Event Triggers

This section describes procedure to configure Event Trigger for Notification Drivers or Devices. For background information, see reference section.



  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.


Configure an Event Trigger
  • You have added either the ASCII Input Perle or Web Feed Input device (see Devices in Additional Notification Procedures).
  1. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers.
  1. Select the Driver Instance (ASCII Input or Web Feed Input) for the desired input rules creation.
  1. Select the Driver Editor tab.
  1. Open the Event Triggers expander.
  1. Click Add on the bottom left corner of the expander.
  1. Enter a name for the event trigger.
  1. Click Add under Input message filter rules and do the following:
    a. Enter a name for the input message filter rule.
    b. (Optional) Select the Negated check box to prevent certain text patterns that must not be present in the input data for the event trigger to trigger the event.
    c. (Optional) Specify an Xpath expression to narrow down the scope for the subsequent Regular expression match.
    d. Enter the Regular expression for text matching in the input data.
  1. Under Event trigger settings, do the following:
    a. Select the Trigger enabled check box to analyze and filter data.
    b. Select the Event category of triggered event from the drop-down list.
  1. Under Event field mappings for triggered event, do either of the following:
  • Specify a static Default value OR
  • Specify a Regular expression, plus optionally an Xpath expression (for XML documents) that dynamically extract data from input messages.
    NOTE: Name, Xpath, Regular expression, and Default value are case-sensitive.
  1. Click Save .
  • The event trigger is saved.
Update/Delete an Event Trigger
  1. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers.
  1. Select the Driver Instance requiring input rule updating.
  1. Select the Driver Editor tab.
  1. Open the Event Triggers expander.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • To update, edit the required fields.
    NOTE: For more information on the fields, please refer to the Creating an Input Rule section.
  • To delete, click Remove at the bottom left corner of the expander: A confirmation dialog box displays. Click Yes.
  1. Click Save .
  • The input rule is saved with the updates.
  • The input rule is deleted.
Example of Event Trigger Creation

Scenario: You want to generate a supervisory event for the following alarm when the ASCII message is the following:
ALARM IN 17:32:12 Feb 07,2013 ALARM TEST BUTTON, , HTRI-D, DEVICE 3-2
The event must contain additional information about the alarm.

To generate an event for an alarm that is marked as ALARM IN, first create a filter rule to catch all alarms that match ALARM IN.

  1. Under Event Triggers, click Add to create a new event trigger.
  1. Under Input message filter rules, click Add to create a new rule for all incoming messages.
  1. Enter the following string for the regular expression:
    (ALARM IN)
    NOTE: These trigger rules look at all incoming messages to determine if they contain the string ALARM IN. If the message satisfies that condition, an event will then be triggered with the following settings.
  1. Activate the Enable Trigger check box.
  1. Select Supervisory under Event category of a triggered event.
  1. Enter the following as the regular expression for Event Cause:
    [0-9]{4} (?<ValueToExtract>[^,]*)
    NOTE 1: This will insert the text between the year and the first comma (ALARM TEST BUTTON) as the event cause.
    NOTE 2: When viewing the event, this data is displayed as the Event cause.
  1. For Additional Information, enter the following as the regular expression:
    [0-9]{4}[^,]*,[^,]*, (?<ValueToExtract>.*)$
    NOTE 1: This will extract all the text after the second comma following the year (HTRI-D, DEVICE 3-2) until the end of the string.
    NOTE 2: When viewing details of the event, this data is displayed under Additional Information.