Overview of Licensing

The Desigo CC software requires a valid license to run. Typically, the license is stored on the Desigo CC server.

Generally, a valid customer license includes:

  • A set of license features to cover the hardware configuration of the system and the site, such as the number of client stations or field points.
  • A set of option license features to enable additional or extended Desigo CC functionality, such as assisted treatment or reactions. See License Options.

Depending on the license found on the server, the Desigo CC clients may run in the following ways:

  • If a valid and sufficient license is found, the Desigo CC client will run normally, with full functionality. See Normal License Mode.
  • If no valid license is found, the Desigo CC client can only run for 30 minutes. See Demo License Mode.
  • If there is a valid license but it is not sufficient (for example, it does not cover all the field points configured in the project) then the Desigo CC client can operate for a maximum of 30 days. See Courtesy License Mode.
  • There is also a special site-configuration session license that is used in conjunction with a dongle to initially set up and configure the project. See Engineering Mode License.

License Check

On Desigo CC startup and at 5-minute intervals afterwards, the Desigo CC server carries out an automatic check on the installed license features and counts the:

  • Installed clients, web clients, and Windows app clients. If a client disconnects from the server (because it is manually shut down, or owing to a malfunction), the count decreases.
  • Physical objects in scan, such as Desigo CC data points, and third-party objects (for example, SCADA data points). These objects are grouped by disciplines (physical/logical objects). Every physical/logical object is represented by the corresponding data point in the database. Out of scan objects are not counted.

This check determines whether Desigo CC can run normally (Normal Mode) or under special restricted license modes (Demo Mode or Courtesy Mode).