APOGEE Point Editor

This section provides procedures for APOGEE Point Editor tasks. For background information, see the reference section.


NOTE: User action might be required for viewing, changing, or commanding validated objects and devices on an APOGEE network. The action required depends on the validation profile of the device or the network. For more information, see the Validation reference documentation.


Select the procedure related to your task:


Start the APOGEE Point Editor
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network name] and click then click on the [Field Panel name].
  1. Click on the Points folder.
  • The APOGEE Point Editor tab displays and in create mode. You can now create, open, modify, or delete an APOGEE point.


Open an APOGEE Point
  1. Navigate to the field panel’s Points folder.
  1. From the list of points, click on the point you want to open.
  • The point information displays in the APOGEE Point Editor tab.


Create an APOGEE Point
  • You are in Engineering mode.
  1. Navigate to the field panel’s Points folder.
  • The APOGEE Point Editor tab displays in the Primary pane.
  1. From the APOGEE Point Editor toolbar menu, click Create and from the drop-down menu select the point type you want to create.
  1. In the Primary pane, in the Settings section, complete the following Definition fields:
  • System Name - Enter a unique name that identifies the point. You cannot change the name once you have saved the point.
  • Name - You can keep the same text for both System Name and Name fields, or you can enter a different name. This name can be changed after you save the point.
  • Descriptor – Enter additional information about the application or the point’s location. You can enter up to 16 characters using any combination of letters, numbers, and periods.
  • Point Type – Displays the point type selected.
  • Field Panel – Enter the field panel name that contains the point.
  • Output Format Select a format to display the point value.
  1. In the Address section, select whether the point is a Physical or Virtual point, and then enter the point address.
  1. In the Properties section, complete the fields related to the APOGEE point type you selected.

    NOTE: The fields that appear in the Properties sections depend on the type of logical point you are defining. Some of the fields may be unique for a point type, other fields are common among several point types.
  1. In the Alarm Configuration section, select an Alarm Type:
  • Not Alarmable. No input necessary.
  • To set up standard alarming, click the Standard Alarms radial button and complete the fields in the Alarm Characteristics section.
  • To set up enhanced alarming, click the Enhanced Alarm radial button. And complete the fields in the Enhanced Alarm Properties section.
  1. Click to save the point.


Modify an APOGEE Point
  1. Navigate to the field panel’s Point folder.
  • The APOGEE Point Editor Tab displays in the Primary pane.
  1. Expand the appropriate field panel, and from the list of displayed APOGEE points, select the point you want to modify.
  1. In the Properties section, modify the fields as needed.
  1. In the Alarms section, modify the alarms settings as needed.


Calculate the Slope Intercept
  • You have a LAI or LAO point selected in System Browser and displayed in the Point Editor tab.
  1. Expand the Properties section and complete the fields in the Slope Intercept Calculator section.
  1. Click Calculate to calculate the slope and intercept values.


Delete an APOGEE Point
  1. Navigate to the field panel’s Points folder.
  1. From the list of points, click on the point you want to delete, and then click Delete .
  • The point is deleted from both the Points folder and the field panel.