Running the Consistency Checker Diagnostic Tool

Scenario: You want to check for errors that may exist between the graphics stored in the project folder and System Browser, and then attempt to fix the errors. The tool uses specific task files (.DLL) that you load and unload, to determine the tasks (or checks) that the Consistency Checker performs on your system.







You have reviewed the tasks descriptions and determined which task(s) you want to run by reading the following background information, see Consistency Checker Diagnostic Tool Tasks.



1 – Configure the Consistency Checker
  • You are in the Graphics Editor and want to load a task file (.DLL) into the Consistency Checker tool.
  1. From the File menu, select Consistency Checker.
  • The Consistency Checker tool displays.
  1. From the Settings tab, enable the following check boxes, as needed:
  • Watch in File System – Select this check box to enable the Consistency Checker to 1) recognize when a task file has been added to the directory, and 2) automatically add load the task file.
  • Save Exceptions (Save to log) - Click this check box to always write exceptions into the export log file.


2 – (Optional) Load a Custom Task File

The task files must be located in the GMSMainProject > BIN folder in order for the Consistency Checker tool to load them.

  • You want to load a customized task file (.DLL) into the Consistency Checker tool and it is not loading when you click Refresh . You can manually add a .DLL file to the tool, by doing the following:
  1. From the File menu, select Consistency Checker.
  • The Consistency Checker tool displays.
  1. Right-click anywhere in the Tasks Tab > Tasks section, and select Load.
  • The Open dialog box displays.
  1. Select [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\GMSMainProject\Bin directory, and select the required task file (.DLL). For example: [YourFileName].dll
  • The task file is loaded into the Consistency Checker.
  1. If the Task list is empty or has not updated with the new tasks, click Refresh and the task list is updated to display all loaded tasks.
  1. To unload a task file (.DLL) so that those tasks no longer run or display.
  • On the Task tab, right-click anywhere in the Task section, and then select Unload.


3 – Run a Task in the Consistency Checker
  • You have loaded one or more tasks and you want to run the tasks to check and synchronize your graphic files in your project folder against the graphic files listed in System Browser.
  • You have a backup of your current graphic libraries.
  • You should only run one task at a time.

When you run the Update Symbol Dependencies task, you must use the Fix or Auto Fix options, rather than to fix them manually

  1. From the Tasks tab, in the Tasks section, select the Enabled check box for each task you want to execute.
  1. If a task has additional properties and you want to adjust or view those properties, in the Tasks pane click the task whose properties you want to view, and then click to display the Properties of Task pane. The properties associated with the highlighted task display.
  1. In the Properties of Task pane, make the necessary changes to the properties, if any.
  • To make changes to a Key or Value – Select the property you want to modify. The Key and Value data displays in the two fields below. For more information on what your options are with each property, hover over the to see a tooltip with the property description.
  • To apply changes to the Key and Value fields, click.
  • To restore the properties to the default settings, click
  1. (Optional) If you want the Consistency Checker to automatically fix any discrepancies or issues found, select the Auto Fix check box.
  1. Click Check to run the Consistency Checker and execute the enabled tasks.
  • The Consistency Checker starts to execute each task. The progress of each task is noted by the icon in the State and the Progress field. If needed, click Pause, Stop or Start.
  1. (Optional) To save the Consistency Checker log file, navigate to the Log tab, and click Save to File.
  • The Save As dialog box displays.
  1. Navigate to the appropriate file location and click Save.
  • The file is saved as a CCLog_[Year]-[Month}-[Date].txt file.
4 – Fix the Consistency Checker Errors

To fix the errors generated by running the tasks, do one of the following:

  1. Click Fix at the top of the Consistency Checker – this fixes all the errors. Errors that cannot be resolved or fixed. The following icons display next to the error, letting you know the status of the fix:
  • - Completed Successfully
  • - Completed with Findings
  • - Completed with Errors
  • - Canceled
  • - Failed
  1. Right-click on an individual error, and from the contextual menu, select Fix.