Element and Graphic Properties

All graphical elements in the Graphics Editor have multiple properties that can be modified to change the look and the behavior of the element. Element properties can be evaluated based on system or user input.


If you enter a value of more than15 digits into an element property or expression field, the value will be displayed in scientific notation. Digits beyond the first 15 are not displayed. For example: 9223372036854775807 will display as 9.22337203685478E+18 in the property or expression field.

For information on specific element and graphic properties, select from the following:

3D Effects Properties

3D Effects Properties



Shadow Color

Specify a color for the shadow by typing a color name or using a hexadecimal color code. The default color is FF000000 (black).

Shadow Depth

Enter a value to specify how far or close the shadow should display to the element.

Shadow Direction

Enter a value to set where the shadow displays around the element.

Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties




Enter the name of a specific depth whose layers you want visible with a particular viewport. Displays when you are in the Viewport mode, and have a viewport selected.

Disable Selection

If enabled, allows you to lock an element or data point reference so that it is not selectable in Runtime mode. By default this property is not enabled and elements and data points are selectable in Runtime mode.

Grayscale Anti-Aliasing

Set a color image to gray-scale. Displays when you have an imported image or .XPS element selected on the canvas.

High Quality

Smooth image pixels creating a higher resolution image.
NOTE: Animated GIF images may show trails if the image is set to High Quality. In that case, disable High Quality.

Link References

Displays a list of data point references that display the viewport in their related items. Displays when you are in the Viewport mode, and have a viewport selected.

Max. Visibility

Set the maximum visibility range of a layer by entering the minimum value of the graphic width at a given zoom factor.

Use the following equation to determine the value: Graphic width / zoom factor. For example, the graphic width is 500 pixels and the zoom factor is 2. The maximum visibility value for the property is 250. The layer is visible unless the graphic width changes and is higher than the set value.

If blank, the default value is set to 0 and the property is inactive.

Min. Visibility

Set the minimum visibility range of a layer by entering the minimum value of the graphic width at a given zoom factor.

Use the following equation to determine the value: Graphic width / zoom factor. For example, the graphic width is 500 pixels and the zoom factor is 2. The minimum visibility value for the property is 250. The layer is visible unless the graphic width changes and is less than the set value.

If blank, the default value is set to 0 and the property is inactive.

Selection Reference

Set an element to be selectable in Runtime mode and in the Graphics Viewer. There are no COV subscriptions for the reference.

The default is False.


Determine whether the element size changes according to the current zoom factor or not.

By default, this property box is checked and enabled. If unchecked, the element size remains constant regardless of the current zoom factor and does not change its position in the graphic. The evaluation expression also allows you to enable this property by entering True to enable the Zoomable property, or False to disable the Zoomable property.

Coverage Area Reference

The data points defining the camera. This reference is used in the Related Items tab to represent the camera.

Animation Properties

This property applies to animated GIFs only.

Animation Properties




Applies to animated GIF’s only. If checked, the GIF displays as animated in the Test and Runtime mode, and in the Graphics Viewer. In Design mode only the first frame displays.

Clip Properties

Clip Properties



Clip Left

Enter a value to set where the left border of the element is cut off.

Clip Top

Enter a value to set where the top border of the element is cut off.

Clip Right

Enter a value to set where the right border of the element is cut off.

Clip Bottom

Enter a value to set where the bottom border of the element is cut off.

Colors Properties

The following element properties can be changed using a hexadecimal color code such as FFFF0000 (red) or referencing a state text color defined in the corresponding Text Group of the associated data point, using the following syntax: TxG_[TextGroupName].[Value]. The syntax is case sensitive.

If you have selected a Layers, only the Background property displays.

Colors Properties




Change the background color of the element or layer.


Change the color of the element outlines.


Change the fill color on the enclosed areas of the element.

Command and Navigation Properties

Command and Navigation Properties




Allows you to enter the receiving object of the command or the new primary selection.

NOTE: Unless you specify a property, the default property of the Target’s designation is targeted. To specify a property at the end of the path add: ._Property-Name.

You can enter the following options:

  • Data point reference: Used as the command target or as the new primary selection. The Navigation Parameter property provides additional context when used with the target.
    -Example 1 Default property of the data point: System1.ManagementView:ManagementView.FieldNetworks.BACnetNetwork_1.Hardware.Device1234.Local_IO.AI_1;

    -Example 2 Specific property (Priority Array) of the data point targeted: System1.ManagementView:ManagementView.FieldNetworks.BACnetNetwork_1.Hardware.Device1234.Local_IO.AI_1;.Priority_Array
  • Application name and/or file name: Allows you to enter an application or file name that displays when commanded.
    - Application example: Winword mydoc.doc
    - File example: C:\Data Files\Readme.txt
  • Web Address (URL): Allows you to type a URL that displays in the default browser.
    -Example: http://www.xyxy.com

Command Name

Allows you to select a command name from a list of commands.

The command name must match the name of the command in the Models and Functions Command Configuration section.


Enter the parameters for the command you have select in the Command Name field. You must enter information for all parameters of your command.

Commanding examples:

  • Value – Single variable parameter – used for standalone command controls and for command groups with a single command control.
  • Value; Priority – Multiple variable parameters – used for command Groups with multiple command controls.
  • Value=72.0 – Single hardcoded parameter – used for buttons.
  • Value=72.0;Priority=8 – Multiple hardcoded parameters – used for buttons.
  • Value; Priority=8 - Single variable parameter with a hardcoded parameter – used for stand-alone command controls and command Groups with a single command control, but with multiple parameters.
  • Blank field - No command parameter - used for buttons.


Allows you to select how the navigation of a command element is triggered or how a button sends a command:

  • Single click
  • Double click


Allows you to enter a brief descriptive text associated with the navigation target. When you place your mouse over the element, the text displays as a tooltip.


Allows you to select which cursor displays when you move the mouse over the element on the graphic: Default or Hand.

Command Trigger

Allows you to enable the element to initiate sending the command. Disabled by default.


Allows you to disable the command. If checked, the command is disabled.

Disabled Style

Allows you to specify how the command displays when it is disabled:

  • Grayed – the entire element is grayed out.
  • None - No difference from when the element is enabled or disabled.
  • Hidden – the entire element is hidden.
  • The default style is set to Grayed.

Extended Tooltip

Allows you to display the following Command Object details: Target, Command Name, and Parameter.


Target: System1.ManagementView:ManagementView.FieldNetworks.BACnetNetwork_1.Hardware.Device1234.Local_IO.AI_1;

Command: Write

Parameter: Value

NOTE: The extended tooltip is added to any existing tooltips configured for the element.

Command Group

If checked, this indicates that this is a Group command control.

This check box only displays if you are configuring a Group command control.

Group command controls have more than one command parameter or require a Send button.

Command Control Properties

Below are the properties for each command control type.

Control Type: Dropdown – Allows you to draw a selection box and visualize and change enumeration values, such as Command Priority. The visual component of the dropdown control can be customized using the brush editor.

Command Control: Dropdown



Parameter Name

Enter the parameter name that matches the parameter name of the command configuration of the data point in the object model.


Control Type: Numeric - Allows you to draw an object to visualize analog values in numeric form. Accepts numeric keyboard input. The visual component of the numeric control can be customized using the brush editor.

Command Control: Numeric



Parameter Name

Enter the parameter name that matches the parameter name of the command configuration of the data point in the object model.


Enter the allowable minimum value the control displays.

NOTE: If the property is empty, the minimal value of data point as defined in the Object Configurator is used.


Enter the allowable maximum value the control displays.

NOTE: If the property is empty, the maximum value of data point as defined in the Object Configurator is used.


Control Type: String - Allows you to draw an object to visualize text, such as descriptions. Accepts keyboard input. The visual component of the String control can be customized using the brush editor.

Command Control: String



Parameter Name

Enter the parameter name that matches the parameter name of the command configuration of the data point in the object model.

Minimum Length

Enter the minimum number of allowable characters.

Maximum Length

Enter the maximum number of allowable characters.


Control Type: Password - Allows you to draw an object to visualize passwords. Accepts keyboard input. The visual component of the Password control can be customized using the brush editor.

Command Control: Password



Parameter Name

Enter the parameter name that matches the parameter name of the command configuration of the data point in the object model.

Minimum Length

Enter the number of characters allowed.

Maximum Length

Enter the maximum number of characters allowed. Default value is set to 2147483647.

Password Character

Enter the default character to represent the masking characters when the user enters the password. Default is set to a dot.


Control Type: Slider - Allows you to draw an object and visualize analog values in a slider format. The Slider control does not have a visual component; the frame and the tick marks must be drawn separately.

Command Control: Slider



Parameter Name

Type the parameter name that matches the parameter name in the Command configuration of the data point in the object model.


Enter the minimum value on the slider spectrum.


Enter the maximum value on the slider spectrum.

Snap to Ticks

Enables the slider thumb to move incrementally to the closest tick when the position of the slider changes.

Tick Frequency

Enter the tick frequency. For example: 2,4,6, 8 or 10, 20, 30. The tick marks start at the Minimum property value and continue until the value of the Maximum property value is reached.

Update Interval

Enter a value in milliseconds that specifies how quickly the value is updated as the thumb moves along the rotator.

Drag Shadow

When enabled, when a user clicks and drags the thumb along the slider on the canvas, the thumb shadow remains on the slider. When you release the drag (mouse button), the command is sent. Behind the moving element, the element with the original value is semi-transparent. This allows you the actual data point value to always be visible and to display the amount of time it takes to update. This property is enabled by default.


Control Type: Rotator - Allows you to draw an object and visualize analog values in a rotational image. The Rotator control does not have a visual component; the frame, tick marks, and the rotator must be drawn separately.

Command Control: Rotator



Parameter Name

Enter the parameter name that matches the parameter name of the command configuration of the data point in the object model.


Enter the minimum value of the thumbs position on the control.

If the property is blank, the minimum value of the command definition is used.


Enter the maximum value of the thumbs position on the control.

If the property is blank, the minimum value of the command definition is used.

Start Angle

Enter the value of the start angle that represents the minimum value.

Rotation Angle

Enter the value that covers the distance of the Start Angle property value and the Maximum property value of the control. For example, if the minimum angle is -120; the maximum angle value is +120, the Rotation Angle value =240.

The default value is: 180

Snap to Ticks

Enables the rotator pointer to move incrementally to the closest tick when the position of the pointer changes.

Tick Frequency

Enter the tick frequency. For example: 2,4,6, 8 or 10, 20, 30. The tick marks start at the Minimum property value and continue until the value of the Maximum property value is reached.

Update Interval

Enter a value that specifies the interval for the data point changes. The default value is: 500.

  • If the value is larger than 100, the delay is minimal between two modifications of the data point.
  • If the value is less than 1 the update delay is longer.

NOTE: The data point is modified immediately upon release of the data point.

Drag Shadow

When enabled, when the rotator pointer moves, the pointer shadow is visible on the rotator. Behind the moving element, the element with the original value is semi-transparent. This allows you the actual data point value to always be visible and to display the amount of time it takes to update. This property is enabled by default.


Control Type: Spin button - Allows you to draw an object and visualize incrementing and decrementing analog values in a spin button format. The Spin button control does not have a visual component; the frames must be drawn separately.

Command Control: Spin Button



Parameter Name

Type the parameter name that matches the parameter name in the command configuration of the data point in the object model.


Enter the minimum value on the slider spectrum.


Enter the maximum value on the slider spectrum.

Snap to Ticks

Enables the slider thumb to move incrementally to the closest tick when the position of the slider changes.

Tick Frequency

Enter the tick frequency. For example: 2,4,6, 8 or 10, 20, 30. The tick marks start at the Minimum property value and continue until the value of the Maximum property value is reached.

Update Interval

This field is the time, in milliseconds, that it will take to update the value from the last click the Spin button command control.

The default value is set to 500 (milliseconds).

Drag Shadow

When enabled, when a user clicks and drags the thumb along the slider on the canvas, the thumb shadow remains on the slider. When you release the drag (mouse button), the command is sent. Behind the moving element, the element with the original value is semi-transparent. This allows you the actual data point value to always be visible and to display the amount of time it takes to update. This property is enabled by default.

Ellipse Properties

Ellipse Properties



Ellipse Type

Select how to present the ellipse shape: ellipse, arc, or pie.

The default is ellipse.

Start Angle

Enter a value between 1 and 360 to represent the start point of the arc’s curve.

End Angle

Enter a value between 1 and 360 to represent the end point of the arc’s curve.

Closed Arc

Join the start and end points of the arc with a straight line.

General Properties

Allows you to enter text and a description for an element tooltip.

General Properties




Enter and associate a tooltip with the element.

NOTE: These tooltips will not display in the Flex Client extension.


Enter a text description of the graphic element.

Graphic Properties

Graphic Properties



Logical Scale Factor

Enter a value used to multiply by the dimensions of the graphic. This sets the scale or ratio of the graphic. A scale factor greater than 1 enlarges the objects. A scale factor between 0 and 1 shrinks the objects. All proportions of the graphic are retained.

Logical Width

Enter a value to set the width of one pixel. This measurement is applied to all elements added to the graphic. For example, if you are creating a map of a facility, one pixel can be equivalent to 1 mile. The measurement unit is set in the Logical Units property.

Logical Height

Enter a value to set the height of one pixel. This measurement is applied to all elements added to the graphic. For example, if you are creating a map of a facility, one pixel can be equivalent to 1 mile. The unit of measurement is set in the Logical Units property.

Logical Units

Enter the type of measurement to associate and display with the graphic’s elements. For example, miles (m) or kilometers (km).


Display the version of the graphic in the following format: [Major].[Minor].[Revision].[Build]

Creation Date

Display the date the graphic was created.

Auto Fit

When selected, the graphic automatically increases or decreases in order to display the full content of the graphic in the pane.

If not selected, the fit of the graphic is based on the zoom factor of the associated depth.

Auto Fit is enabled by default.

NOTE 1: For graphics that are configured with the Auto-Fit property enabled, the Scale-to-Fit option is automatically enabled when displayed in the Graphics Viewer.

NOTE 2: Graphic Templates always display with Scale-to-Fit enabled in Operating mode.

NOTE 3: For automatic viewports to work, this property must be deselected.

Low Priority

(Graphic templates only) If enabled, the graphic template loses its priority status to display when it shares a data point function with a standard graphic.

A standard graphic or graphic template that is not set to Low priority takes precedence.

Max Connection Lines

(Graphic and graphic templates only) Allows you to enter the maximum number of connection lines for the Status and Commands windows to display.

If the actual number of connection lines associated with a Status and Commands window exceeds the number of connection lines specified in this field, then none of the lines display.

If this field is left blank, then the default value of 65535 is used and under normal circumstances all lines display with the Status and Commands window.

Layer Properties

Layer Properties




Associate the layer with a discipline from the drop-down menu. The discipline is used in the Graphics Viewer, using the Depths Navigator view to filter layers on a depth by discipline.

The default discipline is assigned to Any. This means the layer is always visible and cannot be filtered out of view.

Layout Properties

Layout Properties




Change the position of guidelines on the X-axis of the selected graphic. For elements, allows you to change their position on the X-axis relative to their parent element, which can consist of a layer or group element.


Change the position of guidelines on the Y-axis of the selected graphic. For elements, allows you to change their position on the Y-axis relative to their parent element, which can consist of a layer or group element.


Enter a value to increase or decrease the width of the graphic.


Enter a value to increase or decrease the height of the graphic.


Specify the number of degrees an element on a graphic rotates.

Angle Center X

Specify the position of the angle center for the X-axis. The angle center originates in the top-left corner of an element and determines the point around which an element rotates.

Angle Center Y

Specify the position of the angle center for the Y-axis. The angle center originates in the top-left corner of an element and determines the point around which an element rotates.

Rotation Speed

Adjust the speed an element rotates around its angle center.
NOTE: The performance of a graphic may be impacted if it contains one or more imported raster based images with active values in the Rotation Speed property.

Raster images supported by the Graphics Editor include: BMP, JPG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, and PNG.

Rotation Steps

Specify the number of steps an element takes to complete one full revolution.

Flip X

Reverse the position of the element along the X-axis.

Flip Y

Reverse the position of the element along the Y-axis.


Select the check box so that the image is visible in Runtime and Test mode. If the check box is not selected, the image is not visible in Runtime or Test mode; however, the bounding handles in Test mode.
NOTE: If the Locked property for the image is checked, then the image cannot be selected in Test mode.


Select the check box to set the element to display on and off in Runtime mode. The Fill, Stroke, and Background properties blink at the same rate set for the blinking color property.


Determine how to fill (increase or decrease) the image scaling to fit in the bounding rectangle or the dimensions of the graphic. The default selection is set to Uniform.


Select the check box to lock the image in Runtime and Test mode. When locked, the image cannot be selected from the canvas; however, it can still be selected in the Element Tree.

Navigation Properties

The Navigation properties of an element allow you to configure the element so that when you click the element, the associated link displays. An internal link to a data point object displays and becomes the primary selection. An external link allows you to navigate to another application, a website (URL), or a document.

Navigation is triggered with a click or double click, depending on the configuration.

Navigation Properties



Navigation Target

Enter the target path or name of the link you want to associate with the element:

The navigation target can be one of the following:

  • An internal data point reference. The reference is selected as the new primary selection. For example, System1.AI_1::
  • An external link to an application name and/or filename. When the element is clicked, the linked application or file is opened. If no application is specified, the corresponding application is started.
  • Examples
    • C:\Data Files\Readme.txt
    • Winword mydoc.doc
  • An external link to a web address (URL). The URL must be preceded by the protocol (http, https, ftp, etc.) When the element is clicked, the default web browser opens and displays the specified URL.

NOTE: The Flex Client extension module does not support the execution of Windows applications.

Navigation Parameter

Enter an argument that is sent as context to the new primary selection based on the navigation target.
NOTE: This property is only applied to internal data point links.

Navigation Trigger

Select how the navigation is triggered with the left mouse button. The list box allows you to choose Single Click or Double-Click.

The default selection is set to Single Click.

Navigation Description

Enter a descriptive text associated with the link. In the tooltip, the text displays in parenthesis at the end of the path to the link.

For example: System1.Application View:Applications.Schedules.BACnet Calendars.My Calendar (My Schedule Link)

Path Properties

Polyline Properties




Create a polygon out of a polyline by connecting the start and end node segments.

Corner Offset

Enter a value to allow two adjacent polyline segments to have rounded corners. This applies to any shape.

This property is also used to round the corners of a polygon element.

Pipe Properties

General Properties



Fitting Type

The type of elbow bend. The selection applies to the entire pipe element:

  • Miter - Forms a sharp elbow in the bend.

  • Rounded - Forms a rounded bend.


Auto Pipe Joint

If enabled, pipe joints automatically display on a pipe segment if the angle is greater than 35 degrees.


Allows you to enter the circumference of a pipe on the canvas. Minimum diameter is: 4.

Default diameter is: 10

Pipe Coupling Properties

General Properties



Auto Pipe Joint

If enabled, pipe joints automatically display on a pipe coupling element.

Default Pipe Diameter

Displays the diameter of the selected pipe coupling. Type a value to change the diameter of the selected pipe coupling. Minimum diameter is 4.

Default diameter is set to: 10.

Polygon Properties

Regular Polygon




Specify how many line segments are in the polygon.


Enter the number of degrees of rotation of the polygon.

Rectangle Properties

Rectangle Properties



Radius X

Enter values between 0 and half of the edge length to create rounded corners. The Radius X and Radius Y properties are adjusted simultaneously to keep the integrity of the rectangle shape.

Radius Y

Enter values between 0 and half of the edge length to create rounded corners. The Radius X and Radius Y properties are adjusted simultaneously to keep the integrity of the rectangle shape.

Replication Properties

Replication Properties



Replication Index Range

Enter a value to specify which data point indexes are used for the replication.

The replication range displays as follows based on:

  • Object Model Name – The index is part of the name.
  • Function Name – The index is the zero-based child index.
    Use comma’s and double dots (..) before or after a value.
    For example, if you enter ..2, 4..6, 8, 12.., the following indexes are used: 0,1,2,4,5,6,8, and 12 until the last value.

Replication Direction

Select the direction in which the elements are replicated on the canvas.

Options include:

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical

Max Replication Extent

Enter the maximum size for each replicated element on the canvas.

The value can be a:

  • Relative value to the width or height by typing a % sign along with the value
  • An absolute value in pixels
  • The default value is set to 300%

Replication Space

Enter a value to specify the spacing between replicated elements on the canvas.

The value can be a:

  • Relative value to the width or height by typing a % sign along with the value
  • An absolute value in pixels

The default value is set to 10

Stroke Properties

Style Properties



Stroke Thickness

Adjust the line thickness from 0 through 5.

Stroke Dash Array

Adjust the length of the dash and the space between the dashes (the gaps) used to outline shapes.

Stroke Dash Cap

Specify whether the end of a dash is flat, square, or round. Displays if the active element consists of a dashed array.

Stroke Start Line

Specify the shape at the beginning of the line. Options include flat, square, round, triangle.

Stroke End Line

Specify the shape at the end of the line. Options include flat, square, round, triangle.

Stroke Line Join

Specify how two lines are joined at the vertices. Displays when the active element has lines that join. Options are: miter, bevel, or round.

Arrow Start Shape

Enter up to three values to add an arrow head to the start of a stroke. The width, length, and offset values are entered in order and separated by a semi-colon and no spacing. The values can be in entered as pixels or a percentage that is relative to the stroke thickness.
The width value is mandatory. If only one value is entered, the value adjusts the width of the arrow shape.

Arrow End Shape

Enter up to three values to add an arrow head to the end of a stroke. The values for Width, Length, and Offset are entered in order and can be in pixels or a percentage that is relative to the stroke thickness.


(For Arrow Start and End Shapes only) Enter the Width, Length, and Offset values are in order and separated by a semi-colon and no spacing. The values can be in entered as pixels or a percentage that is relative to the stroke thickness.
The Width value is mandatory. If only one value is entered, the value adjusts the width of the arrow shape.


Substitutions Properties

The Substitutions property displays the substitution default string and properties associated with that particular symbol instance. The properties listed under this property will vary according to the symbol properties.


Symbol Instance Properties

Symbol Instance Properties



Symbol Reference

Display the data point or file reference. You can also manually enter an evaluation in order to animate the symbol instance.

Data Point Example: 1:3:45345:0

File Name Example: C:\Temp\Symbol1.ccs

From here you can also click Symbol to open and display the Symbol Browser.

Object Reference

Display the drag-and-drop data point reference as a name. You can use the auto-complete feature to manually enter the reference information into the field.

For example: Physical View:\Stations\Server\BACnet Adapter\BACnet Network #2\6099/6099-1531\6099/1-AI-1
NOTE: Changing this property updates all star substitutions.

Text Element Properties

Text Properties




Enter text or values for the text element to display on the graphic. You can enter a text group table object name and a corresponding value from the text group to create a translated text label. The syntax for referencing a text group: TextGroupObjectName.TextValue

Text Type

Select how the displayed text is formatted.

  • Formatted Value – Numeric text is formatted based on the text Precision and Units properties.
  • Raw Value – No precision or unit formatting is applied to numeric text.
  • Short Reference – In Runtime mode, displays the current System Browser Name/Description selection, of the dynamic data point reference of the data point in Runtime mode. In the Evaluation Editor, select the Text property and then drag the data point over the Expression field. Manually encase the data point reference in quotation marks (").
  • Long Reference - In Runtime mode, displays the entire path of the dynamic data point references
  • Icon – Displays the default icon for the corresponding value associated Data Point property in Runtime mode. In the Evaluation Editor, select the Text property and then drag the data point over the Expression field. Manually encase the data point reference in quotation marks (").
  • Min – Displays the minimum value of the data point range.
  • Max - Displays the maximum value of the data point range.
  • Units – Displays the engineering unit of the Data Point property.
  • Precision – Displays the number of digits allowed for the data point value.
  • Translated Text –Converts the text group reference from the Text field to the associated text.
  • Alias - In Runtime mode, displays the text from the Alias property of the dynamic data point reference of the object. It is not mandatory for a data point to have an Alias. This field may be empty if there is no text in the original Alias property. In the Evaluation Editor, select the Text property and then drag the data point over the Expression field. Manually encase the data point reference in quotation marks (").
    NOTE: If the text data is not a data point reference and you select either the Short Reference or Long Reference property for the Text Type, the following error code displays in Runtime mode: #FORMAT.


Set the maximum number of digits allowed for numeric data types. The higher the precision value, the more decimal places display. Negative precision rounds the value to the left of the decimal. The nearest default precision is set to 2. This property displays 0 for non-numeric data types.


Specify an engineering unit to append to the value. If this property is left empty, the units of the last data point in the text expression are used.

By default, a space is inserted after the value and the engineering unit specified. If you do not want a space between the value and the engineering unit, in the Units field, type “<” before the engineering unit.

Example: <DegF

Horizontal Alignment

Set the horizontal alignment of the text using the following options: Top, Center, or Bottom.

Vertical Alignment

Set the vertical alignment of the text using the following options: Top, Center, or Bottom.


Specify if and how to shorten the Text field.

  • None – No Trimming
  • Character ellipsis – Ellipsis displays after the last character that fits in the bounding rectangle.
  • Word ellipsis – Ellipsis displays after the last full word that fits in the bounding rectangle.

NOTE: If the text contains any of the following special characters (“/”, “%”, or “!”) you must enter a space before and after each special character in order for the trimming to work properly.


Set the following text wrapping options:

  • Wrap With Overflow
  • No Wrap
  • Wrap

This property is ignored if Auto Size is Width or Size.

Auto Size

Display the text to by width, height, or size.

Font Family

Select a font style for the text.

Font Size

Set the size of the text. The default font is MS Sans Serif.


Apply a bold style to the text.


Italicize the text.


Display text with a line across it.


Underline the text.

Decimal Offset

Align numbers by their decimal point by entering a value the vertical (X) offset enter a value to set the vertical (X) offset value to align numbers by their decimal point.

Workspace Properties




Snap To Grid

Attach elements to the nearest guideline to make it easier to create an accurate graphic.

Display Grid

Display or hide a pattern of equally spaced horizontal and vertical lines or markers on a graphic to help you align elements symmetrically and precisely.

Display Guidelines

Display or hide all guidelines on the canvas.

Pitch X

Adjust the distance between the gridlines.

Pitch Y

Adjust the distance between the gridlines.

Pitch Angle

Determine the number of degrees an element on a graphic rotates before it snaps into its next position.

Offset X

Move the grid starting point along the vertical axis.

Offset Y

Move the grid starting point along the horizontal axis.

Offset Angle

Determine the number of degrees of rotation of a graphical element. Used in conjunction with the pitch angle.

Enable 3D Axis

Enable the Z-grid.
The property is disabled by default. When it is disabled, the Z-axis is hidden and the X-axis angle is set to 0.

XGrid Color

Change the color of the X-grid using a hexadecimal color code, such as FFFF0000 (red) or reference a state text color defined in the corresponding Text Group of the associated data point, using the following syntax: TxG_[TextGroupName].[Value]] The default color is set to blue.

YGrid Color

Change the color of the Y-grid using a hexadecimal color code, such as FFFF0000 (red) ) or reference a state text color as defined in the corresponding Text Group of the associated data point, using the following syntax: TxG_[TextGroupName].[Value]. The syntax is case sensitive. The default color is set to red.


Change the color of the Z-grid using a hexadecimal color code, such as FFFF0000 (red) ) or reference a state text color as defined in the corresponding Text Group of the associated data point, using the following syntax: TxG_[TextGroupName].[Value]. The default color is set to black.

XGrid StrokeDashArray

Set the stroke dash of all the X-grid lines. The default is 1, 2.

YGrid StrokeDashArray

Set the stroke dash of all the Y-grid lines. The default is 1, 2.

ZGrid StrokeDashArray

Set the stroke dash of all the Z-grid lines. The default is 1, 2.


Determine the number of degrees an element on a graphic rotates before it snaps to the next X line position. Valid values are 0 through 45.

Grid Style

Use markers or lines for displaying the grid.

Related Topics

For workspace overview, see Properties View.

  • General Properties

For related procedures, see Filtering and Modifying Element Properties.

  • Animation Properties

For related procedures, see Configuring the Animation Element .

  • Command Control and Navigation Properties

For background information, see Command Control Configuration.

  • Ellipse Properties

For related procedures, see Drawing an Ellipse, Arc, or Pie Shape.

  • Layer Properties

For related procedures, see Defining Layers.

  • Navigation Properties

For related procedures, see Creating Graphic Links.

  • Path Properties

For related procedures, see Drawing a Path Element.

  • Polygon Properties

For related procedures, see Drawing a Polygon Element .

  • Rectangle Properties

For related procedures, see Drawing a Rectangle Element .

  • Stroke Properties

For workspace overview, see Stroke.

  • Substitutions and Symbol Instance Properties

For related procedures, see Symbol Basics and Configuring and Assigning Symbols.

  • Text Element Properties

For related procedures, see Adding Text Elements, Labels and Tooltips to a Graphic.

  • Workspace Properties

For related procedures, see Arranging the Workspace Layout.