You have selected an APOGEE P1 TEC or BACnet FLN application.
System Manager is in Engineering mode.
In System Browser, select Management View.
Select Project > Field Networks> [TEC for which you want to view information].
The subpoints for the selected TEC display in the Subpoints tab.
From the Subpoints workspace, you can do the following:
To override a value, select the value and type a new number, and then click Save. OVRD displays in the Override column.
To remove an override, select the subpoints with the override, and then click .
To view only subpoints with overridden values, click Filter. To redisplay all subpoints, click Filter again.
To command an initial value back to its default state from the Contextual pane, from the Application Number property, click Reintialize. Once completed, in System Browser, click on the device to see the default value.