Project Creation Settings

In SMC, on Server, Client/FEP you can create a new project using the toolbar in the Management tab.

Management Tab on Server, Client/FEP

In SMC, when you select Projects in the SMC tree, it provides you with a quick summary of the currently active project in the Information expander. This includes the following:

  • Active Project: Displays information about the active project, including the following:
    • Project Status: started, stopped, stopped - last repair failed (in red), stopped - repair on next start, and so on, along with the project status indicator.
    • Project name: Name of the active project.
    • Project path: Location of the project on the disk.
    • (Only on Server installation) Data Version: Project data version.
  • Configured Projects: Displays the list of configured projects and their details, including the following:
    • Name of the available project.
    • (Only on Server installation) Data version of the project: Version of the project data as mentioned in the config file located at
      [Installation drive:]\[Installation folder]\[project name]\config.
    • Path: Location of the available projects on the disk.
  • Software Information: Displays information about the system including platform build version, product version and details of extensions that are installed. Additionally, it also displays information on any quality updates (QU) and patches.
  • If platform build is installed with SR, it displays the Product version, the platform build version in Platform version.
  • If QU build is installed, QU version displays in the Product version field; otherwise it is not displayed.
    • Product version: Displays the installed version of Desigo CC and the version of the patch (if installed). For example, if quality update 1 (QU1) is installed on top of V5.0, the Product version displays as V5.0 QU1. In addition to SMC, the QU version also displays in the About page of the Installed Client, Web/Windows App Client, and Flex Client.
      Click Details to display information about the system including platform build version, product version and details of extensions fetched from the file Software Information.txt located at
      [Installation drive:]\[Installation folder]\GMSMainProject.
    • Platform version: Displays the version of the Desigo CC platform. For server installations, this information comes from the BuildInformation.ini file located at [Installation drive:]\[Installation folder]\GMSMainProject.
  • Extension Information: Displays the list of installed extension and their versions. This information comes from the ExtensionModuleDependency.xml file located at [Installation drive:]\[Installation folder]\GMSMainProject\_Extensions.


Management Tab on Server Installation
Management Tab on FEP Installation


Management Tab Toolbar on Server, Client/FEP

Depending on the installation type (Server, Client or FEP), the Management toolbar icons vary as indicated in the following table.

Management Toolbar



Allows you to…

Create Project from Template

Create a project from the template available at
[Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\GmsMainProject\ProjTemplates.
NOTE: This is not available on a Client/FEP installation.

Restore Project

Restore a backed-up version (1.1, 2.0 and 2.1) of a project.
NOTE: This is not available on a Client/FEP installation.

Create Project

Create a new project on Server or Client or FEP.

Save Project

Save the project configuration.


Navigate to the next page. This icon is available only when you have installed at least one EM and you have some configuration steps specific to that EM.
NOTE: This is not available on a Client/FEP installation.


Navigate to the previous page. This icon is available only when you have installed at least one EM and you are on the next page.
NOTE: This is not available on a Client/FEP installation.

Encrypt project backup

Create a compressed project backup zip file, encrypted with a password at a specified folder.

Decrypt project backup

Decompress and decrypt a compressed encrypted project backup zip file at a specified location.

Server Project Creation Settings

You can create a project in SMC on the server using the following:

Select Project Extensions Dialog Box

When you click Create Project , the Select Project Extensions dialog box allows you to select and include the extensions out of the installed extensions on your system.

Select All: Selects all the extensions available under all the listed suites.

Clear All: Clears all previous selections.

OK: Closes the dialog box and proceeds with the project creation.

It is recommended to include only required extensions in the project by expanding the extension suite and then selecting the required extensions for adding them in the project that you are about to create.

Mandatory extensions and the extensions on which the mandatory extension depends, both are not available for addition/removal in the Select Project Extensions dialog box. Such extensions are always included to the project during creation or upgrade.


Server Project Information Expander

The Server Project Information expander allows you to configure the general details of the project that you are about to create.


In the entry fields of the management platform, you must not use any characters other than A through Z, numbers 0 through 9, and a hyphen (-).
If the installation path (shown in the Project path field) includes certain illegal character sequences this will not be detected by the Installer. However you will not be able to launch the System Management Console. Similarly, if you include illegal characters in the Project Name field while creating a project in the SMC, you cannot create the project.



Project name

Allows you to assign a name to the project.

Project path

Displays the default project path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]. You can change this path by clicking Browse.


(Optional) Make sure that you have selected the desired languages in addition to the default (en-US). To save space, only install the languages that will be used at your site. Once a project is created, only the librarian can change the language settings.
NOTE 1: The languages that display in the list depend on the language packs installed at [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\bin. For any project, you can configure a maximum of four languages.
NOTE 2: The languages you select when installing a client/FEP must match the languages selected when the project was created on the server. Otherwise, the client on the client/FEP station will not run.
NOTE 3: The languages that you configure in the SMC are available for the Desigo CC client user to configure from Users. You must log on with this user to take effect of the language set for this user.
NOTE 4: The languages that are not installed (for example, when you restore a project/project template) display in red. You must install the language pack for all such languages.
NOTE 5: Do not change the project language after doing any libraries customization. Additionally, you should not change the order of project languages after doing any library customization. This causes inconsistent language behavior.

Default: Allows you to set the project language as the default language that the Server components will use to produce language-dependent contents. For example, in Journaling, the Date/Time fields are printed in this project language. By default, the project language en-US is set as default. You may edit this language after project creation by clicking Edit from the Project Settings tab.

Linked HDB

Allows you to link a history database to the project for keeping a log of the project’s data. By default, the database selected, if any, for the currently configured project. If the selected database is no longer available (deleted), the Linked HDB drop-down list displays Unknown (in red).
Encrypted: This check box is enabled only when the HDB linked to the project is on the remote computer (SSL on TCP/IP connection). Select the Encrypted check box to encrypt the communication between a project and the HDB on the remote machine.
To set the encryption in the SQL Server Configuration Manager, you can use a commercial certificate from Certificate Authorities or a self-signed or a SMC-created Windows Store based host certificate with a full name of the computer (host name + domain). See Encrypting the Communication Between Project and Remote HDB.
NOTE: Encrypting the communication between Server project and remote SQL Server slows down the performance!

System name

Allows you to add the name of the system associated with the project. The default system name is System1. For example, in the following path—WillisTower.Bldg.Zone.RoomTemp—WillisTower represents the system name.
For working in distributed environment, the system name must be unique.
Blank spaces and special characters are not permitted in the System name.

System ID (1 through 2048)

Allows you to assign a unique identifying (ID) number to the system. Valid values are 1 through 2048. Accept the default ID of 1, unless you are installing multiple servers on the same site. In this case, give each server a unique number.

Port Information

Pmon port is on the server, client and FEP and is used to communicate with the project's Process Monitor. The SMC communicates with projects through the Pmon port for various functionalities including monitoring project status (started/stopped), commanding it to start and stop, and so on.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4999 is the default value.

Data port is on the server and is used to communicate with the data manager of a project. For example, the Data port is used for communication between the data manager and other managers of the same project.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4897 is the default value.

Event port is on server and is used to communicate with the Event manager of a project. For example, the Event port is used to communicate between Event manager and other managers of the same project.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4998 is the default value.

HDB Reader port is on the Desigo CC server and is used to communicate with the HDB Reader manager of a project.
A typical example of this communication is the HDB Reader manager receiving requests from Trend and Trend reports running on the server, as well as on the client and FEP installations for the HDB.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 7774 is the default value.

Dist Port is on the server and is used to set up distribution between two systems (projects).
The configuration range is 1 through 65535; 4777 is the default value.
The Dist port is always disabled. You can only edit it when you check the Distribution participant check box in the Server Project Information expander of the Project Settings tab.

CCom port is used by the CCom manager of the project to communicate with IIS. This allows you to work with web/Windows App clients.
The CCom port is always disabled. You can only edit it using Communication Security Expander.
The configuration range is 1 through 65535; 8000 is the default value.
If the web communication is local, the CCom port displays in red. This indicates that the communication between the CCom manager of the project on server and the web server (IIS) is without certificates. It is recommended to enable a secured web communication for the CCom port. You must enable this using the Communication Security Expander.

Technical Tips For Configuring Ports

  • The default port values are the same as those in the config file in the installation path
    [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\_DefaultProject\config.
  • No two started projects can have the same port numbers. Also, you cannot start a project that has the same data and event port numbers as the currently active project.
  • The SMC allows you to configure the ports during project creation, editing, and upgrade and during web site configuration. If you try to configure a port that is already being used by another project, the SMC detects it and prompts you to edit the port number. You must edit the port numbers within the specified range for that port.
  • You can edit the port values using Edit only when the project is stopped.

The following table shows the meaning of the color codes used during port configuration. Note that the port color codes apply to the project as well as to the web site ports on the server, including the web site ports on the remote web server.

Note that the color coding only appears for projects on a Server. Projects configured on a Client/FEP station do not display color coding.

Color for a Port




Port bound to the local machine (not network visible). No need to open this port in the Windows firewall.

The Pmon port is bound to the local host. Therefore, it always displays in black.


Port not in use. No need to open this port in the Windows firewall.

The CCom port displays in grey when the Web Server Communication is disabled.
The Service port displays in grey if GMS SMC Project Data Service is stopped.


Port is in use and secured. The port must be opened in Windows firewall.

The Proxy port displays in blue, if the server/client communication is secured.
The CCom port displays in blue if the Web Server Communication is secured.
On a web site, the HTTPs port displays in blue.


Port is in use but local. It can be opened in the Windows firewall.

The CCom port displays in red if the Web Server Communication is Local.
The Data, Event, and the HDB port display in red, when the server/client communication is local.
The Service port displays in red when the GMS SMC Project Data Service is started (local communication).
On a web site, the HTTP port displays in red.

User Credentials Expander

The User Credentials expander allows you to configure the DefaultAdmin and the Root user password fields (administrative purposes).



Default Admin as Desigo CC user

(Default selection) Enter the name for the Desigo CC user to change the default value DefaultAdmin.
NOTE: The Default Admin user is part of the Default Admins user group in the Security application.

Default Admin as Windows user

Select the radio button Windows user to set the Default Admin as the Windows user. Browse for the Default Admin Windows user from Current station or from Other Domain. It could be the windows local user or a domain user.
NOTE: You do not need to enter the password for the Default Admin as Windows user since this is already set in Windows.


Enter the DefaultAdmin’s password for the Desigo CC user.
NOTE: Once you install Desigo CC, the DefaultAdmin account is used to log on to the software for the first time.
For logging on with the domain user, use the format: Domain name\User name.
For example, DOM1\ABCXY022PC.
For logging on with local user, use the format:
Machine name\user name.
For example, Machine1\Local User1.
In both the cases you also need to provide the password.

Confirm password

Re-enter the DefaultAdmin password for the Desigo CC user to confirm it.

Root user password

Enter the Root user password.
NOTE: The Root user account is used for product development and troubleshooting purposes.

Confirm password

Re-enter the Root user password to confirm it.

Communication Security Expander – Web Server Communication

The Web Server Communication group in the Communication Security expander allows you to configure secure web communication between Server project and IIS (typically remote web server) that takes place over the CCom port. The communication is secured using host certificate.

For securing the communication between Server and the local web server, you can set the web server communication as Local which indicates that the communication is without certificates.

You can configure the web server communication during project creation and modification on Server, Client/FEP installations.


With Version 5.0, the Unsecured communication type is replaced with Local. It is recommended to configure the communication of all remote web applications to Secured as Unsecured communication will not work.


Communication Security Expander




Allows you to secure the communication between the Server and web server (IIS) by configuring the CCom port and the host certificate. The web server (IIS) may be installed on the same computer as the Server (as a local web server) or it may be installed on a separate computer (acting as a remote web server).
Disabled: (Default selection) Indicates that the communication between the CCom manager of the project on the Server and the web server (IIS) is disabled. In this case, you cannot work with Web/Windows App clients.
Use this option for stand-alone installations where you do not have any Web client or Windows App clients installed on the server.
Local: When selected, enables the communication between the CCom manager of the project on the Server and the web server (IIS) without certificates.
You can select this option when you have IIS on the same station as the server, and all Web client or Windows App clients are running on a secure, dedicated network.
Although you can use Web/Windows App Clients with local communication, we recommend securing it.
Secured: When selected, enables a secure Web server communication between CCom manager of the project on Server and the web server (IIS). You must secure it by selecting a host certificate.
Select this option when you have IIS on a different (remote) station than the Server or when Web client or Windows App clients are running on a lower-security or non-dedicated network.

CCom port

(Available only on Server SMC) Default port number is 8000 and the support range is 1 through 65535. The CCom port is used by the CCom manager of a project to communicate with web server (IIS), which is required for working with Web client or Windows App client.
You can type or increase/decrease the port number using the spin control buttons. Once you edit the CCom port number, the equivalent value in the ServerProject Information expander gets updated when you save the project.
It displays in red indicating that the CCom port communication is local (without certificates). It is recommended to enable it by selecting Secured from the Communication drop-down list.
NOTE: On server, whenever the web server communication settings of a project are changed you need to edit, align with Server, and save the Web application linked with the Server project on the Client/FEP station.

Host certificate

This field is enabled only when you select secured from the Web communication drop-down list. By default, it displays the host certificate that you have set as default. However, you can browse and select another host or self-signed certificate using the Select Certificate dialog box.

Select Certificate Dialog Box

The Select Certificate dialog box lists all available certificates for the selected store. It allows you to select a certificate that you have previously imported into the Windows Certificate store.

You can also select the store location from the available stores. It lists all the certificates available in the selected store. You can preview the certificate details by clicking Preview.

The Select Certificate dialog box consists of the following elements.

Select Certificate Dialog Box



Store Location

Allows you to select a certificate store from the list of available certificate stores.

Personal Tab/Trusted Certification Root Authorities Tab

Displays the logical stores. If no certificate is available for a specific logical store, the tab is not displayed. Allows you to select a certificate from the list of available certificates.

Issued to

Displays the Issued to value for all listed certificates.
Note that for a root/self signed certificate, the Issued to and Issued by fields are the same.
For a host certificate, the Issued to field is the Subject name of the host certificate and the Issued by field is the Subject name of its immediate root certificate.

Issued by

Displays the Issued by value for all listed certificates.

Expiration Date

Displays the expiration date for all the listed certificates. Make sure that the certificate you select is not expired.

Friendly Name

Displays the friendly name for all the listed certificates.


Closes the dialog box. If a certificate was selected, it is added to the Host certificate field of the Communication Security expander of the Project Settings tab.


Closes the dialog box.


Clicking this button displays the details of the selected certificate, such as the private key for a host certificate, or the root of a host certificate.


Tips for Selecting a Certificate for Web Server Communication (CCom port)

  • To secure the Web server communication you can only use a host certificate or a self-signed certificate available in the Personal store of the Local machine certificates store of the Windows Certificate store.
  • The default certificate used for securing the Web server communication is the host certificate, which is set as default certificate. However, you can modify this to select another host/self-signed certificate available in the in the Personal store of the Local machine certificates store of the Windows Certificate store.
  • The certificate (host/self-signed) must have a private key and be marked as exportable. The host certificate (along with its private key, which is marked as exportable) or the self-signed certificate must be imported in the Personal store of the Local machine certificates store of the Windows Certificate store and set as default.
  • This certificate will be used to secure the communication between the local/remote web server (IIS) and the CCom port on the Desigo CC server.
  • The certificate used for securing a Web communication must be issued to the full computer name of the Desigo CC server, short name or an IPv4 IP address.
    • For example, it can be Note that the Issued To field of such a certificate will be a full computer name.
    • It can also be a wildcard certificate issued to the full computer name, for example, *
    • It can also be a multi-host certificate, but it must contain the host name of the Desigo CC Server in the Subject Alternative Names property of the certificate.
  • If the web server (IIS) is installed on the same computer as the Desigo CC server hosting the CCom port then you must ensure that the root of the host certificate configured for secure web communication is available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store of the Windows Certificate store on the server.
  • If the web server (IIS) is installed on a different computer than the Desigo CC server, and the server project secures the web communication using:
    • a host certificate, then the root certificate of the host certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store of the Windows Certificate store of the web server (IIS) computer.
    • a self-signed certificate, that self-signed certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and Personal store of the Windows Certificate store of the web server (IIS) computer.
Select Certificate Dialog Box for Web Communication

Tips for Selecting a Certificate for Client/Server Communication

  • To secure the communication between a server project and the client connecting to the server project during the Client/Server setup, you can either used certificates from Windows store or File (.pem) based certificates.
  • Once created using SMC, the File (.pem) based certificates, root, host, and host key are available on the disk for further use during project modification.
  • You need to import the Windows store certificates in the appropriate Windows Certificate stores for further use during project modification.
    • The root certificate must be imported in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities of the Local machine certificates store of the Windows Certificate store and set as default.
    • The host certificate (along with its private key, which is marked as exportable) must be imported in the Personal store of the Local machine certificates store of the Windows Certificate store and set as default.
  • Ensure that the host certificate is created using the root certificate provided.
  • The host certificate must contain a private key that should be marked as exportable.
  • On a client/FEP station, the user who will launch the Desigo CC client application must have Read rights on the host certificate. You can do this using SMC, when creating/modifying a Client/FEP project.
Select Certificate Dialog Box for a Client\Server Communication

Tips for Selecting a Certificate for a Web Site

Select a host/self-signed certificate from the Personal tab — Local machine certificate Store location drop-down list for securing the web site.

  • If you select a host certificate for a web site, the root certificate of the selected host certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store of the machine where you are launching the Web/Windows App client.
  • If you use the self-signed certificate, the same certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store of the machine where you are launching the Web/Windows App client.
  • If the certificates used for web site and web application are different, you must manually install the web site certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the machine where you are launching the Web/Windows App client.
  • Ensure that the certificate selected is issued for the host name provided in the Host name field.
    • Example 1: If the host name is, and you want to use a wildcard certificate in the Certificate Issued To field, it must be in the format *
    • Example 2: If you use a multi-host certificate, the certificate name can be anything, but its Subject Alternative Names must contain the host name provided in the Host name field.
    • Example 3: If you use SMC-created host or self-signed certificate, the Subject name (issued to) of the certificate should be the same as the host name provided in the Host name field.
Select Certificate Dialog Box for a Web Site

Tips for Selecting a Certificate for a Web Application

The website and the web application certificate can be different. You must ensure that, in addition to the website certificate, the web application certificate must also be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities of the Windows Certificate store.

Select a host/self-signed certificate having key as exportable from the Personal tab — Local machine certificate/User certificates from the Store location drop-down list for securing the web application.

  • If you select a host certificate for a web application, the root certificate of the selected host certificate and the host certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store (TRCA) of the Windows Certificate store of the machine where you are launching the Web/Windows App client.
  • If you use the self-signed certificate, the same certificate must be available in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store (TRCA) of the machine where you are launching the Web/Windows App client.
  • To simplify the configuration of certificates, on the computer where you launch the Web/Windows App client, you should use the same certificates (preferably self-signed) for both securing a web site and signing the web application.
Select Certificate Dialog Box for a Web Application

Client/FEP Project Creation Settings

On Client/FEP, using the Management tab, you can create a project in either Automatic configuration or in Manual configuration mode.

Once created, to set up the Client/Server deployment, you need to link the Client/FEP project to the Server project. The communication between the Client/FEP project and the Server project must be secured using certificates, that you configure in Client/FEP project as well.

The following expanders help you create and configure a new project on Client/FEP.

Server Information Expander

The Server Information expander allows you to configure the Server details, including the Server name, the project that you want to connect to on the server, and the Service port on the server.

Server Information Expander in Automatic Mode
Server Information Expander in Manual Mode



Server name

Allows you to type in the name of the server or browse for it by using the Workstation Picker dialog box.
After you select a server, you can proceed with creating a project in Automatic mode. Click Projects and select a shared server project using the Projects Information dialog box.

Server Service port

Enabled only in Automatic mode. Allows you to configure the server Service port number. You can also use the spin control buttons to increase or decrease the number to match the Service port number of the Server project.
NOTE: If the Service port number on the server does not match the Service port number on the Client or FEP, or if the GMS SMC Project Data Service is not running on the Server, a message displays and you will not get the project information of the Server projects while creating a project on the Client/FEP system.
The configuration range is 1 through 65535; 8888 is the default value.

Workstation Picker Dialog Box

The Workstation Picker dialog box allows you to select a server from the accessible networks, in the domain.

This dialog box displays when you click the Browse button alongside the Server Name field in Automatic configuration or Manual configuration mode.

In the Enter management system name or description field, you can type in the full computer name of the server, if you already know it, or you can type a partial text string. Click Check Name to display a list of all workstations in the selected domain whose name contains the entered string.

The Workstation Picker dialog box consists of the following elements:

Workstation Picker Dialog Box — Domain



Domains Tree View

A tree view that contains all available network domains. You can select the domain where the station is located.
The current station domain is selected by default.

Check Name

Enter the station name in the Check Name field. Once the domain is selected, the list of matching stations will display in the Filtered workstation list.

Filtered workstation

List view that displays the list of all the stations matching the search criteria for the selected domain.

Projects Information Dialog Box

This dialog box only displays in Automatic configuration mode, that is, when you select a Server and click Projects.

The Projects Information dialog box allows you to select a project from a list of all available projects on the selected Server including the Stand-alone and Unsecured projects. The list does not include the outdated projects on the Server.

If you choose a Stand-alone Server project, no communication is possible between the Server project and Client/FEP project. For an Unsecured Server project, the communication is Unsecured (without certificates) and hence not recommended.


Client Project Information Expander

The Client Project Information expander allows you to configure the details for the selected Server project on the configured Server.

The parameters, for example, languages and the port numbers for Server Data, Server Event and Server HDB Reader ports on the Client/FEP must match the corresponding parameters of the selected Server project. Otherwise the Installed Client does not launch.

The Client Project Information expander is enabled either when you select the Manual configuration check box or when you click Browse and select a Server project in Automatic configuration mode.

Client Project Information Expander in Automatic Configuration Mode
Client Project Information Expander in Manual Configuration Mode



In the entry fields of the management platform,
- You can use UTF-8 characters and 7-bit ASCII characters in the file or project names and paths. However, blank spaces and special characters including \\, ;, /, \, :, , =, ^, &, *, ?, “, <, >, |, @, [, ], {, }, $, !, %, ., (, ), ‘ “ ‘, \t are not permitted.
- You must not use any characters other than A through Z, numbers 0 through 9, and a hyphen (-).
- Forward and backward slashes (/ and \) can only be used to separate the names of directories.
- According to WinCCC OA 3.16 Help: Umlaut ("ä","ö", "ü") - cause problems during online backup.
If the installation path (shown in the Project path field) includes certain illegal character sequences, for example, #&, ~^, ~&, ~(, ~=, `^, `&, `(, !^, !&, !( this will not be detected by the Installer. However you will not be able to launch the System Management Console. Similarly, if you include illegal characters in the Project Name field while creating a project in the SMC, you cannot create the project.



Server Project

(Configurable only in Automatic configuration mode) Displays the selected Server project name, if already configured by clicking the Projects button of the Server Information expander. Otherwise, click Browse to select the server project using the Projects Information dialog box.

Manual configuration

By default, this check box is cleared. When selected, it enables the remaining fields of the Client Project Information and the Communication Security expander of the Project Settings tab allowing you to manually enter the server project details. You cannot edit the Service port in Manual configuration mode.

Project name

Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
Allows you to add the Server project name.

Project path

Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
Displays the default project path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]. You can change this by clicking Browse to store your project elsewhere on the disk.


Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
Ensure that you select only those languages that are configured on the selected Server project. Otherwise, the client application on the client/FEP station does not run.
NOTE 1: (Optional) Make sure that you have selected any other desired languages, in addition to the default (en-US).
To save space, only install the languages that are actually be used on the site. Once a project is created, only the librarian can change the language settings.
NOTE 2: The languages that display in the list depend on the languages available for configuration in the lang.ini file located at
[Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\GMSMainProject\bin. For any project, you can configure a maximum of four languages.
NOTE 3: The languages that are not installed display in red. You must install the language pack for all such languages.


Enabled only in Manual confugration mode.
Allows you to set the project language as the default language that Server components will use to produce language-dependent content. For example, in Journaling the Date/Time fields are printed in this project language. By default, project language en-US is set as default. You may edit this language after project creation by clicking Edit from the Project Settings tab.

Pmon port

Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
Pmon port is on the selected Client/FEP installation and is used to communicate with the project's Process Monitor. The SMC communicates with projects through the Pmon port for various functionalities, including monitoring project status (start/stop), commanding it to start and stop, and so on.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4999 is the default value.
NOTE: The Pmon port for Client/FEP projects that are on the client/FEP machine can have different value than the Server port on Server.

Server Data port

Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
Data port is on the Server and is used to communicate with the data manager of a project. For example, the Data port is used for communication between the data manager and other managers of the same project.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4897 is the default value.

Server Event port

Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
Event port is on the Server and is used to communicate with the event manager of a project. For example, the Event port is used to communicate between the event manager and other managers of the same project.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4998 is the default value.

Server HDB Reader port

Enabled only in Manual configuration mode.
HDB Reader port is on the server and is used to communicate with the HDB reader manager of a project.
A typical example of this communication is the HDB reader manager receiving requests from Trend and Trend reports running on the Server as well as Client/FEP installations for the historical database.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 7774 is the default value.

Shared project path

In Automatic configuration mode it is only enabled, when you select the Server project. It allows you to type the shared Server project path of the Desigo CC server.
You can also browse for the shared project path by clicking Browse. It is recommended to provide the server name before browsing the Shared project path, so as to ease in locating the shared server project using the Browse for Folder dialog box that displays when you click Browse.

Query Cache

Displays the configuration for Query Cache as per the selected Server project selected. In Automatic configuration mode, you cannot edit it.
In Manual configuration mode, edit Query Cache check box and the Query Cache port number as required.
The configuration range is 1024 through 65535; 4779 is the default value.
The Query Cache internally increases the performance in case of distribution scenarios.

Communication Security Expander (On Client/FEP)

While creating or editing a Client/FEP project, the Communication Security expander allows you to configure the Server Communication details.

On Client/FEP, the Communication Security expander is enabled only during the Client/FEP project creation and editing.

  • In the Automatic configuration mode, when you select a server project, the security settings including the Communication mode, the Server proxy port, and the Certificate type are configured with the same details as those of the selected Server project.
  • In the Manual configuration mode, you must manually enter the same communication security details as those of the selected Server project.
    • When you configure a server project with Communication mode set to secured, you must provide the same root certificate as the one configured on the server.
      The host certificate and host key (only applies to .pem-based certificates) can be different, must be created with the same root certificate provided on Server. Otherwise, the Desigo CC client will not launch.

After Client/FEP project creation using file (.pem) based certificates, the root and host certificates and the host certificate key file used for secure communication are copied to the path ..\[ProjectName]\Config and the config file are updated. In case of Windows store certificates, only the config file is updated.

Project Settings — Communication Security Expander




By default this field is disabled and set to secured.
In Automatic configuration mode, this field is configured depending on the selected Client/Server communication mode in the Communication Security expander of the selected Server project and you cannot change this unless you switch to Manual configuration mode.
In Manual configuration mode, this field is enabled, allowing you to select one of the following Client/Server communication types. However, it is strongly recommended to set it as secured.
Secured: Allows you to enable secure communication between Server and Client/FEP projects by configuring the proxy port and the root and host certificates.
Stand-alone: When selected, no connection is established between Client/FEP project and the Server computer.
Unsecured: When selected, allows you to set up unsecured Client/Server communication.

Server proxy port

This is enabled only when you select Client/Server communication type as secured and you are creating/editing a project in Manual configuration mode.
Type in the port number, or increase/decrease it using the spin control buttons. The default port number is 5678. During secured Client/Server communication, all communication happens using this port of the Server.

Certificate type

By default, the Certificate type is set as Windows store. This is enabled only when you select Client/Server communication type as secured.
In Automatic configuration mode, the certificate type is configured depending on the certificate type configured in the Server project.
In Manual configuration mode, the Certificate type option buttons are enabled allowing you to change the Windows store default selection.
Once enabled, it allows you to select the root and host certificate either from Windows store or a .pem-file.
In case of a .pem file, you need to select an additional host certificate key file.

Root certificate

By default, it is enabled and the root certificate, if set as default on the Client/FEP machine, is selected.
Depending on the selected certificate type, you can browse the root certificate either from Windows store or from the disk for .pem-based files.
For the Windows store certificate type, when you click Browse, in the Store Location field, you can select either Local machine certificates or User certificates and select the root certificate from the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab.
NOTE: SMC displays a certificate (root/host) in red, or as not configured in red, if the certificate is deleted from the Windows Certificate store, is expired, or if the certificate is not configured.

Host certificate

By default, it is enabled and the host certificate, if set as default on the Client/FEP machine, is selected.
Depending on the selected certificate type, you can browse the host certificate either from Windows store or from the disk (for .pem file).
For the Windows store certificate type, when you click Browse, in the Store Location field, you can select Local machine certificates or User certificates and select the host certificate from the Personal tab.
NOTE 1: For the Windows store certificate type, the host certificate must contain a private key, and this key must be marked as exportable. You can verify this by previewing the host certificate.
NOTE 2: Make sure the host certificate and the host key (only for File .pem based certificates) must be generated from the Server root certificate you provided. If you select the host certificate from the User certificates store, the Add button is disabled. Since the User certificates store is local to a user account on the computer, you cannot add users to the Host Certificate User list.

Host key

This is enabled only when you select Client/Server communication type as secured and you have selected the certificate type as .pem file. Allows you to browse for the host key certificate from the .pem file based.

Host certificate users

By default, it displays the group or users of the host certificate that you have set as default on the Client/FEP. Add is always enabled, allowing you to add the user for the selected host certificate. You can also remove a user from the list other than the System user and the Administrator group, if available.
This field is available only when you select the secured Client/Server communication type and the Windows store certificate type.
NOTE 1: Only users and groups listed for the selected host certificate can launch the Desigo CC Client on the Client/FEP station.
NOTE 2: Even if a Client/FEP system user is present in the Administrators group and the Administrator group had rights on the private key of the host certificate, you must explicitly assign rights to the user of the host certificate’s private key. Typically you can add a non-admin user to the list of host certificate users, so that a non-admin can work with the Desigo CC Client on the Client/FEP station.