PPCL Editor

Cross Trunk works for most cases in PPCL where a point is referenced. The following table lists supported PPCL commands for Cross Trunk.

Supported PPCL Commands








Although PPCL may allow a Cross Trunk reference in other PPCL commands, it is strongly recommended not to do this.


Cross Trunk can be used to command a point on another BLN by referencing that point using one of the command statements listed in the Supported PPCL Commands table. However, use caution when doing this—Cross Trunk only issues commands once per second. If multiple commands are received per second for a point, only the last command received is sent.

Cross Trunk also restricts the points that can be commanded to P2 and BACnet Building Automation points. Below is a list of APOGEE P2 and BACnet point object models that Cross Trunk will command.

Commanding points in Fire and Security systems is not allowed, because they are integrated into Desigo CC using different object models.



Using Cross Trunk in conjunction with integrating Fire and Security systems using generic third-party BACnet is not recommended.


APOGEE P2 Object Models Supporting Cross Trunk Commanding



























BACnet Object Models Supporting Cross Trunk Commanding

























Mapping APOGEE P2 to BACnet Command Priorities

BACnet and APOGEE P2 use two different command priority schemes. When commanding a BACnet point from an APOGEE P2 PPCL program, APOGEE P2 command priorities are mapped to BACnet command priorities as follows:

Mapping Priorities Between APOGEE P2 and BACnet

APOGEE Priority

BACnet Priority


BACnet Operator 8


BACnet priority 10


BACnet priority 12


BACnet priority 14


BACnet priority 16


Creating an APOGEE to BACnet Priorities File

BACnet priorities mapping can be modified on a per-project basis by creating a text file named “ApogeeToBacnetPriorities.txt” in the /Config folder of your project folder. For example,

[Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder\[Project Name]\config.

The following information must be included in the text file; otherwise the default mapping will not be overridden:

  • Each line must specify an APOGEE to BACnet priority mapping and appear like the following:
    • OPER,8
    • SMOKE,10
    • EMER,12
    • PDL,14
    • NONE,16
  • All five APOGEE priorities must be mapped
  • The priorities mapped must follow a numeric ordering where:
    1 <= OPER <= SMOKE <= EMER <=PDL <=NONE <= 16

NOTE: You must stop and restart the project in the System Management Console for the text file changes to take effect.


Point Referencing

Specifying points depends on whether the points are P2 or BACnet points:

  • APOGEE P2 Points - Reside in a device on an APOGEE Ethernet or APOGEE AEM network or are points that reside on FLNs serviced by an APOGEE Ethernet or P2 panel.
  • BACnet Points – Reside on APOGEE BACnet panels or are in FLN devices serviced by APOGEE BACnet panels.

APOGEE P2 Point Referencing

For P2 point referencing, note that:

  • You can specify the System Name, or System Name and Subpoint, in the form
    SystemName:SubpointName. For example “Device10APP2025:Day CLG STPT
  • You can drag-and-drop a P2 point from System Browser into the PPCL Editor on a P2 panel.
  • Each FLN device is represented by an APOGEE P2 FLN device, where the subpoints of the FLN device are represented as properties of the device. Generally, the commandable subpoints of these devices are commanded via Cross Trunk.

BACnet Point Referencing

The following Object Types are supported for BACnet point referencing:

- Analog Input (AI)

- Analog Output (AO)

- Analog Value (AV)

- Binary Input (BI)

- Output (BO)

- Binary Value (BV)

- State Input (MI)

- Multi-State Output (MO)

- Multi-State Value (MV)

Referencing BACnet points

To reference a BACnet point consider the following:

  • You can drag and drop a BACnet point into a PPCL program in a BACnet panel.
  • You can drag and drop a BACnet point into a PPCL program in a P2 panel. Note the following BACnet point references in a P2 panel:
    Non-FLN Point – The system name is dropped from the point name.
    FLN Point – The point naming takes on the BACnet naming conventions.
  • Use BACnet third-party form. Specify BAC_[device instance]_[object type]_[object instance]. For example, BAC_10_MO_1 where:
    10 = Device Instance of 10
    MO = Multi-State Output
    1 = Object Instance of 1
  • Or, use the Management View CNS node name for a point.
    • For a non-FLN device point, use the Management View name (not description) for a point, for Instance “FLOOR_1_DO1”. If this is not unique in the system, then precede the name with enough of the Management View path to make it unique, and place a colon (:) between the path and name. For instance “Device10.Local_IO:FLOOR_1_DO1
    • For FLN Subpoints, precede the Subpoint name with the FLN device name and a colon (:) This is because FLN device Subpoint names are the same for each instance of the FLN device, for example: “Dev201:DAY_CLG_STPT

Cross Trunk References in Migrated PPCL

  • In APOGEE, the Cross Trunk solution allows the using third-party BACnet form for referencing BACnet points from PPCL. This support is the same in Desigo CC , and these references work as long as the Desigo CC system does not have more than one BACnet inter-network. In the case of multiple BACnet inter-networks, the reference may be ambiguous, in which case it is necessary to switch the reference to use the CNS name.
  • In APOGEE, BACnet points can be referenced by Cross Trunk using the System name. In Desigo CC , migrated APOGEE BACnet points do not have a System Name; therefore, Cross Trunk must locate these points by their CNS name. In order to minimize any changes needed in migrated PPCL, the Desigo CC Cross Trunk attempts to convert the System Name it receives from PPCL to a CNS name, using a similar algorithm used when migrating a BACnet Point from APOGEE to Desigo CC . In most cases, this allows the reference to resolve without any changes to PPCL. If the reference comes up ambiguous, or the point cannot be found, then the PPCL must be modified to specify the CNS name.

Searching Guideline

  • When searching by the CNS name, if the reference contains special characters other than a single colon (:), Cross Trunk replaces them with underscores. This is close to the same algorithm that Discovery and Import use when migrating an APOGEE name to a CNS node name.

NOTE: Depending on how the system is configured, the search result may be ambiguous. In that case, you must specify additional details or change the configuration of the points for which you are searching.