Installation and Project Setup

This section provides additional procedures related to Notification extension installation, project setup in Desigo CC. For background information, see reference section.


Enable Notification Application Rights

When you install or add the Notification extension, the application rights for Notification are disabled by default. You must complete this procedure to enable them and work with Notification.

  • The Notification extension is added to the project.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Security.
  1. In the Security tab, select the user group that you want to authorize to work with Notification.
  1. In the Application Rights expander, select the License check box.
  1. Open the Notification expander and select the check boxes for the rights you want to grant:
  • Reno
  • Reno Plus
  • Mns
  1. Click Save.
  • The selected application rights are enabled for this user group as shown in the table below:

User Interface


Reno Plus


Basic Alerting




Emails from reports
(Create a report and use Email as an Output device)




Recipients management
(Create, read, update and delete recipients and recipient groups)




Support of Email, SMS, ESPA-Pager




Trigger on events
(Define Event filters (Scopes, Time, Organization mode, alarm severity, discipline) which will trigger notifications automatically)




Trigger manually
(Allow to trigger incidents manually)




Monitor notification status
(Allow users to verify if notifications have been sent out and if configures Ack notifications have been received, using incidents or notifications browsers)




One level escalation
(If a recipient of a recipient group does not ACK the reception of a notification, then it shall be escalated to the next person in the same group)




Easy buttons
(Users can trigger manual notifications by clicking on a graphical button on a Desigo CC graphic page)




One trigger to send multiple notifications
(Filters are defined in incident templates and can trigger multiple notifications with different content sent to different recipients)




Notification folders
(Incident and notification templates can be organized in folders and sub folders)




Handling of special characters
(ö --> oe, é --> e,
Special characters can be replaced by standard characters for pagers, which cannot display the special characters)




Double byte character support for SMS for non-Latin character. Language
(As e.g. Chinese, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew,
With UCS-2 character encoding non-Latin characters can be sent via SMS)




Validation support
(When manually sending out notifications, the validation process (e.g. 4 eyes principle) can be fulfilled)




Import/export recipients
(recipients can be imported and exported to using formats like csv, XML)




Add attachments to Emails
(Email notifications can be sent with fixed file attachments or with a dynamic graphic attachment which is related to the triggering event)




Active directory import or recipients
(Recipients can be imported from Active directories)




Advanced Alerting




Active or inactive recipients
(Recipients can be set to inactive so they will not receive any notifications)




Scheduler / Calendar for recipients
(The availability of recipients can be defined with Desigo CC Management Schedulers/Calendars)




Recipient time zones
(Recipients can belong to different time zones. Date/time in notifications will be adapted accordingly)




Multi-level escalation
(If nobody of the recipients belonging to the same recipient group ACK's the reception of the notification it can be escalated to the next group. This behavior can be repeated)




Device-level escalation
(If a recipient can be reached via multiple devices (e.g. Email or SMS) and the recipient does not ACK on the first device it will be escalated to the next device of the same recipient)




Message optimization to avoid notification bursts
(The user can configure notifications so that event bursts will not generate notification bursts)




Advanced Message tailoring (scripts)
(With Java scripts the user can fine tune the message content according to customer needs)




Support of IP Modems for SMS
(IP Modems can be connected to Desigo CC to send out SMS)




Cloud Service for SMS
(A Cloud Service can be used to send out a large amount of SMS in a fast way)




Additional connectors




Activate via Dial in




Activate via serial input




Activate via RSS-, CAP-Web feeds




Notify via PC pop ups




Notify via Loudspeakers




Notify via Phone systems




Notify via LED signs




Notify via Media displays




Notify via RSS-, CAP-Web feeds




Import Process Visualization and Control System (PVSS) Libraries

You need to import the libraries supported by Notification devices before proceeding with the driver creation.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Click Project > System Settings > Libraries.
  • The Library Configurator tab is displayed.
  1. Click Import.
  • The Import Libraries dialog box is displayed.
  1. Select Libraries > Exports under GMSMainProject if there is a need to import an already existing library, or browse to the location where the library file is located.
  • A list of libraries is displayed.
  1. Select the device specific library file to add.
    NOTE 1: Select all the device-specific .gms files with naming format MassNotification_[DeviceType]_HQ_1.gms.
    NOTE 2: It is not recommended to import MassNotification_Common_HQ_1.gms, MassNotification_CommonTelephony_HQ_1.gms, and (MassNotification_[DeviceType]_OM_HQ_1.gms) libraries as Notification system automatically imports these libraries.
    NOTE 3: Import only the .gms files of the devices not present in backup, but installed with current installation. For example, if AND Display device was not installed in the backup but it is installed in current installation, then import a library with name MassNotification_ANDDisplay_HQ_1.gms only for AND Display device and do not import the other .gms files to avoid the loss of configuration data.
  1. Click Open.
  • The PVSS library is imported. By default, SMTP, GSM, and ESPA libraries are imported.


Manually Archive the Notification Data

Perform the following procedure to archive data of closed incidents. Archives store operation data in an application-independent format for historical and auditing purposes. Due to the application-independent XML format, these data can be processed further with other tools.

  1. Select Applications > Notification.
  1. Select the Operation tab.
  1. Click Archive.
  • The Destination, End Time and Start Time fields display.
  1. In the Destination field, enter a file system path as the destination for the storage of archived data.
  1. To add a value to the End Time field, do the following:
    a. Select the end date of the archiving range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the end time.
  1. To add a value to the Start Time field, do the following:
    a. Select the start date of the archiving range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the start time.
    NOTE: The closed incidents that were initiated between the selected Start Time and End Time will be archived.
  1. Click Send.
  • The data archiving for the specified time range starts and the message Archive in progress displays.
  • The message Archive successful displays on completion.


Manually Backup the Notification Database

This will create a Notification database backup at the assigned location. Perform the following procedure to backup the Notification database:

  1. Select Application> Notification.
  1. Select Operation tab.
  1. (Optional) In the Default Backup File field, enter a new backup file name and click Apply. Type the path in one of the following two ways:
  • To save locally: [drive]:\[myproject]\Backups\NDB.bak.
  • To save on the network: \\[mycomputer]\bakups\NDB.bak.
  1. Click the Start button for NDB Backup command option.
  • It will create Notification backup at the assigned location.
    NOTE: Alternately, you can configure this command using macro and reaction.
Schedule the Automatic Archiving of Notification Data using Reactions
  1. Select Applications > Logics > Reactions.
  • The Reactions Editor tab displays.
  1. From System Browser, drag the Notification node from Applications > Notification onto the Action expander of the Output expander.
  1. From the Property drop-down list, select Archive [Commands.Archive.Request.ExecuteArchive].
  1. In the ArchiveDestination field, enter a file system path as the destination for the storage of archived data.
  1. Under ArchiveEndTime, do the following:
    a. Select the end date of the archiving range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the end time.
  1. Under ArchiveStartTime, do the following:
    a. Select the start date of the archiving range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the start time.
    NOTE: The closed incidents that were initiated between the selected ArchiveStartTime and ArchiveEndTime will be archived.
  1. Open the Triggers expander, change the Time condition to OR.
  1. Open the Time and Organization Mode expander, click Add to add a new time row and leave all default values, or enter a time or schedule that periodically triggers the Reaction.
  1. Click Save As .
  • The Save Object As dialog box displays.
  1. Select Reactions and enter the name as archive.
  1. Click OK.


Manually Purge the Notification Data

Purging is the process of deleting operations data that is no longer actively used from a system, to reduce resource consumption and maintain system performance.
Typically, operating procedures mandate an archive operation before a purge operation to avoid any data loss.

Do the following procedure to purge data from closed incidents (closed incidents cannot have any active notifications).

  1. Select Applications > Notification.
  1. Select the Operation tab.
  1. Click Purge.
  • The EndTime and StartTime fields displays.
  1. To add EndTime, do the following:
    a. Select the end date of the purging range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the end time.
  1. To add StartTime, do the following:
    a. Select the start date of the purging range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the start time.
    NOTE: The closed incidents that were archived and initiated between the selected StartTime and EndTime will be purged.
  1. Click Send.
  • The data purging for the specified time range starts and the message Purge in progress displays. Once completed, the message Purge successful displays.


Schedule the Automatic Purging of Notification Data using Reactions
  1. Select Applications > Logics > Reactions.
  • The Reactions Editor tab displays.
  1. Drag and drop the Notification node from Applications > Notification on the Action expander of the Output expander.
  1. Select Purge [Commands.Purge.Request.ExecutePurge] from the Property drop-down list.
  1. Under PurgeEndTime, do the following:
    a. Select the end date of the purging range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the end time.
  1. Under PurgeStartTime, do the following:
    a. Select the start date of the purging range from the calendar.
    b. Enter the start time.
    NOTE: The closed incidents that were archived and initiated between the selected PurgeStartTime and PurgeEndTime will be purged.
  1. Open the Triggers expander.
  1. Change the Time condition to OR.
  1. Open the Time and Organization Mode expander.
  1. Click Add to add a new time row and leave all default values, or enter a time or schedule that periodically triggers the Reaction.
  1. Click Save As .
  • The Save Object As dialog box displays.
  1. Select Reactions and enter the name as Purge.
  1. Click OK.