APOGEE Reports

This section contains a list and description of APOGEE supported reports.

For more information search the Help for:

  • Detailed procedures about Reports, search for Working with Reports.
  • Information about importing a report template, search for Importing a Report Definition.


Review the following topics as needed:

APOGEE Application Sub-Point Display Report

The Application Sub-Point Display Report allows you to display all the sub-points and their current values for APOGEE and BACnet devices. From System Browser, you can select an APOGEE P2 or BACnet network, panel(s), or device(s) and drop it onto the report.

You can filter this report in the Filter Options sections. In the filter, you can select one or more subpoints or application numbers.


The Sub-point Edit field in the Filter Option section only supports numbers from 1 through 255.

The following information displays for each sub-point:

  • Application Number
  • Name
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Subpoint Number
  • Units
  • Value


Supported APOGEE Ethernet and BACnet FLN Devices

This report supports the following devices:

  • APOGEE Ethernet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC
  • APOGEE BACnet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC


APOGEE Panel Point Address Report

The APOGEE Panel Point Address displays a list of points in a selected APOGEE Ethernet or BACnet field panel. For each logical point, the report lists the:

  • Command Priority
  • Drop
  • Engineering Units
  • FLN
  • Point
  • Point Type
  • Point Name
  • Point Address Type
  • Panel Name
  • Point System Name
  • Status
  • Value/State

This report is similar to the APOGEE Panel Point Log report. However, you can run the report for a single panel by point address rather than a point name. The report allows you to filter the point addresses included in the report by selecting which FLNs, drops, and point numbers should be included.


APOGEE System Profile Report

The APOGEE System Profile report displays system configuration information for all defined APOGEE P2 and BACnet ALNs, workstations, field panels, and FLN devices in your building system, and includes configuration information for the defined devices and field panels.

This report provides a complete overview of the building system.

Supported APOGEE Ethernet and BACnet FLN Devices

This report supports the following devices:

  • APOGEE Ethernet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC
  • APOGEE BACnet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC


APOGEE TEC Initial Values Report

The APOGEE TEC Initial Values report allows you to display subpoints in an override state for the selected APOGEE P2 and BACnet FLN devices, TEC’s, PTEC’s, and Equipment Scheduler zones. See below for a full list of supported devices and hardware.

You can specify a TEC, PTEC, and so on, by application name, using wildcards or drag-and-drop from System Browser.

You can filter the report in the Filter Options section. This section allows you to select a single subpoint and/or application number to filter.

The following information is displayed for each overridden sub-point:

  • Application Number
  • Initial Value
  • Name
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Subpoint Number
  • Units
  • Value

Supported APOGEE Ethernet and BACnet FLN Devices

This report supports the following devices:

  • APOGEE Ethernet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC
  • APOGEE BACnet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC


BACnet Trend Definition Report

The BACnet Trend Definition Report lists all the trend definitions for a particular trended BACnet point.

For each Trend definition included in the report, the following properties are included:

  • Description
  • Log Enable
  • Notification Class
  • Notification Threshold
  • Object Identifier
  • Object Name
  • Samples at Panel
  • Start Time
  • Stop Time
  • Stop When Full
  • Trend Every
  • Trend Location
  • Trend Type
  • Trended Objects

Once you have imported the report template, select it in System Browser, and then drag the Trend Log Object Table, for the particular object whose trend definitions you want to view, and drop it into the report. Once you click Run, the trend definitions for the trended point display in the report.

The default value in the Condition Filter should not be deleted. However, additional filter criteria can be added.

Supported APOGEE Ethernet and BACnet FLN Devices

This report supports the following devices:

  • APOGEE Ethernet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC
  • APOGEE BACnet Panel FLN devices:
    • P1 TEC and ATEC

APOGEE COV Cross Reference Report

The APOGEE COV Cross Reference report enables you to view the field panels and workstations that receive Change-Of-Values (COVs) for the selected point(s). The report also indicates the type of COVs that are reported to the field panel.

There are several ways to use the COV Cross Reference report, such as:

  • If you are not receiving COVs at a field panel or workstation, you can use this report to verify that a field panel or workstations are setup to receive COVs.
  • If activity on your network seems unusually slow, you can use this report to determine if you have extensive numbers of COVs moving across the system.

This report does not apply to integrated fire alarm panels.


APOGEE FLN Diagnostics Report

The APOGEE FLN Diagnostics report displays information for each device on a specific Floor Level Network (FLN). The report identifies the name and number of the field panel where from which the trunk originates. Specific information for the device on the FLN includes LAN number, drop number, status of the device, revision string, scans, commands, and errors.

If you are having problems with an FLN, you can use this report to diagnose problems with the devices on the FLN.

APOGEE Panel Coldstart Report

The APOGEE Panel Coldstart report displays a field panel’s coldstart history. This includes information on the number of times a field panel coldstarted, warmstarted, and the cause of the last coldstart. The report also tracks the occurrence of the following events:

  • System RAM failures
  • Power down failures
  • Memory test failures
  • Invalid system stacks
  • Panel address and revision changes
  • Sanity test failures
  • Bus errors address errors
  • Spurious interrupts
  • Divide by zero errors
  • Illegal instructions
  • CHK instruction failures
  • Trapv instructions
  • Privileged instructions
  • Trap instructions and other errors

The APOGEE Panel Coldstart report is a useful starting point when investigating problems associated with a field panel, as it displays information on many of the hardware and software problems that can cause control failures.



APOGEE Panel Point Log Report

The APOGEE Panel Point Log report enables you to displays the current conditions of points in the system. You can define this report to only display the points that match set conditions (point status, priority, and type). For example, you could define a report to display all the points that are failed and in alarm.

Use this report for troubleshooting your system. For example, you could set up the report to scan the system for operator overrides, and then determine if points are improperly overridden. Another use might be to display all the points in alarm and whether they have been acknowledged. Once you have determined the points in alarm, you can use an APOGEE Panel Point Definition Report to determine if the alarm limits are correct.


APOGEE Panel PPCL Report

The APOGEE Panel PPCL report displays the PPCL program(s) in a specific field panel. The report shows each line of PPCL code with the related status codes. Comment lines are not included in the report. The report allows you select which field panels and programs will be included, and you can specify a range of line numbers from each program to be included in the report.

You can use this report to help troubleshoot control problems, but usually only after you have determined that your system is not improperly overridden and all point information is correct.


APOGEE Panel TX-I/O Module Report

With the APOGEE Panel TX-I/O Module report, selected field panels display a list of attached TX-I/O modules. Only modules that have at least one active point defined will display. For each TX-I/O module, the report can include the field panel name, FLN number, drop number, module address, TX-I/O type, and description.


APOGEE PDL Meter Area Report

The APOGEE PDL Meter Area report displays power consumption for a defined meter area. The report also includes a graph of the power usage for the last 24 hours.

You can use this report to:

  • compare subsequent power consumption intervals to a baseline you created.
  • indicate a need for preventive maintenance on a large unit.
  • verify that occupancy/equipment schedules are being overridden.
  • evaluate power consumption for a defined meter area.
  • provide information for tenant billing/sub metering applications.


APOGEE Point Usage Report Template

The APOGEE Point Usage report lists all the areas of the building system that use a point, such as PPCL programs.

If you are having trouble determining why a control sequence or point is behaving in a certain way, you can use the Point Usage report to verify all the areas of the system that use the point. Then, you can use the report to help you troubleshoot the point.

Report templates must be Imported into Desigo CC.

APOGEE System Name vs. Name Report Template

The APOGEE System Name vs. Name report template displays the system name and name for a group of objects. You can use the report template for all object types, select specific object types, or choose specific points, panels, and other objects to be included.

This report template allows you to quickly match system names to (user) names to assist with troubleshooting or managing the names of points, field panels, and other objects.

Report templates must be Imported into Desigo CC.


APOGEE Totalization Log Report Template

The APOGEE Totalization Log report enables you to display the totalization for points. The report includes point description, totalized value, units (hours, minutes, or seconds), last reset time, and elapsed active runtime for all logical points except LPACI and LENUM. The Totalization Log report can be set up to export the totalized value of a point(s) and reduce the data you have to manipulate in a third-party spreadsheet package. There are two APOGEE Totalization Log Report Template’s available: Analog and Digital.

The APOGEE Totalization Log report can be used to check chiller kW consumption. For example, you could totalize the chiller point by the hour, setup the report definition to invoke a spreadsheet macro to export the data, and schedule the totalization report to run at the end of each day.

Report templates must be Imported into Desigo CC.