field Networks > [APOGEE AEM network to be associated to a driver].
- Click the APOGEE Configuration tab.
- Open the Network Settings expander.
- In the BLN system name field, enter the name of the BLN you will import.
NOTE: The name is case–sensitive and must match the name of the exported BLN folder; otherwise, the APOGEE Import utility will not find any devices to import.
- From the Monitored by driver drop-down list, select the APOGEE Driver you want associated with the network.
- Click Save
- You are now ready to add a P2 AEM device to the AEM network.
Configure an APOGEE P2 AEM Device at the Field Panel
Before you set up your AEM P2 network and add your AEM devices, you must perform the following configuration procedures at the field panel:
Add the APOGEE P2 AEM Network Node Number to the Field Panel
Perform the following steps to add a unique number to represent Desigo CC as a device at the panel. This is the same number you will specify in Desigo CC in the Our Node property. This number must be unique and cannot be the same as the Insight value. It is recommended to use the highest node number for the Desigo CC management platform.
- Log on to the network by typing High.
- At the main menu, type S for System.
- Type H for hardware.
- Type F for Field Panels.
- Type L for Log, and then press ENTER.
- Press ENTER again.
- The field panel log displays.
- Type A for Add.
- Enter the value of Your Node and then press ENTER.
- Press Y for Yes.
- Press N for No.
- Press Y for Yes.
Set Up Alarming
In order for the management station AEM BLN to receive alarms from the field panel, you must add the name of the Desigo CC management station that has the AEM BLN onto the Destination 0 (zero) setting of the field panel.
- You have initiated an MMI session at the panel and logged on.
- At the main menu, type S for System.
- Type H for hardware.
- Type S for Destination.
- Type E for Edit.
- Type A for Add.
- Type 0 for the Destination Number.
- Type Desigo CC for the Destination Descriptor.
- Type Y for Printing Enabled.
- Type Y for Dialing Enabled.
- Type [your computer name] for Enter list of Field Panels.
- Press ENTER, and then type Q for Quit.
Set Up Disk Information
You must define the Desigo CC node number as a mass storage device for backups and restore, and also to be able to upload changes by the field panel to Desigo CC.
The designated Desigo CC number that is entered at the field panel is the AEM BLN number you will enter in the Extended Operations pane (Your Node property) when you set up your AEM network.
If your network has an Insight and a Desigo CC management platform, then one should be the primary and the other should be the backup.
- Log on to the network by typing High.
- At the main menu, type S for System.
- Type H for hardware.
- Type F for Field Panel
- Type L for Log, and then press ENTER.
- Press ENTER again.
- The log of field panels displays.
- Type F for Field panels.
- Type A for Add.
- The Main and Backup Devices display.
- Do one of the following:
- Type M for Main.
- Type B for Backup.
- Type the value of the Our Node property of your Desigo CC AEM BLN.
- Press ENTER.
Set Up the HMI Port
- You have initiated an HMI session at the panel and logged on.
- At the main menu, type S for System.
- Type H for hardware.
- Type S for Destination.
- Type F for Fieldpanels.
- Type C for Config.
- Type H for the HMI.
- Type M for UsbModem.
- Type Y for Alarm Printing Enabled.
- Type Y for Report Printing Enabled.
- Type N for Modem Enabled.
- NOTE: The modem must be disabled for AEMs to work.
- Type [your Desigo CC BLN description] for BLN descriptor.
- Type [your Desigo CC BLN name] for BLN Name. Please note that BLN names are case sensitive.
- Press ENTER, and then type Q for Quit.
Configure an APOGEE P2 AEM Network
- You have added an APOGEE P2 Driver and an APOGEE P2 AEM network to the system.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select Project > Field Networks.
- Select the APOGEE network you want to configure.
- Select the ApogeeCnfg tab.
- In the BLN system name field in the Network Settings section, enter the name of the BLN you will import.
NOTE: The name must match the name of the exported BLN folder. Otherwise, the APOGEE Import utility will not find any devices to import.
- From the Monitored by driver drop-down list, select the APOGEE Driver you want associated with the network.
- To disable Cross Trunk, check the Cross Trunk checkbox.
- On the initial creation of the network, the driver does not need to be restarted. However, after initial creation of the driver, if you change the checkbox status you must manually restart the associated network driver. This allows the panels to recognize that the connection with its clients has been broken, and that it must re-establish those connections when it is restarted.
- In the Name field in the Discovery/Import Mapping section, accept the default System Name or select Name for imported APOGEE objects.
NOTE: Trend objects are not changed when they are imported. Since they are named based on their type, they will appear under their parent point in the System Browser view. TECs will appear under the device in the view and will include the subpoint name AVG HEAT OUT Trend COV. PPCL objects will import with their System Name. FLN objects will import with their Description. If the Description for the FLN object is blank, existing naming rules apply. For example, if an FLN node number is 3, Desigo CC names the object FLN 3.
- In the Description field, accept the default User Name or select System Name or Descriptor.
NOTE: If an imported APOGEE object contains a blank descriptor, Desigo CC substitutes the User Name instead.
- From the Alias drop-down menu, map to either System Name or User Name.
- Do not modify the Hierarchies Mapping section. You will complete this section later, when you work in the APOGEEImport tab.
- In the APOGEE toolbar, click Save
Add an APOGEE P2 AEM Device
Perform the following steps to add an APOGEE P2 AEM device to your existing management station AEM network.
- System Manager is in Engineering mode.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- From the Operations tab, navigate to the Has AEM property.
NOTE: The status of the property should displayFalse
- Click Add AEM.
- The Add AEM fields display.
- Set the following:
- IP or Name - Enter the name of the AEM device or the IP address.
- Our Node - Enter a unique node number that represents that management station.
- Click Send.
- The
Add AEM successful
message displays and the Has AEM property value changes toTrue
- The Connection Status property displays
. Allow around 20 seconds for the connection to take place. If the network does not connect, refer to APOGEE Troubleshooting.