User Roles and Configuration Aspects

User Groups and Tasks

Object Model, Function, and Instance Applications

User Role


HQ librarian

Creates extensions for:

  • Object Model for the HQ library
  • Function for the HQ library
  • Function for the most important third-party providers

RC librarian

Defines extensions for:

  • Localizing HQ libraries
  • Function for the RC library
  • Function for the most important local third-party providers

Project engineer

System house engineer

Defines extensions for:

  • Function for customized extensions
  • Function for unsupported third-party providers
  • Customizations as per end customers



Modifies Function for:

  • Project-specific extensions
  • Modifications as per customer wishes


Defines extensions in the Object Configurator, including:

  • Setting up alarm on the management platform
  • Defining data points for history records
  • Temporarily setting sensors or detectors out of service (Out of scan)

The following information must be defined in Object Models, Functions, and Objects for operating and monitoring to function properly:

  • View of individual object properties
    • Sequence of object priorities in the Operation and Extended Operation tab
    • Visibility of object properties in the Operation and Extended Operation tab
    • Visibility of object properties in Graphics
    • Visibility of object properties in Configuration
    • Assign icon
  • View of individual object properties in the BACnet Configurator
  • Display object texts
    • Discipline category
    • Search criteria
    • Attribute texts
    • Translations
  • Configuration of the Status and Commands window for the graphic
    • Visibility of object properties in Graphics
  • Alarm configuration
    • From the field system.
    • Created on the management platform
  • Command objects
    • Acknowledge alarm
    • Change of values
  • Symbol selection for a graphics page
    • Drag-and-drop selection
    • Graphic templates
  • Security (rights and privileges)
    • User groups, which can then be used for security settings
  • Recording values
  • Organizing related items

Examples of Configurations to be Created

  • Command objects
  • Operation in the Operation tab
  • Status and Commands window for the graphic