Scenario: You want to configure a customized report based on a Standard report and configure the filters, output, and set it to run automatically.
Reference: For background information, see Reports reference.
Workflow diagram:
For configuring the report output as an email, you have configured SMTP Email server using Notification extension or have ensured that it has been configured.
You have created recipients in the Recipients Editor tab of the Notification application. See Create Recipient Users or Recipient Devices in Creating and Configuring Recipients.
For configuring the report output to the printer, ensure that one or more local printers are configured.
You have a configured report that has the required elements, filters, and layout. You now want to set a destination to route the report output.
Click the Settings tab and in the Report Output group box click Dialog Launcher.
The Report Output Definition dialog box displays.
Configure the destination (File, Email, or Printer) to which you want to route the report output as well as specify the file format (PDF, XLS, CSV, or XML) in which the report output can be generated.
The report output is configured to either a file, email, or printer.
There is at least one report definition available under System Browser > Reports, for which a Report Output Definition is configured.
(To run the report automatically from the Extended Operations tab) Select the report definition from System Browser and from the Extended Operations tab, click Execute.
(To run reports automatically from macros, reactions, or graphics) Select either of the following options:
The report executes in the background when triggered. There is no visual indication that the report is being generated. On successful execution, the report is routed to the destination configured in the Report Output Definition such as email, printer, or folder. NOTE: If you have not configured the destination in the Report Output Definition, the report is routed to the path specified in the Location supervised folder under Management System > Servers > Main Server > Report Manager > Report Default Folder. This path must be the relative path of the project and not the full path. For example, if the report is to be routed to [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\data\Reporting\Reports, the following relative path must be specified in the Location field, data\Reporting\Reports.