Configuring Text Group Extensions for Categories

Scenario: If the standard text group customization is not possible (for example, different extension modules require changes to text groups at the same library level), do the workflow described here.

For each new category, you must add and configure:

  • Text group extension for full text.
    (In the example, one text group extension to represent the High Risk Gas category. It will extend the category text group, TxG_Category.)
  • Text group extension for short text.
    (In the example, one text group extension to represent the HRG category short text. It will extend the category text group, TxG_CategoryShort.)
  • As many text group extensions as required to create the propagation summary status data. Specifically, each propagation summary status will include the name of the category and one of the disciplines.
    (In the example, seven text group extensions have been created for the High Risk Gas category. They will extend the Propagation Summary Status Text Group, TxG_PropagationSummaryStatus).


Workflow diagram:




  • You are trained and authorized to work with system libraries at the target customization level of the events library. For example, L3-Region or L4-Project.
  • Desigo CC is configured with a customized events library that includes a Texts block. If not, see Creating a Customized Events Library and/or Adding Blocks to a Library.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.



1 – Add Text Group Extensions for the New Category
  1. In System Browser, select the Texts folder of the customized events library.
  1. Select the Object Configurator tab.
  1. Click New and select New Text Group Extension.
  1. In the New Object dialog box, enter a description. For example, High Risk Gas.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Repeat steps 3 to 4 to add as many text group extensions as required for the propagation summary status of this category. For example:
  • Management System High Risk Gas
  • Building Infrastructure High Risk Gas
  • Building Automation High Risk Gas
  • Fire High Risk Gas
  • Security High Risk Gas
  • Energy Management High Risk Gas
  • Notification High Risk Gas
  1. Repeat steps 3 to 4 to add the text group extension for the category short text. For example, HRG.


2 – Configure the Text Group Extension for the Category Full Text
  1. In System Browser, select the text group extension for the category full text
    (in the example, High Risk Gas).
  1. Select the Extended Operation tab to display and set its parameters.
    For most of the parameters, click Modify, enter or select a value as indicated below and click Send. For the Text parameter see the procedure indicated below.
  • Text Group Name: TxG_Category
  • Is Sub Text: FALSE
  • Parent Text ID (Key): 0
  • Text ID (Key): Check the TxG_Category Text Group of the L1-Headquarter Events library to identify the next text identifier (unique numeric value to use; for example, 25).
  • Text: Select Windows Start > Programs > Para. When required, enter the user password. In the Para window, browse the Data Point Types and expand GMS_TEXT_GROUP_Change. Under GMS_TEXT_GROUP_Change, locate and expand the desired data point. Select the Text Data Point Element, in the Original Value field enter the text, and click OK.
  • Has color: FALSE
  • Icon: not used
  • Change Type: Add


3 – Configure Text Group Extension for the Category Short
  1. In System Browser, select the text group extension for the category short
    (in the example, HRG).
  1. Select the Extended Operation tab to display and set its parameters.
    For most of the parameters, click Modify, enter or select a value as indicated below and click Send. For the Text parameter see the procedure indicated below.
  • Text Group Name: TxG_CategoryShort
  • Is Sub Text: FALSE
  • Parent Text ID (Key): 0
  • Text ID (Key): Use the same key of TxG_Category extension.
  • Text: Select Windows Start > Programs > Para. When required, enter user password. In the Para window, browse the Data Point Types and expand GMS_TEXT_GROUP_Change. Under GMS_TEXT_GROUP_Change, locate and expand the required data point. Select the Text data point element, in the Original Value field enter the text, and click OK.
  • Has color: FALSE
  • Icon: not used
  • Change Type: Add


4 – Configure Text Group Extensions for the Propagation Summary Status
  1. In System Browser, select the desired text group extension for the propagation summary status
    (in the example, Management System High Risk Gas).
  1. Select the Extended Operation tab to display and set its parameters.
    For most of the parameters, click Modify, enter or select the value as indicated below and click Send. For the Text parameter, see the procedure indicated.
  • Text Group Name: TxG_PropagationSummaryStatus
  • Is Sub Text: FALSE
  • Parent Text ID (Key): 0
  • Text ID (Key): Enter a unique number. To determine this number, proceed as follows:
    a. Locate the TxG_Discipline text group of the L1-Headquarter Events library. In the Text Group Editor, count the rows until you reach the desired discipline and subtract 2: this represents the most significant digit for that discipline (for example, Building Automation is at row 3; consequently 1 is the most significant digit).
    b. Check TxG_PropagationSummaryStatus and identify the IDs group that contains the - In our example [1][25]. The resulting number is: 125.
  • Text: Select Windows Start > Programs > Para. When required, enter user password.
    In the Para window, browse the data point types and expand GMS_TEXT_GROUP_Change. Under GMS_TEXT_GROUP_Change, locate and expand the desired data point. Select the Text data point element, and in the Original Value field, enter the first ID not already in use (in this example, 25) from the most significant digit previously determined, and click OK.
  • Has color: FALSE
  • Icon: Enter the icon path in the file system of GMSMainProject
    (for example, libraries\Global_Base_HQ_1\Icons\Evt_Discp_Infrastr_None_001.xaml|Evt_Discp_Infrastr_None_001)
  • Change Type: Add
  1. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining Propagation Summary Status text group extensions (in the example, Building Infrastructure High Risk Gas, Building Automation High Risk Gas, Fire High Risk Gas, Security High Risk Gas, Energy Management High Risk Gas, Notification High Risk Gas).


5 – Export and Re-import the Customized Events Library

Once the configuration of the text group extensions is complete, to use this data within the system, you must export and then re-import the Events library to update the corresponding text groups (TxG_Category, TxG_CategoryShort, and TxG_PropagationSummaryStatus) with the extension data.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries.
  1. In the Library Configurator tab, select the customized events library and click Export.
  1. In the Export Libraries dialog box, do the following:
    a. Select the target directory.
    b. Click Save.
  • The GMS file (a file with extension .gms) with the selected library is saved in the chosen directory of the file system.
  1. In the Library Configurator tab, click Import.
  1. In the Import Libraries dialog box, select the GMS file corresponding to the new custom events library to import, and click Open.
  • When the import is complete, the Text Groups (TxG_Category, TxG_CategoryShort, and TxG_PropagationSummaryStatus) are updated with the corresponding text group extensions data.