Working with Special Assignments

Special assignments allow you to shift a different day’s schedule to the selected day, or replace the selected day’s schedule with a replacement day’s schedule. Zones or events scheduled as one-time occurrences are not affected.

Do the following procedures as needed:

Add an Override

Overriding an event or zone schedule changes the settings of a schedule for the selected date only. Future repetitions of the schedule are not affected.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • To override a zone schedule: Select Applications > Schedules > APOGEE Zones > [the zone to which you want to add an override].
  • To override an event schedule: Select Applications > Schedules > APOGEE Events > [the event to which you want to add an override].
  1. In the Apogee EQS tab, open the Schedules expander.
  1. Click New Override.
  • The Override Details section displays.
  1. Enter values into the fields in the Overrides section.
  1. Click Save .
  • The changes are saved.
Add a Day Shift Entry

The schedules in the day you select must have a starting date earlier than the date you are shifting them to. Otherwise, the day to which you are adding the day shift could end up without any schedules.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Schedules > APOGEE Replacement Days and select Day Shift.
  • The Apogee EQS tab displays.
  1. Complete the fields in the Replacement Day Editor.
  1. Click Save .
  • The current schedules for the selected day are replaced by the day shift.
Add a Schedule to a Replacement Day

Replacement days allow you to substitute the schedule of one of the seven replacement days in place of a selected date’s normal schedule. Replacement days do not affect zones or events scheduled as one-time occurrences.


To conserve memory, the system purges event schedules and replacement days that are 31 days or older.


Replacement days and day shifts are considered global data, and any changes to them affect all field panels on your APOGEE P2 network.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Schedules.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • For a zone: Select APOGEE Zones > [select the zone you want to add to the replacement day].
  • For an event: Select APOGEE Events > [select the event you want to add to the replacement day].
  • The Apogee EQS tab displays.
  1. From the Zone Editor or Event Editor, open the Replacement Days expander.
  1. Open the expander for the replacement day you want to use, and enter values into its associated fields.
  1. Click Save .
  1. From System Browser, click APOGEE Replacement Days.
  • The Apogee EQS tab displays the Replacement Day Editor.
  1. In the Replacement Day section, select the replacement day you added the schedule to in Step 4.
  1. In the Calendar Entries section, click the New button to add the current date to the replacement day. If desired, you can change the date by clicking its entry, and then clicking the drop-down arrow.
  1. Click Save .
  • The schedule is added.
Delete an Override
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • To remove an override from a zone schedule: Select Applications > Schedules > APOGEE Zones and select the zone from which you want to remove an override.
  • To remove an override from an event schedule: Select Applications > Schedules > APOGEE Events and select the event from which you want to remove an override.
  • The Apogee EQS tab displays.
  1. From the Zone Editor or Event Editor, click the Schedules expander.
  1. In the Schedules expander, in the Overrides section, click the X associated with the override entry that you want to remove.
  1. Click Yes.
  1. Click Save .
  • The override is deleted and the change is saved.
Remove a Date from the Replacement Day Editor

Replacement days and day shifts are considered global data, and any changes to them affect all field panels on your APOGEE P2 network.


  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Schedules > APOGEE Replacement Days > [the day shift or replacement day from which you want to remove a date].
  • The Apogee EQS tab displays.
  1. In the Calendar Entries section, click the X associated with the entry that you want to remove.
  1. Click Save .
  • The changes are saved.