Adapting Tiles for the Generic Room Overview in Flex Client

Tiles configured for Room Overview are required to display in Flex Client. The tiles are preconfigured for HQ libraries; no changes required. Custom tile configurations must be created for customer libraries or room integrations that are not supported by HQ.

The following HQ libraries are supported:

  • Desigo Room Automation with standard application via ABT integration, (DXR1, DXR2 or PXC3 and all applications versions)
  • Smart thermostat (RDS110.R) via ABT integration
  • Direct Modbus room device (RDF302) integration
  • LON room device (RXC..) integration via PX primary automation station





  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.



1 – Create Folder for Software Options

  1. Select folder Project > Settings > Libraries > [L2-Region, L3-Country or L4-Project] > Common > Common.
  1. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  1. Select Add a new object .
  1. Select from the New software options list.
  1. Click Save.
  1. In the New Object dialog box, enter the name and description.
  1. Click OK.
  • The Software options folder is created at Project > Settings > Libraries > [L2-Region, L3-Country or L4-Project] > Common > Common.


2 – Create Software Option for Tile

  1. Select folder Project > Settings > Libraries > [L2-Region, L3-Country or L4-Project] > Common > Common > Software options.
  1. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  1. Select Add a new object .
  1. Select from the GMSRoomOverview_RoomToAdd list.
  1. In the New Object dialog box, enter the name and description.
  1. Click OK.
  • The new object is created in the Software options folder.


3 – Configure Tile

  1. Click the Extended Operation tab.
  1. Enter the value for each required property and click Apply.
Type and source of hazard

The syntax is the same as the one used for creating libraries and graphics. The new configuration is used on tiles, reports, and the BIM Viewer.


Example configuration for Desigo Room Automation 1.20



Alternative syntax

Room object model and function



Room operating mode path



Room temperature path



Room humidity path



Room air quality path



Value for Good


Value from the subsystem

Value for OK


Value from the subsystem

Value for Poor


Value from the subsystem

Room heating/cooling state path



Value for Heat


Value from the subsystem

Value for Cool


Value from the subsystem

Room energy efficiency indication



Value for Excellent


Value from the subsystem

Value for Good


Value from the subsystem

Value for Satisfactory


Value from the subsystem

Value for Poor


Value from the subsystem

Room windows state path



Value for open


Value from the subsystem

Room presence detector path



Value for occupied


Value from the subsystem

Value for Unoccupied


Value from the subsystem

(BIM) Room air quality …


Only required on BIM projects.

(BIM) Room light object model …


Only required on BIM projects.

(BIM) Room light value path


Only required on BIM projects.

(BIM) Room blind object model …


Only required on BIM projects.

(BIM) Room blind value path height


Only required on BIM projects.

(BIM) Room blind value path angle


Only required on BIM projects.