Example of JSON File
The following is a complete example of a JSON file for object models where Data Point Types are imported and the corresponding Type Function (object model) is configured.

The following sample is to be intended as an example of file and not as a template. If you want to make a copy of it and create your own file to import, verify its content carefully and enter the data point types that you want to create. In particular, pay attention to the mandatory DPEs section.
"DPTData": {
"DPTS": [
"Name": "*",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "MyMandatoryFields", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "REF", "Ref": "_GmsMyMandatoryFields" } }
"Name": "Test_NormalPoint",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Normal Point" } ],
"ManagedType": 0,
"DefaultProp": "Float_Value",
"Validation": true,
"GenericCreate": true,
"GenericDelete": true,
"MaxChildren": 10,
"ChildName": "NormalPoint",
"ChildNameReadOnly": false,
"ParentTypes": [ "GMS_Aggregator", "GmsOPCNetwork" ],
"Classification": {
"Valid": true,
"Disc": 0,
"SubDisc": 0,
"Type": 0,
"SubType": 0
"DPES": [
"Name": "Char_Value",
"PvssType": {
"PvssType": "CHAR",
"Status": {
"Stat": true,
"DisplOffNormal": true,
"NormalValue": 101
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"DL0": true,
"DL1": true,
"DL2": false,
"DL3": false,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Char Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": { "GmsType": "GMSUINT" }
"Name": "UInt_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"DL0": false,
"DL1": false,
"DL2": false,
"DL3": false,
"Persist": false,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Unsigned Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"GmsType": "GMSUINT",
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"Properties": {
"Min": 0,
"Max": 100
"UnitText": {
"TextGroup": "TxG_EngineeringUnits",
"Unit": "%"
"Alarms": {
"Valid": true,
"AlarmsConfiguration": {
"TableReference": "Alt_BACnetStandard"
"Name": "Enum_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Enum Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
" "Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"GmsType": "GMSENUM",
"Valid": true,
"Properties": {
"Min": 0,
"Max": 5
"TextGroup": "TxG_DriverStatus"
"Alarms": {
"Valid": true,
"AlarmsConfiguration": {
"Activated": true,
"AlarmsDefinition": {
"Kind": "DISCRETE",
"Flags": "None",
"AlarmsTable": [
{ "AlarmClass": "" },
"AlarmClass": "Anomaly",
"AlarmProperty": { "Operation": "|", "Value1": [0, 3, 5] },
"OffNormalText": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Off Normal Text" }
"NormalText": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Normal Text" }
"Name": "Int_Value",
"PvssType": "INT",
"Status": {
"Stat": true,
"DisplOffNormal": true,
"NormalValue": 20
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Integer Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"GmsType": "GMSINT",
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"UnitText": {
"TextGroup": "TxG_EngineeringUnits",
"Unit": "°C"
"Properties": {
"Min": -40,
"Max": 70
"Commands": {
"Dependency1": "UInt_Value",
"CommandsData": [
"CommandType": "GenericWriteInt",
"Name": "Write",
"Label": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "WriteInt" } ],
"Guid": "",
"Dependencies": [
"Property": "UInt_Value",
"Operation": "=",
"Value1": 10
"Alias": 0,
"Group": "STANDARD",
"Control": "DEFAULT",
"Combined": false,
"TargetedProperty": "",
"Logging": "ALWAYS",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "Value",
"Label": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "ValueForInt" } ],
"DefaultValue": "PROVIDED",
"Value": 15,
"Control": "NUMERIC",
"AffectedProperty": "",
"Application": "PROPERTY"
"Alarms": {
"Valid": true,
"AlarmsConfiguration": {
"Activated": true,
"AlarmsDefinition": {
"Flags": "None",
"AlarmsTable": [
{ "AlarmClass": "" },
"AlarmClass": "Alarm",
"AlarmProperty": { "Operation": "<", "Value1": 10 },
"UpperHysteresis": { "Operation": "=", "Value1": 4 },
"LowerHysteresis": { "Operation": "=", "Value1": -2 },
"OffNormalText": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Low value" }
"NormalText": [
"Culture": "en-US",
"Text": "Low value returned to normal"
"AlarmClass": "Alarm",
"AlarmProperty": { "Operation": ">=", "Value1": 50 },
"UpperHysteresis": { "Operation": "=", "Value1": 5 },
"OffNormalText": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "High value" }
"NormalText": [
"Culture": "en-US",
"Text": "High value returned to normal"
"Name": "Float_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "FLOAT" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Real Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"GmsType": "GMSREAL",
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"UnitText": {
"TextGroup": "TxG_EngineeringUnits",
"Unit": "KWh"
"Properties": {
"Min": 0.00,
"Max": 100.00,
"Res": 2
"Alarms": {
"Valid": true,
"AlarmsConfiguration": { "Type": "NONE" }
"Name": "Bool_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "BOOL" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Bool Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"GmsType": "GMSBOOL",
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"TextGroup": "TxG_NoYes"
"Name": "Bit32_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "BIT" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "BitString Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"Properties": {
"FirstBit": 0,
"LastBit": 2
"TextGroup": "TxG_LoadLevels",
"SecondTextGroup": "TxG_OperationalStatus"
"Name": "Duration_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Duration Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"Properties": {
"Min": 0,
"Max": 10000
"DurationUnit": "MSEC",
"DurationRes": "SM"
"Name": "Test_PointWithRef",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Point with Ref" } ],
"ManagedType": 0,
"DefaultProp": "Blob_Value",
"Validation": true,
"GenericCreate": true,
"GenericDelete": true,
"MaxChildren": 1,
"ChildName": "PointWithRef",
"ChildNameReadOnly": true,
"ParentTypes": [ "GMS_Aggregator" ],
"Classification": {
"Valid": true,
"Disc": 0,
"SubDisc": 0,
"Type": 0,
"SubType": 0
"DPES": [
"Name": "String_Value",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "STRING" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "DateTime Value" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"GmsType": {
"Attributes": {
"Valid": true,
"Properties": {
"AllowDayOfWeek": true,
"AllowWildcards": true
"TimeDetail": "DATETIME",
"TimeRes": "SEC"
{ "Name": "Time_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "TIME" } },
{ "Name": "DpId_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "DPID" } },
{ "Name": "LangString_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "LANGSTRING" } },
{ "Name": "Blob_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "BLOB" } },
{ "Name": "Reference_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "REF",
"Ref": "_Gms_TestReference" } }
"Name": "Test_PointWithStruct",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Point with Struct" } ],
"ManagedType": 0,
"DefaultProp": "Struct_Value.Int_Value",
"Validation": true,
"GenericCreate": true,
"GenericDelete": true,
"MaxChildren": 4294967295,
"ChildName": "PointWithStruct",
"ChildNameReadOnly": false,
"ParentTypes": [ "GMS_Aggregator", "GmsOPCNetwork" ],
"Classification": {
"Valid:": true,
"Disc": 0,
"SubDisc": 0,
"Type": 0,
"SubType": 0
"DPES": [
"Name": "Struct_Value",
"PvssType": {
"PvssType": "STRUCT",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "Int_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "INT" } },
{ "Name": "String_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "STRING" } },
"Name": "Struct_Internal",
"PvssType": {
"PvssType": "STRUCT",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "Float_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "FLOAT"} },
{ "Name": "Reference_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "REF",
"Ref": "_Gms_TestReference"} }
"Name": "Test_PointWithArray",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Point with Array" } ],
"ManagedType": 0,
"DefaultProp": "ArrChar_Value",
"Validation": true,
"GenericCreate": true,
"GenericDelete": true,
"MaxChildren": 4294967295,
"ChildName": "PointWithArray",
"ChildNameReadOnly": false,
"ParentTypes": [ "GMS_Aggregator" ],
"Valid": true,
"Disc": 0,
"SubDisc": 0,
"Type": 0,
"SubType": 0
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "ArrChar_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYCHAR" } },
"Name": "ArrUInt_Value",
"PvssType": {
"PvssType": "ARRAYUINT",
"Status": {
"Stat": true,
"DisplOffNormal": true,
"NormalValue": 100
"ArrayAttributes": {
"Valid" : true,
"TextGroup" : "TxG_Status"
{ "Name": "ArrInt_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYINT" } },
{ "Name": "ArrFloat_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYFLOAT" } }
"Name": "Test_PointWithSet",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Point with Set" } ],
"ManagedType": 0,
"DefaultProp": "SetUint_Value[1]",
"Validation": true,
"GenericCreate": true,
"GenericDelete": true,
"MaxChildren": 4294967295,
"ChildName": "PointWithSet",
"ChildNameReadOnly": false,
"ParentTypes": [ "GMS_Aggregator" ],
"Classification": {
"Valid": true,
"Disc": 0,
"SubDisc": 0,
"Type": 0,
"SubType": 0
"DPES": [
"Name": "SetChar_Value",
"PvssType": {
"PvssType": "SETCHAR",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "Char1", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "CHAR" } },
{ "Name": "Char2", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "CHAR" } }
"Name": "SetUint_Value",
"PvssType": {
"PvssType": "SETUINT",
"DPES": [
{ "Name": "UInt1", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },
{ "Name": "UInt2", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },
{ "Name": "UInt3", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } }
"REFS": {
"DPTS": [
"Name": "_GmsMyMandatoryFields",
"DPES": [
"Name": "MandatoryText",
"PvssType": { "PvssType": "STRING" },
"VL": true,
"AL": true,
"Persist": true,
"GroupId": "CONFIG",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Mandatory Text" } ],
"Display": {
"Valid": true,
"Icon": {
"Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",
"Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"
"TGSData": {
"TGS": [
{ "Name": "MyText",
"Description": [ { "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "My Text Group"} ],
{ "Id": 1,
"Text": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Text 1" },
{ "Culture": "it-IT", "Text": "Testo 1" }
{ "Id": 2,
"Text": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Text 2" },
{ "Culture": "it-IT", "Text": "Testo 2" }
{ "Id": 3,
"Text": [
{ "Culture": "en-US", "Text": "Text 3" },
{ "Culture": "it-IT", "Text": "Testo 3" }