History Infrastructure Workspace

This section gives an overview of the History Infrastructure workspace. For information on the notification database workspace, see Notification Database Configuration.

When you select the main Database Infrastructure folder in the SMC, the Historic Data tab displays. You can perform the following tasks in this tab:

  • Finding and selecting an SQL Server
  • Creating and configuring a History Database
  • Attaching and detaching a History Database
  • Editing and cleaning up a History Database
  • Backing up and reloading a History Database
  • Updating a History Database


Name and Description


Database Infrastructure main folder


Instance name of the local SQL Server


Available History Database on the local server


Instance name and computer name of the remote SQL Server


List comprising the local SQL Server as well as any available network SQL servers


Active project and the related project state


Scan Local: Scans for local SQL server instances


Scan Network: Scans for SQL server instances in the local network


Search Server: Scans for a specific SQL server instances in the entire network, for example, PC_name\Instance. Wildcard characters are not allowed.

The toolbar icons and the following expanders help you to configure HDB.


For additional information, see Additional HDB Toolbar Control Procedures, in History Infrastructure Procedures.

History Infrastructure Toolbar





Provides the following options:
Create History Database: Creates a new Desigo CC HDB
Create Notification Database: Creates a new HDB.


Delete an existing HDB.


Edit an existing HDB.


Connect an existing HDB to:
– Server
– History Database if the server is linked.


Unlink an HDB for server and History Database.


Save the data when:
– Creating a project
– Upgrading a project


Back up an HDB to an HDB backup file.


Provides the following options:

Restore History Database: Restores a Desigo CC HDB backup file
Restore Notification Database: Restores a HDB backup file.


Clear the contents of an existing HDB. This function typically is used once following project commissioning.


Upgrade the HDB to a new version.

Start Automatic Maintenance

Start the Automatic Maintenance. Automated database tasks are processed (for example backup).

Stop Automatic Maintenance

Stop the Automatic Maintenance. Automated database tasks are no longer processed (for example backup). Incoming history data is still stored in the HDB if the project is running. The Automatic Maintenance should not be stopped while the project is running as it may lead to data loss.


Display the memory used by the individual data group.

Encrypt History Database Backup

Create a compressed history database backup or LTS archive backup file (7-Zip file), encrypted with a password at a specified folder.

Decrypt History Database Backup

Decompress and decrypt a compressed encrypted history database backup or LTS archive backup file (which is compressed in 7z Archive (.7z) file type and 7z.001 (7z.001) file type for split backup files) at a specified location.

Database Information

The Database Information expander displays information on both History Databases and the SQL Server.



DB status

Displays the status of the History Database:
Current: The database is up to date.
Outdated: The database needs to be upgraded.
Outdated - Resolve conflicts before upgrade: The database needs to be upgraded, but before upgrade, the HDB owner must be changed to a user other than the HDB user and the HDB service user by stopping, editing, and saving the database.

DB name

Name of the History Database in the project. The following characters are not permitted: /, \, :, *, ?, “, <, >, |, #, @, [, ], {, }, $, !, &, %, +, -, &, (, ), ‘, ~, ;, ,, ., space.

Database size

Determines the size of the History Database (1 to 250 GB). Default is 10 GB:
– Maximum 10 GB on SQL Server Express
– Maximum 250 GB on SQL Server

Recovery model

Defines the recovery model used for the history database (simple or full) (see Recovery Models). You can change the backup model at any time. Long term storage databases are always in recovery model full.

Last restore date/time

Displays the date and time of the last restore of the History Database.

Created by

Displays who created the History Database.

SQL Server version

Displays the currently installed SQL Server version operating with the History Database.


Displays the present version of the History Database.

SQL Server

Displays the name of the NamedInstance of the SQL Server containing the History Database.

T-Log size

Displays the size of the transaction log file. The transaction log file is always twice as large as the History Database.
This size is required to ensure no loss of data during database reorganizations.
This allows for performant database reorganizations under load and limits the overall database size.

Administration model

Displays the current active status, Automatic or Manual.

Automatic: The administration of the History Database is controlled by the system.

Manual: The administration of the History Database is controlled by the IT department of the customer. For example, backups or size of the History Database. Therefore, the customer is responsible for the SQL Server administration using the SQL Agent tool.
NOTE: The GMS HDB Service is switched off.
For information on setting up the SQL Server for the system, contact your local support.

Creation date

Displays the creation date and time of the History Database.

Original SQL Server

Displays the service and NamedInstance name applied to the History Database.

Original SQL Server version

Displays the original version of the SQL Server used to create the History Database.

Files and Paths

The Files and Paths expander allows for specifying individual folders and file names for data backup.



Data file

Folder and file name of the History Database

Log file

Folder and file name of the transaction log file

Backup file

Folder and file name of the History Database backup

Recovery log path

Folder for the History Database backup. The backup files created automatically are saved to this folder in the event of the backup variant full backup.



Distribute data storage to various media such as hard disk and Server to avoid data losses in the event of a failure (see Recovery Models).
If you do not use the standard paths in the Data file, Log file, Backup file, and Recovery log path fields and if the SQL Server is on a different computer, you must first create the folders before you click Save.
The following characters are not permitted in file names: *, ?, “, <, >, |.



The HDB owner can be changed by stopping and editing the database.

The HDB user and the HDB service user are read-only and cannot be changed. For editing users, see SMC System Settings.




DB Owner

<user defined>

Desigo CC SMC user who requires HDB owner rights. You can change it as required by stopping and editing database. The HDB owner must be different than the HDB user and the HDB service user.

DB user


Desigo CC project user who requires HDB user rights for read and write operations. You can change it as required in System Account Settings, See Settings Expander in SMC System Settings.

DB service user

HDB service

Desigo CC service user who requires HDB service user rights for maintenance operations. You can change it as required in HDB Service Account Settings, See Settings Expander in SMC System Settings.

Required Rights for History Database


SQL System Administrator

DB Owner

DB User

DB Service User



<user defined>


HDB service



Desigo CC project administrator who requires HDB administrator rights

Desigo CC project user who requires HDB user rights for read and write operations

Desigo CC service user who requires HDB service user rights for maintenance operations

Required Rights

Create, restore, or upgrade History Database





Edit HDB owner or HDB user or HDB service user





Drop History Database





Resolve unmounted archive





Receive the History Database information





Edit History Database size, recovery model, administration model, backup file, recovery log path and Long Term Storage configuration





Start or stop automatic maintenance, statistics





Run history backup





Delete or purge the History Database





Read and write to History Database





Automatic maintenance





HDB user and HDB service user

No history data can be saved to the HDB nor the automatic maintenance will function if the users are seen in red.


Long Term Storage

The Long Term Storage expander lets you create long term storage slices for backing up your data. For recommendations on best SQL Server performance, see Recommendation for Best SQL Server Performance in Terminologies of History Infrastructure.



Data files

The destination where the data files (.mdf) are saved.

Log files

The destination where the log files (.ldf) are saved.

Recovery files

The destination where the recovery files are saved.

Storage slices

The number of storage slices the long term storage has (max. 10). When this number is reached, the oldest storage slice is archived.

NOTE: This number only includes slices in final state. Spare, current or archived slices are not included in the number.

Max. size

Determines the maximum size of a storage slice:

  • Maximum 9 GB on SQL Server Express, default is 9 GB
  • Maximum 250 GB on SQL Server, default is 9 GB

When this number is reached, another storage slice is created. As long term storage databases are always in recovery model Full each database slice would require twice as much as space of the max size specified, one portion for the Data file and the other for the T-Log file.

NOTE: This entry may override the entry in the Time Sliced field.


The destination where the archived storage files are saved.
NOTE: If you do not use the standard paths in the Data files, Log files, Recovery files, and Archives fields and if the SQL Server is on a different computer, you must first create the folders before you click Save.


Shows the storages.

Storage Name

The name of the storage.

DB Name

The name of the database.


The state of the storage.


Activates the storage. The storage will be activated when you click Save.


Deactivates the storage. The storage will be deactivated when you click Save.

Time Sliced

The point in time when a new storage slice is created. For example, if you select Monthly, a new storage slice is created each month.

NOTE: This entry may override the entry in the Max. size field.

Closing Time

The exact time when a new storage slice is created.


Shows the storage slices.

Storage Name

The name of the storage slice.

DB Name

The name of the database.


The state of the storage slice.


The date and time from which the storage slice was active.


The date and time until the storage slice was active.


Unmounts a mounted storage.


Shows the archived storage slices.

Storage Name

The name of the archived storage slice.

DB Name

The name of the database.


The date and time from which the storage slice was archived.


The date and time until the storage slice was archived.


The availability of the storage.


Refreshes the table.


Mounts the archived storage slice.

Fill Level

The Fill Level expander displays the contents used from the individual data groups as well as free memory.



Archive Name

Displays the name of individual data groups:

  • Values
  • Activities
  • Events
  • Incidents

Oldest Date

Displays the oldest saved value for this data group.

Newest Date

Displays the last saved value for this data group.

Min. Retention Date

Determines the minimum amount of data that cannot be deleted.

Max. Retention Date

Determines the maximum amount of data that can be saved in the HDB.


Deletes data up to the set date.


Deletes data entries up to the defined date.


The Databases expander displays information on the available History Databases on this SQL Server.



Database Name

Displays all databases on the selected SQL Server instance.


Displays the type of the database. For databases belonging to any extension, the name of the extension displays as its type, for example, Notification displays as the type for databases associated with the Notification extension. For other databases, the type displays as HDB.


Displays the link state of the History Database.

Database Info

Displays the detailed information for the selected History Database, including:

  • Name
  • Version
  • Revision
  • Database size


Allows you select the database type to be detected on this SQL Server instance. It provides the following database types:
All – All databases on this SQL Server instance.
HDB – All databases except Notification
Notification- Databases associated with the Notification extension


Detects the History Databases on this SQL Server instance according to the selected type in the Type drop down list.

SQL Servers

The SQL Servers expander displays the information of local and remote SQL Servers.



SQL Server Name

Displays a list of all SQL Servers found.


Displays the SQL Server version.


Displays the link state.

Scan Network

Detects all SQL Servers on the network.

NOTE: This may take a few minutes depending on the size of the network.

Manual Search

Text field to type server and instance names such as CH1W22332\GMS_HDB_EXPRESS.

Scan Local

Detects all SQL Servers on the local computer.

Search Server

Validates entry in the Manual Search text field for availability of the SQL Server.

Task Info

The Task Info expander displays pending tasks or tasks to be executed by the Siemens GMS HDB Service. It also displays information on the tasks that have been previously executed by the Siemens GMS HDB Service along with the execution status. This information is online and is not stored.

The Task Info displays the latest 20 tasks and is updated continuously. Planned, Interrupted, Running, and Hot tasks are kept for troubleshooting.

This information is not available in Desigo CC client applications.



Running task

Displays the currently operating, automated tasks as well as tasks initiated from the System Management Console, for example Backup. The date of the last action is displayed to the right.

SMC task

Displays the tasks started on the System Management Console, for example, Backup. The date of the last action is displayed to the right.

Queue State

Displays the state of the queue (Enabled/Disabled). The queue is switched off by clicking Stop .

SMC task state

Displays the state of tasks to be run:

  • Idle (none)
  • Planned
  • Operating