Setting up the Distributed System

Read the following procedures, and perform those as needed for configuring projects in distribution and setting up the various distribution deployment scenarios.

Fully Meshed Distributed Systems on a Single Server (Segmented Configuration)


You want to set up a Fully Meshed Distributed System on a single server (Segmented Configuration). To do this, you must configure the projects in distribution on the same Server.


On a single server, you can set the projects in distribution even if their security configurations are different. That is, you can set up a stand–alone project in distribution with an unsecured project or an unsecured project in distribution with a secured project and so on.
You can set up the server communication as stand–alone, if you are accessing the Installed Client on the same server. However, if you have a remote FEP connected to the server, you must set the projects with server communication as secured in distribution.


On a single server, ensure the following before configuring projects in distribution:

  • Using the distribution media, you have installed the setup type as Server. The software version of Desigo CC, as well as the extension modules installed on all the distribution partner systems, is the same.
  • For working with web/Windows App client, you have installed Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • In SMC, ensure the following for the projects participating in distribution:
    • You have two or more projects (having unique port numbers) with project status as Stopped. For example, if you have three stopped projects, Project1, Project2, and Project3, you cannot set up an outdated project in distribution. You must first upgrade it to the current software version.
    • The projects in distribution have unique System Name and System ID.
    • The projects have the same project languages configured and their sequence is also same for all the distribution partners.
    • The Dist port configured in the distribution partner project is unique. Otherwise, you cannot start the project on the same server.
    • On all three projects. you have configured server communication as stand–alone. Additionally, on one of the projects, for example Project3, you have web Server communication as secured, so you can log into the web/Windows App client and work with other projects in distribution.
    • For working with distribution, the project's Pmon user must be set as Specific account (local or domain user). This user must have access rights on all the shared Server projects folders in distribution.
    • To work with distribution using the Web/Windows App Client, a web application is created and linked to Project3. The web application user must be added in the list of allowed users in the Project Shares expander of the systems in the distribution.
    • (Recommended) You are sharing the project folder of the distribution participant project with the user using the Project Shares expander. This is because, while configuring the distribution participant using in the Distribution Participants expander in Automatic mode, the shared project folder path displays in the Shared Path field. In Manual mode, however, you must enter the shared project folder path.
    • For each project in distribution there must be a separate HDB linked to the project. The HDBs can be on the same server as that of the projects. For example, three HDBs or separate HDBs on a remote SQL Server.
      If the HDBs are on the same server connected to projects in distribution, they are linked to each other automatically.
      When the HDBs are on different SQL Servers and you want the projects to see the data from another SQL linked to another project in distribution, you must manually link the SQL instances.

Deployment Sequence Diagram:


Perform the following tasks on the same Server using SMC.


To avoid having to restart the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence.

  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the distribution for Project1 by selecting the Distribution participant check box.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Start Project .
    NOTE: If there is no active project in SMC, you must activate this first. Otherwise, you cannot start it.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [stopped project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the distribution for Project2 by selecting the Distribution participant check box.
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enter a unique Dist port number, other than default.
  1. Using the Distribution Participants expander, add the distribution partner project as Project1 either in Manual mode (by clicking New and then Extensions) or in Automatic Mode (by clicking Browse).
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  1. Click Sync to re-align the distribution partner project Project1 with details on the Originator project Project2, and to add an entry for the Originator project, Project2 in the Distribution Participant expander of the distribution partner project, Project1.
    NOTE: If the local path is used as the shared path, it is removed during sync. You must edit the project in the local path, and save both Project1 and Project2.
  1. (Optional) Click Yes to open and view the synchronization report.
  1. Click Start Project .
  1. Repeat steps 7 to 15 to set up the third project, Project3, in distribution using a unique Dist port. Then add the distribution participants as projects Project1 and Project2 in the Originator project, Project3.
  • On sync, the profiles, and distribution connection on the Originator project (Project3), if changed, are re-aligned with the partner projects, in this case Project1 and Project2.
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the Data master check box for Project3.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Activate Project .
  1. Click Check Distribution Consistency and view the log.
  1. Click Start Project .
  1. Launch the Installed Client on the Originator System, System3 with Project3 as Data Master.
  1. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in the Management View, select Project 3 > System Settings > Security and do the following on the Originator System:
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create the Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global user to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable the User.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  • You are now logged in with the Global User into the installed client of the Originator System with Project3 as Data Master. You can now work with it.
  • Since, by default, the distribution Connection is bidirectional (Fully meshed Distribution configuration), you can also work with the all distribution Partner Systems, (System1 with Project1 and (System2 with Project2).
  • You can also launch the web/Windows App client for System3 (with Project3) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System1 with Project1) and System2 (with Project2).
  • If you activate one of the Partner System, for example, System1 with Project1, and log onto the installed client on System1, you can work with the Local System (System1 with Project1), as well as all the Distribution Partner Systems, System2 and System 3.


Fully Meshed Distributed Systems On Separate Servers in Automatic Mode


You want to set up a Fully Meshed distributed system on separate servers. To do this, you must configure the projects on separate servers in distribution.

The following procedure describes configuring distribution using Automatic mode.


On separate servers, you can set only those projects in distribution which have identical security configuration (server communication set to secured or unsecured). It is recommended that you set the projects in distribution with secured configurations.


  • Using the distribution media, you have installed the setup type as a server on three separate computers. The software version of Desigo CC, as well as the extensions installed on all the distribution Partner Systems, are the same.
  • To work with Web/Windows App client, you have installed Internet Information Services (IIS) on all or at least one server.
  • To set up three projects on a separate server in distribution, ensure the following in SMC for each project participating in distribution:
    • You have two or more projects with project status as Stopped. For example, if you have three stopped projects, Project1, Project2, and Project3, you cannot set up an outdated project in distribution. You must first upgrade it to the current software version.
    • The EMs configured in one distribution partner project are installed on all the other systems (Servers) participating in distribution.
    • Each project has a unique system name and system ID.
    • The languages configured in the project and their sequence in which they are configured is same in all the distribution participants.
    • On all projects, you have configured server communication as secured. Additionally, on Project3 you have set the web Server communication as secured, so as to log into the web/Windows App client and work with other projects in distribution.
    • The server project folder is shared with the user logged onto the operating system of the distribution partner system using the Project Shares expander.
    • For working with distribution using the Flex Client, the project's Pmon user (System account user as domain user) must have access rights on all the shared Server projects folders in distribution.
    • For working in distribution using the web/Windows App Client, a web application is created and linked to Project3. The web application user must be added in the list of allowed users in the Project Shares expander of the systems in the distribution.
    • The same .cer file root certificate is imported in TRCA for all the systems participating in distribution. The .pfx file host certificates created from the root certificate present on the system participating in distribution, is available in the Personal store.
      NOTE: For making the certificate available on the distribution partner system, from the server you can copy the root and the distribution partner system host files to a removable drive that you can use at the distribution partner system to import the certificates. You can also use the network access between the server and the distribution partner system to import the root and distribution partner system host into the distribution partner system.
    • For each project in distribution there must be a separate HDB linked to the project. The HDBs can be on the same server as that of the projects as three HDBs or as separate HDBs on a remote SQL Server.
      If the HDBs are on the same server connected to projects in distribution, they are linked to each other automatically.
      When the HDBs are on different SQL servers and you want the projects to see the data from another SQL linked to another project in distribution, you need to manually link the SQL instances.
  • The user who is going to work with SMC has administrative rights. However, note that a non-admin user who has rights on the shared project folder on the server and rights on the host certificate used for securing the Server Communication on the distribution partner system can also launch the Installed Client.

Deployment Sequence Diagram:


The following procedure describes these two scenarios:

  • Setting up two projects in (Fully Meshed) distribution using Automatic mode
  • Setting up three projects in (Fully Meshed) distribution using Automatic mode

Perform the following tasks on the separate server using SMC.


To avoid restarting the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence.

  1. On Server1, perform the following steps using SMC for Project1:
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project1].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the distribution for Project1 by selecting Distribution participant check box.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Activate Project.
  1. Click Start Project.
  • The distribution is enabled for Project1 on Server1.
  1. Log onto Server2, and perform the following steps using SMC for Project2:
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project2].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, select the Distribution participant check box.
  1. To add the distribution partner project (Project1) in Automatic mode, in the Distribution Participants expander, click Browse. In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, browse for the distribution partner projects.
  1. In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, perform the following steps:
  • (For selecting servers in domain) In the domain tree View, make sure that the correct domain is selected. By default, the domain of your computer is selected.
    In case of Workgroup, the workgroup of your computer is selected by default.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain) In the Enter management system name or description field, enter the computer name of the Server.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain ) Click Check Name.
  • A list of matching servers available in the selected domain, whose name contains the entered string, display in the Filtered Server Computers’ List.
    In case of a Workgroup, all the server computers available in the Workgroup are listed.
  • Select the server where you want to set up distribution.
    NOTE: If the service port of the server name provided is other than the default, a message displays. In this case, proceed as follows:
    a. Enter the service port number on the selected Server.
    b. Click Get Projects to obtain the list of projects available on the selected Server.
  • A list of available projects (except for the outdated projects) displays in the Available Projects list.
  • Select the check box adjacent to the project (Project1) that you want to add as distribution participants.
  • Click Add.
  • The selected project, Project1, is added in the Selected Projects list.
    NOTE 1: You cannot add projects that have project languages or extensions configuration that are different than the Originator project where you are adding the distribution participants.
    NOTE 2: You can add a project for which the distribution is disabled. However, the distribution will not work for such projects.
  • Click Add Distribution Partners.
  • The selected distribution participants are added to the list distribution participants in the Distribution Participants expander.
  • A corresponding entry is added in the Distribution Connections expander displaying the default distribution connection (bi-directional) such that Project2 Project1.
    The partner dist port for the distribution partner project is added.
    If the selected partner project is secured with certificates, the partner proxy port number is also added.
  1. Click Save Project .
    NOTE: You cannot save the Originator project that has multiple distribution partners with the same system name and system ID.
  1. Click OK.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Sync to sync the partner projects with details on the originator project.
    NOTE: After synchronizing the Local System, you must restart the SMC on the partner system in the distribution to view the changes done on the partner system.
  1. (Optional) Click Yes to open and view the synchronisation report.
  • The distribution is configured with connection as bi-directional.
  • When you sync, the distribution configuration of the Originator project is synced with the distribution partner projects. The distribution connection is synced so that Project1 Project2. It also syncs the dist port and the partner proxy port entries on the Originator system, and removes any double entries present on partner and the originator.
  1. (Recommended) Click Check Distribution Consistency and view the log.
  1. Click Activate Projectto activate and click Start Project to start Project2.
  1. Log on to the Server 3.
  1. Click Yes and launch SMC again to put Sync in effect.
  1. (Optional and required only when you want to set up the Fully meshed distribution between three Projects) Repeat the step 8 to 17 to set up the third distribution partner Project3 on Server3 by adding Project1 and Project2 as distribution participants. Otherwise, proceed with step 21. In case you have to set up two projects in distribution, make Project2 as the Data Master.
  • On sync, the profiles, and distribution connection on the Originator project (Project3), if changed, are re-aligned with the partner projects. In this case Project1 and Project2.
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the Data master check box for Project3.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. (Recommended) Click Check Distribution Consistency and view the log.
  1. Click Activate Project to activate Project3.
  1. Click Start Project to start Project3.
  1. Launch the Installed Client on the Originator System, System3, with Project3 as the Data Master.
  1. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in the Management View, select Project 3 > System Settings > Security and perform the following on the Originator System.
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create the Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global User to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable User.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  • You are now logged in with the Global User into the Installed Client of the Originator System with Project3 as Data Master and you can now work with it.
  • Since by default, the distribution Connection is bi-directional (fully meshed Distribution configuration), you can also work with the all distribution Partner Systems, (System1 with Project1 and (System2 with Project2).
  • You can also launch the web/Windows App client for System3 (with Project3) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System1 (with Project1) and System2 (with Project2).
  • If you activate one of the Partner System say System1 with Project1, and log onto the Installed Client on System1, you can work with the Local System (System1 with Project1) as well as all the Distribution Partner Systems, System2 and System3.


Fully Meshed Distributed Systems on Separate Servers in Manual Mode


You want to set up a Fully Meshed distributed system on separate servers. The following procedure describes configuring the projects in distribution on separate servers in Manual mode.


On separate servers, you can set only those projects in distribution which have identical security configuration (Server communication as secured or unsecured). It is recommended that you set the projects in distribution with secured configurations.
In Manual mode, you must provide correct and valid entries for the distribution partner project. Otherwise, the distribution will not work properly. For example, while adding the distribution partner project, make sure that you add only those extensions that are configured in the distribution partner project. Otherwise, you cannot work with those extensions when working in distribution.


  • Using the distribution media, you have installed the setup type of Server on three different computers. The software version of Desigo CC, as well as of the extensions installed on all the distribution Partner Systems, are the same.
  • The extensions configured in one distribution partner project are installed on all the other systems participating in distribution.
  • For working with Web/Windows App client, you have installed Internet Information Services (IIS) on all or at least one server.
  • In SMC, ensure the following for the projects participating in distribution:
    • You have two or more projects with the project status as Stopped.
      Assume you have three stopped projects; Project1, Project2, and Project3. You cannot set up an outdated project in distribution; you must first upgrade it to the current software version.
    • You must have the names of the extension configured project that you want to add as distribution partners.
    • The projects in distribution have unique system name and system ID.
    • The languages configured in the project and the sequence in which they are configured is the same in all the distribution participants.
    • On all projects, you have configured Server communication as secured. Additionally, on Project3 you have web Server communication as secured, so as to log into the Web/Windows App Client and work with other projects in distribution.
    • The server project folder is shared with the user logged onto the operating system of the distribution partner system using the Project Shares expander. Provide the shared project folder path in the Shared Path field, while configuring the distribution participant in the Distribution Participants expander.
    • To work with distribution using the Flex Client, the project's Pmon user (System account user as domain user) must have access rights on all the shared Server projects folders in distribution.
    • To work with distribution using the Web/Windows App Client, a web application is created and linked to Project3. The web application user must be added in the list of allowed users in the Project Shares expander of the systems in the distribution.
    • When configuring, the distribution in Manual mode, make sure that for a distribution participant project having Server communication as unsecured or secured, you must provide the partner dist port and the partner proxy port, when configuring in Manual mode, in the Distribution Connection expander. You must have these port numbers with you.
    • The same root certificate (.cer file) is imported in TRCA of all the systems participating in distribution. The host certificates (.pfx file), created from the root certificate present on the system participating in distribution, is available in the Personal store.
      NOTE: To making the certificate available on the distribution partner system, from the server, you can copy the root and the distribution partner system host files to a removable drive that you can use at the distribution partner system to import the certificates. You can also use the network access between the server and the distribution partner system to import the root and distribution partner system host into the distribution partner system.
    • For each project in distribution, there must be a separate HDB linked to the project. The HDBs can be on the same server as that of the projects as three HDBs or as separate HDBs on a remote SQL Server.
      If the HDBs are on the same server connected to projects in distribution, they are linked to each other automatically.
      When the HDBs are on different SQL Servers and you want the projects to see the data from another SQL linked to another project in distribution, you must manually link the SQL instances.
  • The user who is going to work with SMC (for example, create, start, and activate a project) has administrative rights. However, a non-admin user who has rights on the shared project folder on the server and rights on the host certificate used for securing the server communication on the distribution partner system can also launch the installed client.


The following two scenarios are described using Manual mode:

  • Setting up two projects in Fully Meshed distribution
  • Setting up three projects in Fully Meshed distribution

Perform the following tasks on the separate server computer using SMC.


To avoid restarting the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence,

  1. On Server1, perform the following steps using SMC for Project1:
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project1].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, select the Distribution participant check box.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Add to add the distribution partner projects in Manual mode.
  • An empty row is added.
  • An entry displaying the Current project (Originator) name and the default distribution Connection type () displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, perform the following steps to add the details of distribution participant project Project2.
  • Server: Enter the name of the server either from the available domain or workgroup.
  • Project Name: Enter the name of the Project (Project2) with which you want work in distribution.
  • System Name: Enter the System name of the project you have selected.
  • System ID: Enter the System ID of the project you have selected.
  • Shared Path: Enter the Shared project path of the project that you have selected as distribution participant project.
  • Service Port: (Optional and required only when you have Service port of the distribution partner project other than the default port number 8888.) Provide the service port to match the service port number of the distribution partner project.
  • To add the extensions, click Extensions.
  1. In the Select Project Extensions dialog box, expand the extension suite’s name and select only the extensions configured in the distribution partner project.
  1. Click OK.
  • Depending on the extensions selected, the Extensions column is updated to display either the name of the extension, when you configure a single extension or <multiple>, when there are many extensions in the project.
  • The Profiles expander is updated with the profiles for the selected distributed participant project along with the profiles of its extensions.
  1. Open the Distribution Connections expander and perform the following steps:
  • Enter the Partner Dist Port number of the project, Project2 that you have configured in distribution.
    NOTE: It is recommended that the Partner Dist Port entry be present on only one system; not both systems.
  • (Optional and required only when the distribution partner project is secured with certificates.) Enter the Partner Proxy Port number of the secured project, Project2 that you have configured in distribution.
  1. Repeat the steps 6 to 9, including all their substeps , to add another distribution participant project, Project3.
  1. Click Save Project .
    You cannot save the Originator project that has multiple distribution partners with the same system name and system ID.
  1. Click OK for all the messages.
  1. First click Activate Project to activate Project1 and click and Start Project .
  • The distribution is enabled for Project1 on Server1 and Project2 and Project3 are configured as distribution participant projects.
  1. Log on to Server2, and perform the following steps using SMC for Project2:
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project2].
  1. Repeat the Steps 4 through 14 for configuring the distribution participant projects as Project1 and Project3.
  1. In the Distribution Connections expander, add the Partner Dist port only for Project3.
  • The distribution is enabled for Project2 on Server2 and Project1 and Project3 are configured as distribution participant projects.
  1. Log on to Server3, and perform the following steps using SMC for Project3:
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project3].
  1. Repeat the steps 4 to 13 for configuring the distribution participant projects as Project1 and Project2.
    NOTE: In the Distribution Connections expander, you do not need to add the Partner Dist port details for Project1 and Project2.
  • The distribution is enabled for Project3 on Server3, where Project1 and Project2 are configured as distribution participant projects.
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, select the Data master check box for Project3.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. (Recommended) Click Check Distribution Consistency and view the log.
  1. Click Activate Project to activate Project1, and then click and Start Project .
  • The distribution is enabled for Project1 on Server1 and Project2 and Project3 are configured as distribution participant projects.
  1. Launch the installed client on the Originator System, System3 with Project3 as Data master.
  1. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in the Management View, select Project3 > System Settings > Security and perform the following steps on the Originator System.
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global user to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable User.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  • You are now logged in with the Global User into the installed client of the Originator System with Project3 as the Data Master and can now work with it.
  • By default, the distribution connection is bidirectional (Fully meshed Distribution configuration). You can also work with the all distribution Partner Systems, (System1 with Project1 and System2 with Project2).
  • You can also launch the web/Windows App client for System3 (with Project3) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System1 (with Project1) and System 2 (with Project2).
  • If you activate one of the Partner System, for example, System1 with Project1, and log onto the Installed Client on System 1, you can work with the Local System (System1 with Project1) as well as all the Distribution Partner Systems, System2 and System3.


Hierarchical Distributed Systems on a Single Server


You want to set up a hierarchical distributed system on a single server. To do this, you must configure the projects in distribution on the same server.


On a single Server, you can set the projects in distribution even if their security configurations are different. That is, you can set up a stand-alone project in distribution with an unsecured project or an unsecured project in distribution with a secured project and so on.
You can set up the server communication as stand-alone, if you access the Installed Client on the same server. However, if you have a remote FEP connected to the server, for working in distribution, you must set the projects with server communication as secured.


On singles Server, ensure the following before configuring projects in distribution:

  • Using the distribution media, you have installed the setup type of Server. The software version of Desigo CC, as well as all the extensions installed on all the distribution partner Systems is the same.
  • For working with Web/Windows App client, you have installed Internet Information Services (IIS) on the same Sever.
  • In SMC, ensure the following for the projects participating in distribution:
    • You have two or more projects (having unique port numbers) and with project status as Stopped. For example, you have three stopped projects Project1, Project 2 and Project 3 with unique port numbers.
      You cannot set up an outdated project in distribution, you must first upgrade it to the current software version.
    • The projects in distribution have a unique system name and system ID.
    • The projects have the same project languages configured and their sequence is the same for all the distribution partners.
    • The dist port configured in the distribution partner project is unique. Otherwise, you cannot start the project on the same Server.
    • On all three projects, you have configured server communication as standalone. Additionally, on one of the project, for example Project1, you have web Server communication as local, so as to log into and work with other projects in distribution using the Windows App client.
    • For working with distribution, the project's Pmon user must be set as Specific account (local or domain user). This user must have access rights on all the shared Server projects folders in distribution.
    • For working in distribution using the Web/Windows App Client, a web application is created and linked to Project1. The web application user must be added in the list of allowed users in the Project Shares expander of the systems in the distribution.
    • (Recommended) Share the project folder of the distribution participant project with the user using the Project Shares expander. This is because, while configuring the distribution participant using in the Distribution Participants expander in Automatic mode, the shared project folder path displays in the Shared Path field. In Manual mode, however, you must enter the shared project folder path.
    • For each project in distribution there must be a separate HDB linked to the project. The HDBs can be on the same server as that of the projects with three HDBs, or as separate HDBs on a remote SQL Server.
      If the HDBs are on the same server connected to projects in distribution, they are linked to each other automatically.
      When the HDBs are on different SQL Servers and you want the projects to see the data from another SQL Server linked to another project in distribution, you must manually link the SQL instances.

Deployment Sequence Diagram:


Perform the following tasks on the same Server using SMC.


In order to avoid restarting the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence.

  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, do the following:
    a. Enable the distribution by selecting the Distribution Participant check box.
    b. Select the Data Master check box.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Activate Project to activate Project1.
    NOTE: If there is no active project in SMC, you must activate this first. Otherwise, you cannot start it.
  1. Click Start Project to start Project1.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [stopped project], for example Project2 that you want to set up in distribution.
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, proceed as follows:
    a. Enable the distribution for Project2 by selecting the Distribution Participant check box.
    b. Set the Dist Port number field to 4778 by changing the default.
  1. Using the Distribution Participants expander, add the distribution partner project, for example Project3, either in Manual mode by clicking New and Extensions, or in Automatic Mode by clicking Browse.
  1. From the Distribution Connections expander, change the Connection type so that
    Project2 Project1.
  1. Click Save Project .
    NOTE: You cannot save the Originator project having multiple distribution partners with the same dist port, system name, system ID.
  • Click OK.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Sync to sync the partner project Project1, with details on the originator project, Project2.
  1. (Optional) Click Yes to open and view the synchronization report.
  1. Repeat steps 8 to 15 to set up Project3 in distribution with Project1, providing the unique dist port and adding distribution participants as projects Project1.
  • Since the distribution connection is unidirectional, you can set up Hierarchical distributed systems on a single server. When you sync, the distribution connection is aligned on Project1 so that
    Project1 Project2, and
    Project1 Project3.
  1. Launch the Installed Client on the Supervising System (Originator System, System1 with Project1).
  1. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in Management View, select Project1 > System Settings > Security and perform the following on the Supervising System (Originator System set as Data Master).
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create the Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global User to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable the User.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  • You are now logged in with the Global User into the installed client of the Supervising System (Originator Project1). You can now work with the distribution partner projects Project2 (System2) and Project3 (System3).
  • You can also launch the web/Windows App client for System1 (with Project1) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System2 (with Project2) and System3 (with Project3).
  • If you activate one of the partner systems, for example System2 with Project2, and log onto the Installed Client on System2, you can only work with the local system (System2 with Project2).


Hierarchical Distributed Systems on Separate Servers in Automatic Mode


You want to set up a Hierarchical Distributed System on separate Servers. To do this, you must configure the projects on separate Servers in distribution with a (unidirectional) distribution connection.

The following procedure describes the procedure to set up three projects in Hierarchical distribution using Automatic mode on separate Servers.


On separate Servers, you can only set those projects in distribution which have the same security configuration (server communication set to secured or unsecured). We recommend setting the projects in distribution to secured configurations.


  • Using the distribution media, you have installed the setup type: server on three different computers. The software version of Desigo CC, as well as the extensions installed on all the distribution Partner, Systems is the same.
  • The extensions configured in one distribution partner project are installed on all the other systems participating in distribution.
  • For working with Web/Windows App client, you have installed Internet Information Services (IIS). Install Internet Information Services (IIS) on at least one Server.
  • In SMC ensure the following for the projects participating in distribution:
    • You have two or more projects with project status as Stopped.
      For example, you have three stopped projects Project 1, Project 2, and Project 3 with unique port numbers. You cannot set up an outdated project in distribution. You must first upgrade it to the current software version.
    • Each project has a unique system name and system ID.
    • The languages configured in the project and their sequence where they are configured is the same in all the distribution participants.
    • On all projects, you have configured server communication as secured. Additionally, on Project1 you have web server communication as Local, so you can log into the Web/Windows App client and work with other projects in distribution.
    • The server project folder is shared with the user logged onto the operating system of the distribution partner system using the Project Shares expander.
    • For working with distribution using the Flex Client, the project's Pmon user (System account user as domain user) must have access rights on all the shared Server projects folders in distribution.
    • For working in distribution using the Web/Windows App Client, a web application is created and linked to Project1. The web application user must be added in the list of allowed users in the Project Shares expander of the systems in the distribution.
    • The same root certificate (.cer file) is imported in TRCA of all the systems participating in distribution. The host certificate (.pfx file), created from the root certificate present on the system participating in distribution, is available in the Personal store.
      NOTE: To make the certificate available on the distribution partner system you can copy the root and the distribution partner system host files from the server to a removable drive that you can use at the distribution partner system to import the certificates. You can also use the network access between the server and the distribution partner system to import the root and distribution partner system host into the distribution partner system.
    • For each project in distribution there must be a separate HDB linked to the project. The HDBs can be on the same Server as that of the projects as three HDBs or as separate HDBs on a remote SQL Server.
      If the HDBs are on the same SQL Servers connected to projects in distribution, they are linked to each other automatically.
      When the HDBs are on different SQL Servers and you want the projects to see the data from another SQL linked to another project in distribution, you must manually link the SQL instances.
  • The user who is going to work with SMC (for example, create, start, and activate a project) has administrative rights. However, a non-admin user who has rights on the shared project folder on the Server and rights on the host certificate used for securing the server communication on the distribution partner system, can also launch the installed client.

Deployment Sequence Diagram:


Perform the following tasks on the separate Server using SMC.


To avoid having to restart the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence.

  1. On Server 1, perform the following steps using SMC for Project 1:
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, do the following:
    a. Enable the distribution by selecting the Distribution Participant check box.
    b. Select the Data Master check box.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Activate Project .
  1. Click Start Project .
  • The Project1 is started, activated and enabled for distribution on Server1.
  1. Log onto Server2, and perform the following steps using SMC for Project2.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [stopped project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the distribution for Project2 by selecting the Distribution Participant check box.
  1. To add the distribution partner projects in Automatic mode, in the Distribution Participants expander, click Browse. When the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box displays, browse for the distribution partner projects.
  • In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, perform the following steps:
    (For selecting servers in domain) In the Domain Tree View, make sure that the correct domain is selected. By default, the domain of your computer is selected.
    In case of Workgroup, the workgroup of your computer is selected by default.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain) In the Enter management system name or description field, enter the computer name of the server, if you already know it, or you can type a partial text string.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain ) Click Check Name.
  • A list of matching servers, available in the selected domain, whose name contains the entered string, displays in the Filtered Server Computers list.
    In case of a Workgroup, all the server computers available in the Workgroup are listed.
  • Select the server where you want to set up distribution.
    NOTE: If the Service port of the server name provided is other than the default, a message displays. In this case, proceed as follows:
    a. Enter the Service port number on the selected server.
    b. Click Get Projects to obtain the list of projects available on the selected server.
  • A list of available projects (except for the outdated projects) displays in the Available Projects list.
  • Select the check box adjacent to the project (Project1) that you want to add as distribution participants.
  • Click Add.
  • The selected project, Project1, is added in the Selected Projects list.
    NOTE 1: You cannot add projects that have project languages or extension modules configuration that are different from the Originator project.
    NOTE 2: You can add a project for which the distribution is disabled. However, the distribution will not work for such projects.
  • Click Add Distribution Partners.
  • The selected distribution participants are added to the list distribution participants in the Distribution Participants expander.
  • A corresponding entry for the selected distribution partner project is added in the Distribution Connections expander displaying the default Distribution Connection (bi-directional ).
    The Partner Dist Port and the Partner Proxy Port for the distribution partner project is added.
  1. In the Distribution Connections expander, change the default (bi-directional connection to (unidirectional) for the partner projects so that
    Project2 Project1.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK for all the messages that display.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Sync to sync the partner projects with details on the originator project.
  1. (Optional) Click Yes to open and view the synchronization report.
  1. Click Activate Project .
  1. Click Start Project.
  1. Repeat steps 10 to 22 to set up Project3 on Server3 in distribution with Project1 on Server1.
  • When you sync, the distribution configuration of projects Project2 and Project3 is aligned with the Project1 such that connection on Project1 and Project2 are respectively shown below
    Project 2 Project 1 and
    Project 3 Project 1
    It removes any duplicate entries present on the Originator, as well as the Partner System.
  • The distribution is configured with Connection as unidirectional from Supervising System1 to the Supervised System2 and System3. Therefore, you can set up the Hierarchical Distributed Systems.
  1. Launch the installed client on the Supervising System (System1 with Project1 as Data Master).
  1. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in the Management View, select Project 1 > System Settings > Security and perform the following on the Supervising System.
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global User to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable User.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  • You are now logged in with the Global User into the installed client of the Supervising System (Originator Project1). You can now work with the distribution partner projects Project2 (System2) and Project3 (System3).
  • You can also launch the web/Windows App client for System 1 (with Project1) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System2 (with Project2) and System3 (with Project3).
  • If you activate one of the Partner System say System2 with Project2, and log onto the Installed Client on System2, you can work with only the Local System (System2 with Project2).


Hierarchical Distributed Systems on Separate Servers in Manual Mode


You want to set up a Hierarchical Distributed System on separate servers. To do this, you must configure the projects on separate Servers in distribution with a (unidirectional) distribution connection.

The following procedure describes setting up three projects on different Servers in Hierarchical Distribution System using Manual mode.


On separate Servers, you can only set those projects in distribution which have the same security configuration (server communication as secured or unsecured). It is recommended that you set the projects in distribution with secured configurations.
In Manual mode, you must provide correct and valid entries for the distribution partner project. Otherwise, the distribution does not work properly. For example, while adding the distribution partner project, make sure that you add only those extensions that are configured in the distribution partner project. Otherwise, you cannot work with those extensions when working in distribution.


  • Using the distribution media, you have installed the setup type server on three different computers. The software version of Desigo CC, as well as the extensions installed on all the distribution Partner Systems, are the same.
  • The extensions configured in one distribution partner project are installed on all the other systems participating in distribution.
  • For working with Web/Windows App client, you have installed Internet Information Services (IIS). Install Internet Information Services (IIS) on at least one Server.
  • In SMC, ensure the following for the projects participating in distribution:
    • You have two or more projects (having unique port numbers) and the project status is Stopped. For example, you have stopped projects Project1, Project2 and Project3 with unique port numbers. You cannot set up an outdated project in distribution; you must first upgrade it to the current software version.
    • You must have the names of the extension modules configured project that you want to add as distribution partners.
    • The projects in distribution have a unique System Name and System ID.
    • The languages configured in the project and their sequence in which they are configured is the same in all the distribution participants.
    • On all projects, you have configured server communication as secured. Additionally, on Project1 you have web server communication as Local, so you can log into the Web/Windows App client and work with other projects in distribution.
    • You must have the partner dist port and the partner proxy port numbers available for configuring distribution participant project having Server Communication as unsecured or secured.
    • The server project folder is shared with the user logged onto the operating system of the distribution partner system using the Project Shares expander. Provide the shared project folder path in the Shared Path field while configuring the distribution participant in the Distribution Participants expander.
    • For working with distribution using the Flex Client, the project's Pmon user (System account user as domain user) must have access rights on all the shared Server projects folders in distribution.
    • For working in distribution using the Web/Windows App Client, a web application is created and linked to Project1. The web application user must be added in the list of allowed users in the Project Shares expander of the systems in the distribution.
    • The same.cer file root certificate is imported in TRCA of all the systems participating in distribution. The .pfx file host certificates, created from the root certificate present on the system participating in distribution, is available in the Personal store.
      NOTE: For making the certificate available on the distribution partner system, from the server you can copy the root and the distribution partner system host files to a removable drive that you can use at the distribution partner system to import the certificates. You can also use the network access between the server and the distribution partner system to import the root and distribution partner system host into the distribution partner system.
    • For each project in distribution, there must be a separate HDB linked to the project. The HDBs can be on the same server as that of the projects as three HDBs or as separate HDBs on a remote SQL Server.
      If the HDBs are on the same Server connected to projects in distribution, they are linked to each other automatically.
      When the HDBs are on different SQL servers and you want the projects to see the data from another SQL linked to another project in distribution, you must manually link the SQL instances.
  • The user who is going to work with SMC (for example, create, start, and activate a project) has administrative rights. However, a non-admin user who has rights on the shared project folder on the server and rights on the host certificate used for securing the server communication on the distribution partner system. can also launch the Installed Client.

Deployment Sequence Diagram:


Perform the following tasks on the separate Server using SMC.


To avoid having to restart the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence on the Servers.

  1. On Server1, perform the following steps using SMC for Project1.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, do the following:
    a. Enable the distribution by selecting the Distribution participant check box.
    b. Select the Data Master check box.
  1. To add the distribution partner projects in Manual mode, in the Distribution Participants expander, click Add.
  • An empty row is added.
  • An entry displaying the Originator project name and the default distribution connection type () displays in the Distribution Connections expander.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, perform the following steps to add the details of distribution participant project. For example Project2.
  • Server: Enter the name of the Server, either from the available domain or workgroup.
  • Project Name: Type the name of the project with which you want work in distribution.
  • System Name: Type the system name of the project you have selected.
  • System ID: Type the system ID of the project you have selected.
  • Shared Path: Type the shared project path of the project that you have selected as the distribution participant project.
  • Service Port: (Optional and required only when you have Service port of the distribution partner project other than the default port number 8888.) Provide the service port to match the service port number of the distribution partner project.
  • To add the extension modules, click Extensions.
  1. In the Select Project Extensions dialog box, expand the extension suite’s name and select only the extensions configured in the distribution partner project, Project2.
  1. Click OK.
  • Depending on the selection of extensions, the Extensions column is updated to display either the name of the extension module, when you configure a single extension, or <multiple> when there are many extensions in the project.
  • The Profiles expander is updated with the profiles for the selected distributed participant project along with the profiles of its extensions.
  1. Open the Distribution Connections expander and perform the following steps:
    a. Change the default Distribution Connection type for the partner project (Project2) to (unidirectional) so that
    Project1 Project2.
    b. Do not add the partner dist port or and partner proxy port details for Project1.
  1. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for adding distribution participant as Project3 in Project1.
  1. Click Save Project .
    You cannot save the Originator project that has multiple distribution partners with the same System Name and System ID.
  1. Click OK for all the messages that display.
  1. Click Activate Project .
  1. Click and Start Project .
  • The distribution is enabled for Project1 on Server1. It has distribution partner projects as Project2 (on Server2) and Project3 (on Server3).
  1. Log on to Server2, and perform the following steps using SMC for Project2.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project2].
  1. Repeat steps 4 to 13 for configuring the distribution participant project as Project1.
  1. In the Distribution Connections expander, do the following:
    a. Change the default distribution connection type for Partner projects, Project1, to (unidirectional) so that
    Project2 Project1.
    b. Enter the partner dist port number of the project, Project 1 that you have configured in distribution.
    NOTE: It is recommended that the partner dist port entry is present on only one system; not on both systems.
    c. (Optional and required only when the distribution partner project is secured with certificates.) Enter the partner proxy port number of the secured project, Project1 that you have configured in distribution.
  • The distribution is enabled for Project2 on Server2, where Project1 (on Server1) is configured as distribution Partner project.
  1. Click Save Project .
  1. Click OK.
  1. (Recommended) Click Check Distribution Consistency and view the log.
  1. First click Activate Project to activate Project2 and then click Start Project .
  • The distribution is enabled for Project2 on Server2, where Project1 (on Server1) is configured as distribution participant project.
  1. Repeat steps 16 to 22 for Project3 on Server3, by adding the partner dist port and partner proxy port for Project1 and by changing the distribution connection such that
    Project3 Project1.
  1. Launch the Installed Client on the Supervising System (Originator System, System1 with Project1 as the Data Master).
  1. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in the Management View, select Project1 > System Settings > Security and perform the following on the Supervising System.
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create the Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global User to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable User.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  • You are now logged in with the Global User into the Installed Client of the Supervising System (Originator Project1). You can now work with the distribution partner projects Project2 (System2) and Project3 (System3).
  • You can also launch the Web/Windows App client for System1 (with Project1) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System2 (with Project2) and System3 (with Project3).
  • If you activate one of the partner systems, for example System2 with Project2, and log onto the Installed Client on System2, you can only work with the Local System (System2 with Project2).


Additional Procedures for Configuring Projects in Distribution

Read the following procedures, and perform those, as needed.

Enable the Distribution for a Project

This is the first step for setting up the projects in distribution.

  • The relevant project is stopped.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. Select the Distribution participant check box.
  • This enables the Dist port field, adds the Data master and Query Cache check box and enables the Query Cache port field.
  • It also adds two expanders, Distribution Participants and Distribution Connections, for configuring the distribution in Manual or Automatic mode.
  • The Project Shares expander displays.
  • When the Distribution Participants expander is opened, it displays a default read-only entry for the currently selected project (Originator project) on the Local System. It also enables the Browse and Add buttons.
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, enter a unique number other than the default (4777) into the Dist port field. Valid values are 1 through 65535.
    NOTE: For configuring distribution between two or more projects running on a single server, all the ports including the dist port number must be unique. Otherwise, you cannot start them.
  1. Click Save .
  • A message displays.
  1. Click OK.
    NOTE: Since you have changed the project settings of the server project, you must align all linked web applications in the client project with the modified settings. For more information, see Aligning a Web Application with the Server Project.
  • The distribution for the selected project is enabled.


Set the Project as Data Master

The Data master is a dedicated project/system which synchronizes global data (for example, global users and global groups) to all connected systems. In a distributed system, there must be exactly one Data master and the Data master must have access to all connected systems in the distribution (this is important for distributions which use one-way connectivity).

You can set the project as Data master when the project is stopped as well as when it is running. When set at runtime it takes a while till the running system detects the configuration change. Therefore, it is recommended to set the Data master when the project is stopped.

  • At least one started or stopped project is available under the Projects folder for which the distribution is enabled.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, select the Data master check box.
  1. Click Save Project .
  • The selected project is set as Data Master.


Add the Distribution Partner Project in Automatic Mode

This is the next step after enabling the distribution. For working with projects in distribution, you must add and configure the distribution partner projects.

This procedure describes, for a stopped or a started project, how to add the distribution partner project in Automatic mode.


For adding the distribution partner project on the same server, you can use the Stand-alone, Secured or Unsecured projects. However, to add the distribution partner projects from a different server, it is recommended to add only those distribution partner projects which are Secured (with certificates).

  • At least one project (started or stopped) is available under the Projects folder, and you have enabled distribution for this project.
  • You also have provided a unique Dist port number and saved the project.
  • You have shared the project folder using the Project Shares expander for all distribution partner projects with the user logged onto the operating system of the Originator project on the server.
  • The extensions of the distribution partner project are installed on the server of the Originator project.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on the selected project status, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  • A default read-only entry for the Local System (Originator project) displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Browse to browse and select the distribution partner projects using the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box.
  1. In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, perform the following steps:
  • (For selecting servers in domain) In the Domain Tree View, make sure that the correct domain is selected. By default, the domain of your computer is selected.
    In case of Workgroup, the workgroup of your computer is selected by default.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain) In the Enter management system name or description field, enter the computer name of the server, if you already know it, or you can type a partial text string.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain ) Click Check Name.
  • A list of matching servers available in the selected domain, whose name contains the entered string, displays in the Filtered Server Computers list.
    In case of a Workgroup, all the server computers available in the Workgroup are listed.
  • Select the server for setting up in distribution.
  • If the Service port of the Server name provided is other than the default (8888), a message displays. In this case, proceed as follows:
    a. Click OK to close the message box.
    b. In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, enter the Service port number for the selected Server or increment or decrement using the Spinner controls.
    c. Click Get Projects to obtain the list of projects available on the selected server.
  • A list of projects (excluding the outdated projects) displays in the Available Projects list.
    d. Select the check box adjacent to the project that you want to add as a distribution participant. You can select multiple projects.
    e. Click Add.
  • The selected projects are added in the Selected Projects list.
    NOTE: You cannot add a project, whose project languages or extension configuration does not match the languages or configured extensions of Originator project.
  1. Click Add Distribution Partners.
  • The selected distribution participant projects are added in the Distribution Participants expander. It displays the Server name, Project Name, System Name, System ID, Shared Path, if configured for the selected distribution partner project on different Server, and the extensions configured.
  • A corresponding entry, for the newly added distribution partner project, is added in the Distribution Connections expander. The default distribution Connection type is (Bi-directional) and the Partner Dist Port and the Partner Proxy Port number as configured on the partner project.
  1. Click Save Project .
    NOTE: You cannot save the Originator project with multiple distribution partners entries that have the same System name and System ID.
  • A distribution partner projects entry is added to the Local System’s Originator project using Automatic mode.
  • If the selected project is a running project, a message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Restart the project, by clicking Stop , and then clicking Start .


Add the Distribution Partner Project in Manual Mode

This is the next step after enabling distribution. For working with projects in distribution, you must add and configure the distribution partner projects.

This procedure describes, for a stopped or a started project, how to add the distribution partner project in Manual mode.


For adding the distribution partner project on the same server, you can use the Stand-alone, Secured or Unsecured projects. However, for adding the distribution partner projects from a different server, it is recommended that you only add those distribution partner projects which are Secured (with certificates).

  • At least one project (started or stopped) is available under the Projects folder, and you have enabled distribution for this project.
  • You also have provided a unique Dist port number and saved the project.
  • You have shared the project folder for all distribution partner projects with the user logged onto the operating system of the Originator project on the server.
  • The extensions of the distribution partner project are installed on the server of the Originator project.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on whether the project is started or stopped, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  • A read-only entry for the current project (Originator) displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Add, to add the distribution partner project.
  • An empty row is added in the Distribution Participants expander.
  • An entry displaying the Current project (Originator) name and the default distribution Connection type Bi-directional () displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander perform the following steps:
  • Server: Enter the server name either from the available domain or workgroup.
  • Project Name: Enter the name of the project with which you want to work in distribution.
  • System Name: Enter the System name of the project you have selected.
  • System ID: Enter the System ID of the project you have selected.
  • Shared Path: Enter the Shared project path of the Project that you have selected.
    NOTE: For the distribution partner project, on the same server as the Originator project, you can also enter the local path of the distribution participant project, for example [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name] in the Shared Path field of the Distribution Participants expander. However, it is recommended to use the shared path.
    For the distribution partner project, on a different server than the Originator project, you must first share the project using the Project Shares expander. You must share the project with the user logged on to the operating system of the server (Originator system) and manually enter in the shared project path.
  • WCF Port: (Optional and required only when you have edited the WCF port of the partner system.) In the Distribution Participants expander, move the scrollbar to display the WCF port. Provide the Service port number to match the Service port number of the selected distribution partner project. The default port number is 8888.
  • To add the extensions, click the Extensions button.
  • The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
  • Expand the extension suite’s name and select only the extensions configured in the distribution partner project. Select the extension suite to select all the extensions listed under the extension suite.
  • Click OK.
  • Depending on the selection of extension modules, the Extensions column is updated and displays either the name of the extension module, when you configure a single extension module, or <multiple>, when there are many extensions in the project, or <none> (default) when no extension is configured.
  • The Profiles expander is updated with the profiles for the selected distributed participant project, along with the profiles of the extensions configured.
  1. Open the Distribution Connections expander and perform the following steps:
  • (Optional and required only when you want to change the default Connection type and configure the projects as Hierarchical distributed system.) Modify the default distribution Connection change bi-directional () to unidirectional either () or ().
  • Partner Dist Port: Enter the Partner Dist Port number of the project that you have configured in distribution.
  • Partner Proxy Port: (Optional and required only when the distribution partner project is secured with certificates and is on the different server.) Enter the Partner Proxy Port number of the secured project that you have configured in distribution.
  1. Click Save Project .
    You cannot save the Originator project having multiple distribution partners with the same System name and System ID.
  • A distribution partner projects entry is added to the Local System’s Originator project using Manual mode.
    NOTE: Once the distribution Partner project’s entry is added, even if you disable the distribution by clearing the Distribution participant check box, the distribution Partner entry is not removed. You must select the specific entry and remove it. For more information, see Removing the Distribution Partner Project Entry.
  • If the selected project is a running project, a message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Restart the project, by clicking Stop , and then clicking Start .


Remove the Distribution Partner Project Entry

  • At least one project is available under the Projects folder and you have enabled distribution for this project, and added the distribution partner projects in Manual or Automatic Mode.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on whether the project is stopped or started, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  • It lists all the entries for the distribution Partner projects. It also displays a read-only entry for the current project (Originator) displays.
  1. Select the distribution Partner project entry that you want to delete.
  1. Click Remove.
  • The selected distribution Partner project entry is removed from the Distribution Participants expander. Additionally, the profiles related to the extensions configured in the removed distribution partner are also removed from the Profiles expander, as well as from the profiles folder of the Originator project.
  1. Click Save Project .
  • If the selected project is a running project and has the Partner Dist Port entry (in the Distribution Connections expander), a message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Restart the project by clicking Stop , and then clicking Start .

After removing the Partner entry on the Local System, it is recommended to manually remove the corresponding entry in the Partner project on the Partner System in distribution. After removing the entry on the Partner System, you do not need to restart the project.
When you want to remove a system from distribution permanently, you must manually delete the corresponding Server object from System Browser of the distribution Partner project in order to eliminate the fault message.


Change the Distribution Connection Type

This procedure describes how to modify the distribution Connection type of the distribution partner project that you have added either using Automatic or Manual mode.

  • At least one project (started or stopped) is available under the Projects folder and you have enabled the distribution for this project.
  • You have also added the distribution partner projects using Automatic or Manual mode.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on whether project is Started or Stopped, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  1. Select an entry for the distribution partner project.
  1. Open the Distribution Connection expander and perform the following steps:
  • Modify the default distribution Connection type Bi-directional () to unidirectional () such that the Originator project (Local System) can see () the Partner project.
  • Modify the default distribution Connection type Bi-directional () to unidirectional () such that the Originator project (Local System) will be seen () from the Partner project.
    NOTE: When you click Sync, the Connection type is synced on the Partner System.
  1. Click Save Project .
  • A distribution partner project entry is updated and saved with the updated Connection type.
  • If the selected project is a running project and the Connection type changes from to any other Connection type or changes to from any other Connection type, a message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Restart the project by licking Stop , and then clicking Start .


Synchronize the Distribution Configuration

This procedure describes how to sync the distribution configuration details of the Partner project with the Originator project and vice versa. For example, if you have removed an extension from an Originator project, you must sync all the partner projects with the originator project.

In a distributed system if the data master is changed you must synchronize the server manually.

  • At least one project is available under the Projects folder, it is stopped or started and you have enabled the distribution for this project.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  1. Click Sync.
  • A message displays.
  1. Click Yes (recommended) and open the log file. The log provides any details of failure during the synch.
    NOTE: If the service port for the distribution partner project is not the same as the one configured on the Partner project (on another server), the distribution Partner project is not synced. You are informed about such failures only using the log file. For more information, see troubleshooting steps.
    Similarly, the incorrectly configured extensions of a project cannot be synced. It is recommended that you view the details in the log file.
  • The distribution configuration details of the distribution partner projects are updated in the corresponding distribution partner project entry on the current (Originator) project.
  • A new entry for the current (Originator) project is added or updated the existing entry for the current (Originator) project in the Distribution Participants expander of all the listed distribution partner projects.
  • Duplicate entries in the Connection type, Partner Dist Port, and Partner Proxy Port fields configured in the Distribution Connection expander on the distribution partner project are removed during sync.
  1. Activate the Originator Project on the local system.
  1. Start the Originator Project.
  1. (Optional) Check the distribution consistency.
  • Log onto the Installed Client. Both the projects are available in System Browser. You can now work with projects in distribution.

After performing sync on the local system, you must restart the SMC on the Partner System in distribution (if the SMC is open) to view the changes made on the Partner System. However, you do not need to restart the SMC for the distribution participant project on the same server.
If you change the distribution connection type, which changes the visibility of the partner project, you must restart the partner project on the Partner System so the changes can take effect. For example, for Local ProjectA and Partner ProjectB, both on different servers, for local ProjectA, having the connection type , change the connection type to and click Sync. This results in the Partner ProjectB changing, so that the connection type is . Consequently, Partner ProjectB can only see itself, while Local ProjectA can see both projects ProjectA and ProjectB. In this case, after sync, you must restart the distribution partner ProjectB on the Partner System.

Next Steps to be Performed on Partner System in Distribution

  1. Log onto the computer where the Partner System in distribution is located.
  • If SMC is already open, a message displays on the Partner System.
  1. Click OK.
  1. SMC closes.
  1. Launch SMC again.
  1. Do the following:
  • If the synch log indicates to restart the Partner project, you must restart the project.
  • Start the Partner project.


Add the Extensions from the Distribution Partner Project

While configuring the distribution Partner project in the Manual mode, you must add the extensions that are configured in the Partner projects.


When configuring the extensions for the distribution partner project, make sure to add only those extensions that are configured in the selected distribution partner project. Otherwise, you will not be able to work with those extensions when working in distribution.
Removing the extensions of the distribution partner entry using Extensions also removes the corresponding profiles from the Profiles expander. It also removes them from the profiles folder of the Originator project, when no other distribution partner project has this extension configured.

  • The extensions configured in the distribution partner project are installed on the Local System. Otherwise, these extensions are not listed in the Select Project Extensions dialog box when you click Extensions. Consequently, you cannot add them in the distribution partner project.
  • At least one project is available under the Projects folder and you have enabled distribution for this project, and added the distribution partner project.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on whether the project is started or stopped, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  • It lists all the entries for the distribution Partner projects. It also displays a read-only entry for the current project (Originator) displays.
  1. Select an entry for the distribution partner project.
  1. Click Extensions.
  • The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays a list of all the extensions suites along with all the extensions that are installed on the current server.
  1. In the Select Project Extensions dialog box, open the extension suites and select only those extensions that are configured in the distribution Partner project. Click OK.
  • The extensions are configured and listed in the Extensions column drop-down list.
  • The corresponding profiles are added to the Profiles expander.
  1. Click Save Project .


Check the Consistency of Distribution Partners

  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects.
  1. Click Check Distribution Consistency .
  • The system internally checks the distribution parameters for the Partner Systems (projects) in distribution for the selected project on the Local System and displays a message asking if you want to open the Distribution Consistency log file now. If there are no inconsistencies between the projects in distribution, the log file displays the same message.
    The log file lists the distribution consistency report. Check for any inconsistencies in the following parameters:
    - The platform software version of the Local Project and the Partner Project in distribution.
    - The language and its configuration sequence.
    - The Client/Server Security Communication type.
    - The Local Project data.
    - The extensions installed on the systems in distribution.
  • In addition, verify the following:
    - Check for software version of the configured extensions.
    - Check if distribution is disabled.
    - Check whether multiple systems are Data Master (Local System as well as the Partner System) or if no system is a Data master.
    - Check if shared path is not configured or incorrect.
    - Check whether or not the Partner Dist Port entry is present on both systems; Local and the Partner System.
  1. Click Yes to open the log.
  • A log file opens in the default editor. The log file is also saved on the disk under
    [installation drive:]/[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.


Disable the Distribution for a Project

  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Click Edit .
  1. Clear the Distribution participant check box.
  • This disables the Dist port field and the Data master check box disappears.
  • The Query Cache check box remains selected, unless you manually clear it. On clearing it the Query Cache port field is disabled.
  • The entries for the Local System, as well as for the Partner System are not removed. You must remove the Partner project entry by clicking Remove.
  1. Click Save Project .
  • A message displays.
  1. Click OK.
    NOTE: Since you have changed the project settings of the server project, you must align all the linked web applications in the client project with the modified settings. (see Aligning a Web Application with the Server Project)
  • The distribution for the selected project is disabled.


Link HDBs on different SQL Servers

In a distributed system, HDBs may be located on different SQL Servers. If you want a project to access data (for example, for reports) from multiple HDBs on different SQL Servers, you must link the HDBs on the different SQL Servers.

  1. Start SMC.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure > [SQL Server Name].
  1. Open the Distribution expander
  • A list of known SQL Servers is displayed. If the desired server is not displayed, you must link it to the SMC.
  1. Select the server you want to link with the server selected in the SMC tree and select the Linked check box.
    NOTE: The Linked check box of the HDB in the Databases expander must also be selected.
  1. In the SMC tree, select the SQL server you linked in step 4.
  1. Open the Distribution expander.
  1. Select the server instance with the other HDB and select the Linked check box.
    NOTE: Both servers must be linked to each other.
  1. Click Save.


Add the Distribution Partner Project Entry in the Running Project

  • At least one project is available under the Projects root folder, it is started and you have enabled distribution for this project.
  • The distribution participant project that you want to add is shared with the user logged onto the operating system of the Originator project on the Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select the Projects node.
  1. In the Projects tree, select the project.
  • In the Project Settings toolbar, Change Distribution Info is enabled.
  1. Click Change Distribution Info .
  • In the Distribution Participants expander, Browse and Add buttons are enabled.
  1. Add the distribution participants using Manual mode (by clicking Add) or using Automatic mode (by clicking Browse).
  1. Click Save Project .
  • A message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. To restart the project, do the following using the Project Settings toolbar icons:
    a. Click Stop Project .
    b. Click Start Project .