Project Modification Settings

You can view and modify the selected project’s configuration details including the communication security, distribution parameters and so on using the expanders of Project Settings tab and the toolbar icons.

Note that the particulars of Client/FEP project parameter’s modification, if any, are mentioned wherever applicable.

In addition to Communication Security expander and Manager Details expander, for modifying the Client/FEP project settings use the Server Information expander and the Client Project Information expander.

Project Settings Toolbar

The Project Settings toolbar on Server, Client/FEP contains the following icons.

Project Settings Toolbar





Allows you to start a stopped project.
For starting a project at least one active project must be available under Projects node in SMC tree.
NOTE 1: Starting multiple projects can make the system slow. It is recommended that you start only the required project.
NOTE 2: (Recommended) For a project (usually an upgraded project) with extensions that are not installed, it is recommended to install the missing extensions before starting the project. Otherwise a message displays.
NOTE 3: To start a project at least one project must be active.


Allows you to stop a started project.


Allows you to make a project ready to connect to Installed Client. By default, the very first project that you create using the SMC becomes active, provided no old projects are present. You must manually activate all subsequent projects that you create or restore. You can activate a started or stopped project.
NOTE 1: Only one project can be active at a time.
NOTE 2: The status details for an active project always display in the Header bar, whereas the details of a non-active project display only when you select that project’s node in the Console tree.
NOTE 3: (Applicable only for project on Client/FEP) When you configure the Client/FEP project using Manual configuration mode, you must provide the shared project path of the Server project before activating the Client/FEP project. Otherwise a message displays when you click Activate .


Allows you to edit the following only when a project is stopped.
— The Pmon user, to synch it with the System account user
— The ports
— The languages (only for Librarian) for a stopped project. Further, you need to import the new language for Text Localization.
— The default language to be used by Server components to produce language-dependent content (for example, date/time in Journaling)
— Client/Server communication settings. For details, see Modifying the Server Project Parameters and Modifying the Client/FEP Project Parameters.

Change System Info

(Available only on Server)
Allows you to edit the system name and system ID only for the stopped project having distribution disabled.
Make sure that you provide unique system name and system ID for working in the distributed environment.
This icon is also disabled for project with status as Stopped - repair on next start.
You need to first start the project, once it is running successfully you stop it and click Change System Info.

Change Distribution Info

(Available only on Server and for distribution enabled started projects) Allows you to add/edit/remove the distribution participants manually or automatically.


Allows you to save the project configuration.


Allows you to delete a stopped project. This icon is enabled only when the selected project is not started.

Check Project Share Consistency

(Available only on Server) It is generally used to run diagnostics on project’s shared subfolders before creating the project on the Client/FEP or creating the Web application for working with Web/Windows App clients.
It checks the consistency and validity for the individual shared project subfolders and identifies any inconsistencies with respect to the user security rights. It provides you with the diagnostic result by opening the log file in the default editor, such as Notepad. It also informs you in case the folder is not shared. The log file is saved under
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.
NOTE: This icon is enabled only when the project is shared either using SMC or externally appropriately from Windows.

Check Distribution Consistency

(Available only on Server) It is generally used to run diagnostics on projects in distribution before launching the Installed Client.
It checks the connectivity and validity for projects in distribution and identifies the misconfigurations related to the projects in distribution. It provides you with the diagnostic result by opening the log file in the default editor, such as Notepad. The log file is saved under
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.
NOTE: This icon is enabled only when the distribution is enabled and there is at least one distribution partner project configured for the selected project. The icon is enabled no matter if the project is running or stopped.


The icon is enabled in Server, Client/FEP SMC only when the project status is Outdated (in red).
It allows you to upgrade the restored project having a data version less than the current setup data version.
For Version 4.0 the minimum upgradable version is Version 2.1.
See Upgrade a Server Project.
The project backups having data version lower than Version 2.1 must be first upgraded to the Version 2.1 before upgrading them to Version 4.0. See Upgrade a Server Project having Version 1.0 or 1.1.
In Client/FEP SMC you can only perform upgrade (no restore possible). For Version 4.0, the minimum upgradable version for Client/FEP project backup is Version 3.0. See Upgrade a Client/FEP Project.

Remove Events

(Available only on Server) Allows you to delete all events from a project. By default this icon is disabled and is available only when the project is stopped.
Removing events one by one, for example alarms of a restored project using the Installed Client, can be very tedious. Removing the events using this icon in the SMC deletes all the events of a project at one go.

Clear Name Cache

This icon becomes available only when you stop a project for which distribution is enabled. It allows you to clear the name cache from the project (located at the path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project]\data) on the Local system in distribution.
You must clean the cache of the Local system as well as on the Partner system before launching the Client application and working with the projects in distribution. This is because the distribution data might not be consistent after changing some distribution parameters with respect to the actual configuration. For example, when you change the system ID of the partner system entry on the local system.
Note that the system automatically cleans the cache on the local system in distribution when any of the following occurs:
— Whenever a partner system is removed from distribution-setup.
— On changing the distribution connections for the partner system from the local system such that the Local system cannot see the partner system.
— When you manually change the system information (system-name, system-id) of the partner system’s entry in the Distribution Participants expander.
— Whenever you disable the distribution for a project.
— Whenever you change the system-name or system Id of local system in distribution.
NOTE: On Client/FEP you must clear the cache manually by clicking Clear Name Cache .
However, if you change the linked Server project, the cache is cleaned automatically.

Clear HD2 Files

(Available only on Server) This icon becomes available only when there are HD2 files present in the path for a project at the location located at the path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project]\data.
You must clear the HD2 files before changing the system name and system ID.
Warning: Clearing the HD2 files leads to data loss as the historic data is lost as it is not yet stored in the HDB!

Repair on next start

(Available only on Server) This icon is dynamically added and is available only when the project status is: Stopped - last repair failed, indicating that the project database is corrupted.
This icon allows you to change the project status to Stopped - repair on next start, indicating that the next time you start the project, the project database repair will be internally attempted.

Add to project

(Available only on Server) Allows you to add an extension to the project. This icon is available only when
- the project status is stopped
- the project has the latest Data version and
- at least one of the installed extensions is not added to the project.

Remove from project

(Available only on Server) Allows you to remove an extension from the project. This icon is available only when
- the project status is stopped
- the project has the latest Data version and
- atleast one extension added to the project.
NOTE: When you select a parent extension, its child also gets selected for removal. You must manually uncheck if you do not want to remove it.


(Available only on Server) Allows you to navigate to the next page. This icon is available only when the project contains at least one extension and you have some configuration steps specific to that extension.


(Available only on Server) Allows you to navigate to the previous page. This icon is available only when the project contains at least one extension and you are on the next page.

Check Consistency

(Available only on Client/FEP) This icon is available only when you edit the StartSmc.bat file under [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\bin by adding the /support switch.
It checks the validity for a project verifying the project configuration such as ports, languages, certificates against Server. It also checks the system configuration information and provides you with the diagnostic result by opening the log file in the default editor, such as Notepad. The log file is saved under
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log
in the format [Project name]_[DD MM YYYY]_[HHMMSS]
. This icon is not enabled when you edit the project.
NOTE: It is recommended to check the consistency using this icon for running diagnostics on the Client/FEP project before launching the Installed Client.

Realign Server Configuration

(Available only on Client/FEP) Allows you to align the client project with the changed settings of the selected Server project.

Server Project Information Expander

The Server Project Information expander displays some read-only information such as project status, project name, project path and data version (only on Server SMC) and so on while it lets you edit some project configuration when you click Edit icon .

If you have configured multiple languages in the project, you can change the language of the project when editing the project (see tips) and importing the localized text from the System Libraries.

The System Name and System ID can be modified only using the Change System Info icon, whereas the database to be linked (Linked HDB) with the project can be modified at all times when you select the project.

Project Status

It indicates the status of the currently selected project, for example, started, stopped – inconsistent progs file (in red), stopped, starting, running-incomplete, stopped - last repair failed (in red), stopped - repair on next start, outdated -check on upgrade(in red), outdated (in red), stopped - inconsistent configuration file (in red), and so on.

The project status indicator allows you to check the project status. Its color and animation indicate the connection status as follows.

Project Status


The icon is...


Yellow and not animated

This icon indicates one of the following statuses:
Starting: Project start is in progress.
Running- incomplete: Project start is incomplete because the database repair is internally still in progress on or when any of the Data, Event or the Pmon port is not running.

Green and animated

Project is started without errors.

Black and not animated

This icon indicates one of the following statuses:
— Project is not started (stopped) and the database is not corrupted.
— Project is stopped - last repair failed (in red): This reflects that the project database is in a corrupted state.
— Project is stopped - repair on next start: This status indicates that the project database repair will be attempted on next project start.
— Project is stopped - inconsistent configuration file: This status indicates that the project's config file is inconsistent, for example, it contains duplicate entries for a section.
— Project is stopped - inconsistent progs file: This status indicates that the project's progs file is inconsistent, for example, it contains invalid entries for a section.
— Project is stopped – check on next start. This indicates that the project database check will be attempted on next project start.

Red and not animated

Project is outdated (in red)
Project is outdated - check on upgrade (in red).

Status: Stopped - Last Repair Failed

When a project is stopped abruptly, for example, due to system shut down, the project database may get corrupted. When you start such a project, the SMC internally attempts to repair the corrupted database. However, if this repair attempt fails, the project does not start and the Repair on next start icon becomes available.

When you click Repair on next start, it internally changes the project status to stopped - repair on next start. The next time you start the project, the SMC will attempt to repair the project database.

If you start a project whose database was corrupted, and the SMC is still internally repairing the database when the startup timeout elapses, the project status will be indicated as running - incomplete. In this case, it is recommended to wait until the database repair is complete and the project status changes to started. However, you can also stop the project.

Linked HDB State

Displays the History database linked to the currently selected project. From the Linked HDB drop-down list, it allows you to select the database from the list of available databases for linking to the project. You should link an History database to keep a log of project’s data.

You should link one History database to only one project. Linking an History database to multiple projects is not recommended. If the selected database is no longer available (deleted), it displays as Unknown (in red).

Select the Encrypted check box to encrypt the communication between a project and the History database.

The Linked HDB state is updated depending on the HDB linked to the project. The following table provides the state and its meaning:

Linked HDB State


Not reachable – secured (in red)

Database not reachable with encrypted connection

HDB user mismatch (in red)

Pmon user does not match the HDB user in the HDB

Access denied (in red)

Logged on user does not have access on HDB

Not Configured (in red)

HDB is not linked to the project.

Not reachable - unsecured (in red)

HDB is not reachable, for example, the selected HDB is deleted.

Outdated (in red)

HDB is outdated, for example if the HDB version is different than the current HDB version.

Connected - secured

HDB is configured in the project without errors and system name in the HDB is same as the system name of the linked project.

System name mismatch (in red)

The system name in the HDB is different than system name of the project to which the HDB is linked.

Unknown issue (in red)

Unknown issue with HDB.

Maintenance not running (in red)

Automatic maintenance is not being performed on HDB. Following are the possible conditions:
a) The HDB service account on the System node is different than the HDB service user configured in the Security expander on the HDB node.
b) The Siemens GMS HDB Service is stopped.
c) Automatic maintenance is stopped from the toolbar on the HDB node.

Connected – unsecured (in red)

Connection to HDB is unsecured. To make the connection secured, see Setting up Server Project with Remote HDB (SQL Server)

Enable Distribution

On the Server SMC, when you modify the project, the Distribution participant check box is enabled. Selecting the check box has the following effects:

  • enables the Dist port with the default port number as 4777.
  • adds and enables the Data master check box.
  • adds, enables, and selects by default the Query Cache check box and the Query Cache port field (default port number is 4779). The Query Cache internally increases the performance in case of distribution scenarios.
  • adds the Distribution Participants and Distribution Connections expanders.
  • enables the Project Shares expander, if the server communication of the selected project is set to standalone and the Web Server communication is Disabled.
  • by default, it adds an entry for the local system (Originator project) in the Distribution participants expander.

Set Project as Data Master

Select the Data master check box that becomes available when you enable the distribution by selecting the Distribution participant check box.

Select the Data master check box to set the project as global data master. The data master is a dedicated project/system which synchronizes global data (for example, global users and global groups) to all connected systems. In a distributed system, there must be exactly one data master.

You can set the project as data master when the project is stopped as well as when it is running. When set at runtime it takes a while till the running system detects the configuration change. We recommend setting the data master when the project is stopped for configuring the distribution partners.

The data master must have access to all connected systems of the distribution (this is important for distributions which use one-way connectivity).


If you have a project and the Installed Client is launched, now you stopped the project and enabled the distribution and Data master (the Installed Client is disconnected but not closed), now after starting the project, you need to restart the Installed Client to take the effect of change.

Tips for Configuring and Editing Project Languages

  • The default project language is used as the default language, it can only be changed when a project is stopped and not outdated.
  • If you do not select a language in addition to the default, the project is created with the default (en-US) language only.
  • Languages, other than the default, that become available for configuration depend on the number of language packs installed at the time of installation. The SMC does not allow you to configure more than four languages.
  • You can edit the default project language by setting another language (which is added in the project) as a default language.
  • You cannot add a new language after project creation or modification. However, a librarian can edit the language after project creation using the Project Settings tab in the Server Project Information expander using a /librarian switch. For more information, see Modifying the Language Settings of a Project.
    After language edit you have to manually importing the localized texts for the edited language.
  • Do not change the project language after doing any libraries customization.
  • Do not change the order of project languages after doing any library customization. This causes inconsistent language behavior.


Extension Information Expander

The Extension Information expander lists all the extensions that are configured in a project. This expander is not available on the Client/FEP.

It also displays the version of each installed extension in the Data Version column. The value shown here is taken from the VersionInfo.txt file located at
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\_Upgrades\_Extensions\[EMName]\[Latest Version folder]\
If this version information is not available with the extension, the default version is used. The version of the each installed extension is compared with the extension version configured in the project config file located at
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[project]\config.

If the project extension version is older (Outdated) than the installed extension version, you must upgrade the project. The Status column shows the outcome of this comparison as follows.

Extension Status



The installed version of the extension and the version of the extension configured in the project are the same; you do not need to upgrade the project.

Outdated (in red)

The extension version configured in the project is older than the installed extension version; you must upgrade the project.

Higher than Installed version (in red)

The extension version configured in the project is newer than the installed extension version.

Not Installed (in red)

The project configurations include an extension that is not installed.

Communication Security Expander

The CommunicationSecurity expander allows you to configure the proxy port for secured Client/Server communication. It also allows you to configure security settings for Client/Server communication and Web communication by use of certificates.

For securing the Client/Server communication you can use either file (.pem) based certificates or certificates from the Windows store. The file (.pem) based certificates must be available on the disk (.pem). The Windows store certificates must be imported into the appropriate Windows certificate store.

For securing the Web Server communication over the CCom port, only certificates available in the Windows store can be used.

On a Server SMC

On a Server SMC, when you edit a project you can configure the security settings for Client/Server communication using the Server Communication section. In addition, you can modify the Web Server communication settings and the CCom port number.

Communication Security Expander – Server Communication Section

The Project Settings section of the Communication Security expander allows you to configure the details of the project, including the type of Communication, the Server Proxy port number, and Windows store or File (.pem) based certificates for root and host.

Project Settings Section



Process monitor (Pmon) user

Displays the Pmon user configured for the current project. If you change the System account user after project creation, there is an inconsistency between the System account user and the Pmon user and causing the Pmon user to display in red. To synch, you must stop the project, edit and save it.


Allows you to secure the communication between the Server project and the Client connected to that project. It provides the following Client/Server communication types:
Stand-alone: (default) The project is always created by default in the Stand-alone mode. In a Stand-alone Server project, no communication is possible between the Server and a linked Client project on another machine.
Secured: (recommended) When selected, allows you to enable secure communication by configuring the proxy port and certificates.
Unsecured: When selected allows you to set up unsecured Client/Server communication.

Server Proxy port

This is enabled only when you set the communication type as secured.
This port is used for secure Client/Server communication.
Default port number is 5678. Type the port number or increase/decrease it using the spin control buttons.

Certificate type

This is enabled only when you select communication type as secured. The default certificate type is Windows store. You can change this and select the option file (.pem) based.
Windows store: When selected, you can browse and select root and host certificates from those already imported in the Windows store.
File (.pem) based: When selected, you can browse and select root and host certificates of the File (.pem) based type. For File (.pem) based certificates, you need to select an additional host key certificate.

Root certificate

This is enabled only when you set the Client/Server communication type as Secured. By default, it displays the root certificate that you set as default.
Allows you to browse for and select the root certificate, either from the Windows store or from the disk, depending on the selected certificate type.
NOTE 1: For a Windows store certificate type, when you click Browse, the Select Certificate dialog box displays. In the Select Certificate dialog box, in the Store Location field, select either Local machine certificates or User certificates and select the root certificate from the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab.
NOTE 2: For Windows Store Certificate type, a CNG certificate with ECDSA signature algorithm is not supported.

Host certificate

This is enabled only when you set the communication type as secured. By default, it displays the host certificate that you set as default.
Allows you to browse for and select the host certificate, either from the Windows store or from the disk, depending on the selected certificate type.
NOTE 1: For a Windows store certificate type, when you click Browse, the Select Certificate dialog box displays. In the Select Certificate dialog box, in the Store Location field, select either Local machine certificates or User certificates and select the host certificate from the Personal tab.
NOTE 2: Make sure that the host certificate is generated from the root certificate provided and the host certificate must contain a private key and this key should be marked as exportable.
NOTE 3: For Windows store certificate type, a CNG certificate with ECDSA signature algorithm is not supported.

Host certificate users

This field is available only when you set the communication type as secured and the certificate type selected is Windows store.
Only users and groups listed for the selected host certificate can launch the Installed Client on the Client/FEP station. You can add/remove the user from this list.
NOTE: Even when a user's group is included in the host certificate users list, you still need to add the individual Client/FEP logged in user as well as the Client/FEP project’s Pmon user, to ensure the rights on the host certificate's private key while launching the Installed Client successfully on the Client/FEP station.
This must be the same user who has rights on the configured Server project folder and its subfolders.
Special Considerations When Applying Security for Closed Mode Configurations:
To work with closed mode you must explicitly provide permissions to the Closed Mode user (GMSDefaultUser) on the private key of the Host certificate configured for the Client/Server communication. You must do this even if the Closed Mode user (GMSDefaultUser) is a member of a user group (for example, Administrators group) that has rights on the private key of the host certificate.
If you are configuring closed mode on the Client/FEP system, you must provide rights to the local GMSDefaultuser (server user) on server project folder in order to have access to it from Client/FEP station. The logged-on Windows user on client is a local GMSDefaultuser.

Host key

This is enabled only when you set the communication type as secured and the certificate type as file (.pem) based. Allows you to browse for the host key certificate from the disk. This field is only available for File (.pem) based certificates.

Communication Security Expander – Web Server Communication

The Web Server Communication group in the Communication Security expander allows you to configure secure web communication between Server project and IIS (typically remote web server) that takes place over the CCom port. The communication is secured using host certificate.

For securing the communication between Server and the local web server, you can leave the web server communication as local (without certificates).

You can configure the web server communication during project creation and modification on Server, Client/FEP installations.


With Version 5.0, the Unsecured communication type is replaced with Local. It is recommended to configure the communication of all remote web applications to Secured as Unsecured communication will not work.


Communication Security Expander




Allows you to secure the communication between the Server and web server (IIS) by configuring the CCom port and the host certificate. The web server (IIS) may be installed on the same computer as the Server (as a local web server) or it may be installed on a separate computer (acting as a remote web server).
Disabled: (Default selection) Indicates that the communication between the CCom manager of the project on the Server and the web server (IIS) is disabled. In this case, you cannot work with Web/Windows App clients.
Use this option for stand-alone installations where you do not have any Web client or Windows App clients installed on the server.
Local: When selected, enables the communication between the CCom manager of the project on the Server and the web server (IIS) without certificates.
You can select this option when you have IIS on the same station as the server, and all Web client or Windows App clients are running on a secure, dedicated network.
Although you can use Web/Windows App Clients with local communication, we recommend securing it.
Secured: When selected, enables a secure Web server communication between CCom manager of the project on Server and the web server (IIS). You must secure it by selecting a host certificate.
Select this option when you have IIS on a different (remote) station than the Server or when Web client or Windows App clients are running on a lower-security or non-dedicated network.

CCom port

(Available only on Server SMC) Default port number is 8000 and the support range is 1 through 65535. The CCom port is used by the CCom manager of a project to communicate with web server (IIS), which is required for working with Web client or Windows App client.
You can type or increase/decrease the port number using the spin control buttons. Once you edit the CCom port number, the equivalent value in the ServerProject Information expander gets updated when you save the project.
It displays in red indicating that the CCom port communication is local (without certificates). It is recommended to enable it by selecting Secured from the Communication drop-down list.
NOTE: On server, whenever the web server communication settings of a project are changed you need to edit, align with Server, and save the Web application linked with the Server project on the Client/FEP station.

Host certificate

This field is enabled only when you select Secured from the Web communication drop-down list. By default, it displays the host certificate that you have set as default. However, you can browse and select another host or self-signed certificate using the Select Certificate dialog box.

On a Client/FEP SMC in Automatic Mode

When you edit a project on a Client/FEP SMC, the Communication Security expander allows you to configure security details setting Server Communication to Automatic configuration or Manual configuration.

In automatic mode, once you select the Server and the Server project, the appropriate security settings for that project are automatically set. For example, if you select an unsecured or stand-alone Server project the all the fields of the Communication Security expander are disabled.

If you select a secured Server project, the certificate type is set to match that of the Server project. For example, if you select a secured Server project that has secured communication using Windows store certificates, the certificate type is automatically set to Windows store during the Client/FEP project creation/modification. Note that, for the Windows store certificate type, you must add the host certificate users, who can launch the Desigo CC Client on the Client/FEP station.

On a Client/FEP SMC in Manual Mode

When you edit the Client/FEP project in the Manual configuration mode, you must manually enter the same server communication details for the selected Server project.



When modifying a project on a Client/FEP, if you select a Server project with Secured Client/Server communication, you must provide the same root certificate configured for Client/Server communication in the selected Server project. The host certificate can be different; but it must be created using the root certificate provided on Client/FEP. Otherwise, the Desigo CC Client application does not launch.
The host certificate is used by the Desigo CC Client/FEP. Therefore, the Client/FEP logged-in operating system user must be given access to the private key of the host certificate stored in the Windows Certificate store.
NOTE 3: On Server/Client stations, for Windows store certificate type, you cannot use a CNG certificate with ECDSA signature algorithm as a root or host certificate.


Project Shares Expander

The Project Shares expander allows you to share the individual subprojects of the server project folder and set the necessary permissions on them for the Windows users and user groups. Typically you need to share project subfolders and assign permissions to the user logged onto the operating system of the Client/FEP station or to the Web application user on the remote web server. All Windows accounts of users running a Client/FEP installation or a remote web server must have access to the project subfolders with the rights.

The Project Shares expander displays only in the Server SMC. This expander becomes available in the Project Settings tab in the following cases:

  • The project was created with web communication set to secured/local.
  • You modify the project and set Client/Server communication to secured/unsecured.
  • You have modified the project and enabled the Distribution participant check box.

Once the Project Shares expander becomes available, you can always share the project and add or remove users. Sharing the project internally shares individual folders within the project (devices, documents, graphics, libraries, profiles, and shared) for the user or group. It also sets permissions on them.

You can also share the project folder externally, using Windows. To verify that the security permissions are set appropriately it is recommended to check the project share consistency by clicking the Check Project Share Consistency icon.

Project Shares Expander



Share Project

When selected allows you to share the project folder for the selected project. It automatically sets the Base share name as the project name.

Base Share path

Displays the path of the shared Project folder.
If you access this path from the search box of the Start menu or from the Address bar of the File browser window, the individual shared subfolders of the project display. Alternatively, you can append, _[subfolder name], for example _Devices to the Base share path to directly access the specific shared subfolder of the project. For example,
This is the path that displays when you create/modify a project or a web application on Client/FEP when you realign or browse server projects.

Base Share name

Displays the project name as the default share name.
You can change this Base share name while you share the project and before you save it. Once saved, you cannot edit it.
NOTE: The Base share name must not contain any characters other than A through Z, numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Blank spaces and special characters are not supported. A maximum of 80 characters is allowed in the share name.

Group or user names

Displays the list of users or groups that have permissions on the shared project folder.


Allows you to add users or groups from the current station domain or from the list of available network domains using the Select User or Group dialog box.
Add is always enabled allowing you to add the users, if the project was created with Web communication set to secured/local, or if the project is edited with Client/Server communication mode as secured/unsecured.


Allows you to remove the user /user group from the list of Group or user names. This button becomes enabled when you select a user or a group from the list of Group or user names.


  • Project folder can be shared without adding any user/user group.
  • Removing all the users does not automatically revoke sharing of a project folder.
  • Deselecting the Share Project check box, removes all the added uses in the project share as well as removes the project share.
  • Once the project is shared and you change the Client/Server communication mode to stand-alone and the web communication mode to disabled, the project shares as well as users will be removed and the Project Shares expander becomes unavailable.
  • You have to add and remove the users one by one, each time clicking Add/Remove.
  • Unless you save the changes the users are not added to or removed from the list of Group or user names.
  • Once a user is removed from the list of Group or user names, that user no longer has share permissions. You can verify this in Windows (using Computer Management > System Tool > Shared Folders > Shares, and by selecting the Share Permissions check box for the shared folders).
  • After creating a project, if you share the project folder using Windows, and select the project in SMC, the Project Shares expander will display those project share settings. That is, the Share Project check box will be selected, and the Group or user names list will include the user/user groups to whom you assigned permissions on the shared project folder.
  • In workgroup environment, for working with Client/Server setup or distributed system, the user with which you have shared the Server project folder, must also be present on the Client station or on the distribution partner machine and have the same password on both the systems.


Distribution Participants Expander

The Distribution Participants expander is enabled when you select the Distribution participant check box, that in turn enables the distribution.

It provides all the required configuration parameters for setting up the projects in distribution. You can set up the projects in distribution on the same (single) server as well as on a different server. The distributed systems that you set up can be fully meshed or hierarchical.

When you enable the distribution, a default and very first entry for the Local System (Originator) is added. This entry includes the details of the current project configuration including the current Server Name, Server Project name, System Name, and so on. This is a read only entry. You can neither edit the details of Local System entry nor delete it.

Using the Distribution Participants expander you can configure the distribution participants (projects) available on the same Server or from other Server. You can do this in two ways:

Automatic Mode

When you click the Browse button in the Distribution Participant expander for adding the distribution partner entry, you are working in automatic mode. This is because, once you select the project on the selected Server from the domain/workgroup, all the configuration details of the selected project including the extensions are automatically added as a distribution partner project’s entry in the Distribution Participants expander.

Manual Mode

When you click the Add button in the Distribution Participants expander for adding the distribution partner’s entry, you are working in manual mode. In manual mode, you need to provide all the configuration details of the distribution partner project. You can add the extensions for the distribution partner project using Extensions.


While working in distribution environment in manual or automatic mode, make sure that the distribution partner project’s details including Server name, project name, system name, system ID, the shared path, and the extensions configured in the selected project are valid. Otherwise, the distribution does not work.
For example, if the extensions are incorrectly configured when working in manual mode, the corresponding profiles will not be present on the originator (Local) system; therefore, you cannot to load the corresponding application for the profile.

The Distribution Participants expander comprises of following:

Distribution Participants Expander




Allows you to type in the name of the Server computer or IP address of the distribution participant when you click Add and work in the manual mode.
Allows you to add the Server name in the Automatic Mode. To do this, click Browse to select the Server computer from the accessible networks in the domain/workgroup using the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box.

Project Name

In the manual mode, type in the name of the project on the selected Server that you want to set up in distribution.
In automatic mode, click Browse, select the projects enabled for distribution on the selected Server. The distribution partner project’s entry along with the Project Name field is automatically added once you select the project and click Add Distribution Partners.

System Name

In manual mode, type in the system name configured in the selected project on the selected Server in manual mode.
Alternatively, click Browse to work in automatic mode and the system name is automatically added in the distribution participants entry once you select the project and add it to the Selected Projects list and click Add Distribution Partners.

System ID

Type in the system ID configured in the selected project on the selected Server in manual mode.
Alternatively, click Browse to work in automatic mode and the system ID is automatically added in the distribution participants entry once you select the project and add it to the Selected Projects list and click Add Distribution Partners.

Shared Path

Type in the path of the shared Project folder on the selected Server in Manual mode.
Alternatively, the share path automatically displays, if you have shared the distribution partner project’s folder, before adding it as a distribution Partner using Automatic mode.
NOTE 1: Make sure that you have shared the project folder with the user logged onto the operating system of the Server computer. Otherwise, while working in distribution, file transfer may not work properly.
NOTE 2: On a stand-alone Server, when setting the distribution among Local Systems (projects), for a distribution participant project where communication is set to standalone, you need to provide the local path of the distribution participant in the Shared Path field. For example, [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[ Project Name].
Each time you sync, the local path of the distribution participant in the Shared path field is removed, and you need to manually provide the local path again.

Extensions button and the Extensions column

The Extensions button is enabled only when a new distribution partner project’s entry is added to the distribution participants list or when you select an existing distribution partner’s entry.
Click Extensions to add/remove EMs using the Select Project Extensions dialog box that displays.
After EMs are configured in the distribution partner project, the corresponding EM profiles are added automatically in the Profiles expander. Following values are displayed in the Extensions field:
— <none>: (default value) indicate that no EM is configured.
— <multiple>: when multiple EMs are configured. In the drop-down list, an EM that is configured in the project but is not installed, displays in red.
— <name of the EM>: when only one EM is configured.
NOTE: When configuring the distribution in Manual mode, select only those EMs that are configured in the selected distribution partner project. Even though you can configure any EMs, on sync, the distribution partner’s configured EMs are not changed. Moreover, you cannot work with such EMs of the distribution partner project, due to missing EM profiles, when working in distribution.


Use the Browse button to work in automatic mode.
When clicked, it opens the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box. You can add distribution partner projects available on the selected Server in the current station domain or from the list of available network domains.
Additionally, you can also select the Server computer from the workgroup.


When clicked, adds a blank row. You can manually enter the details of the distribution participant project that you want to set up in distribution.
NOTE: By default, a bi-directional distribution connection entry is added in the Distribution Connections expander setting up the fully-meshed distribution type.


This button is enabled only when a distribution participant’s entry (other than the Local System entry) is added to the distribution participant’s list either using manual mode or automatic mode.
Allows you to remove the distribution partner project’s entry from the Distribution Participants expander.


Click Sync to harmonize the distribution configuration details of all the distribution partner projects listed in the Distribution Participants and Distribution Connections expanders. Sync also allows you apply the Originator project’s distribution details to all the distribution partners.
NOTE: In a distributed system if the data master is changed you must synchronize the server manually.
During sync
— On the local system, it corrects any wrong configuration or duplicate entries of the distribution partner project by fetching and updating the details for each distribution partner project on the local system (originator project).
— On the partner system, it either adds a new entry for the local system (originator project), if not present or updates the existing entry.
NOTE: If the entries for the partner proxy port and partner dist port are present on the local system, then after sync on the local system, any duplicate entries for partner dist port and partner proxy port, configured in the Distribution Connections expander on the partner project, are removed and the fields remain blank on the Partner system.
Mismatch related to connection type are also removed when you click Sync on the Local System (Originator project).
This is because the entries are maintained only on one system in a distributed systems’ configuration.

Service Port

(Default value is 8888) In the Manual mode, provide the service port number configured using systems in SMC. Note that the service port for all the projects on the Local System is same.
In the automatic mode, when you add the distribution participant project, you need to provide the corresponding service port number, if it is other than the default 8888 in the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box.

Browse For Distribution Partner Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to select a Server computer from the accessible networks, in the domain or in the workgroup for configuring the distribution when you click the Browse button in the Distribution Participants expander. This expander becomes available when you select the Distribution participant check box available in the Server Information expander.

Browse for Distribution Participant Dialog Box in Domain


Browse for Distribution Participant Dialog Box for Local Projects in Domain


Browse for Distribution Participant Dialog Box for Local Projects in Workgroup


The Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box consists in the following elements:

Browse for Distribution Partner Dialog Box — Domain




Network > Domains Tree View (applicable only for servers in domain)

Network > [Workgroup name]

When you select the Local node, current machine name and its projects are displayed.

A tree view that contains all available network domains. You can select the domain where the Server machine is located. The current user domain is selected by default.
NOTE: If you cannot see other domains in the network then this might be because you have logged in using a local Windows user in the domain environment. For working with distribution in a domain environment, it is recommended to use the domain user and not the local user.

Name of the workgroup to which the computers are linked in the network.

Check Name (applicable only servers in Domain)

Type the Server computer name into the Enter management system name or description field and click Check Name.
A list of matching Server computers available in the selected domain is displayed in the Filtered Server Computers’ List.

Get Projects

Available only when the Service port of the selected Server is other than the default 8888 or if the WCF service for the selected Server is stopped/unreachable, a message displays.
An additional field for providing the service port on the Server that you have provided displays. Click Get Projects to fetch the projects available on the Service port that you have provided.

Filtered Server Computers’ List

List view that displays the list of all the Server computers matching the search criteria for the selected domain.
Select the Server computer from the list to display the Available Projects list on the selected Server.

Available Projects’ List

Select the check box adjacent to the project that you want to add as a distribution participant. You can select multiple projects.


This button is enabled once you select one or more project as distribution participant.
It allows you to add all the selected projects at one go to the Selected Projects column.
NOTE 1: You cannot add projects that have project languages or extensions configuration mismatch with the Originator project.
NOTE 2: You can add a project, for which the distribution is disabled. However, the distribution will not work for such projects.


This button is enabled only when the projects are added to the Selected Projects list.
It allows you to remove the selected project from the list of Selected Projects.
Additionally, it also enables the check box adjacent to the project that you have removed in the Available Projects list. You can de-select the project from the Available Projects list.

Add Distribution Partners

This button gets enabled when you have at least one project added to the Selected Projects column.
It allows you to add all the projects listed in the Selected Projects column as the distribution participants in the Distribution Participants expander.

Distribution Connections Expander

This Distribution Connections expander is enabled when you select the Distribution participant check box for a project.

Once you add the distribution partner project, manually (by clicking Add) or automatically (by clicking Browse), an entry is added in the Distribution Connections expander.

You can modify the distribution connection parameters including the connection type, partner dist port, and the partner proxy port for a selected distribution participant.

The Distribution Connections expander comprises of the following:

Distribution Connections Expander




(Read only) Displays the name of the project (currently selected project) to which you are adding the distribution participants.


(Read only) Displays the name of the distribution partner project configured in the currently selected entry in the Distribution Participants expander.
Note that this partner project can be on the same Server or on remote Server computer in the selected domain or workgroup that you configured using the Distribution Participants expander.


(Bi-directional): : Default distribution connection type, which is configured when you set up the projects in distribution manually or automatically. You can configure the Fully Meshed distributed systems using the bi-directional connection type.
Note that the direction of the arrow head indicates the visibility between two systems.
Visibility: The originator system can see the linked distribution partner and vice versa.
Example: If you configure two projects P1 and P2 in distribution with the default (bi-directional) distribution connection, you can log into the Installed Client of P1 and work with project P2 and vice versa.
On Sync: The distribution configuration details of the originator project are realigned with all the partner projects and vice versa. Thus, if the Connection type is bi-directional on the originator project P1, on the partner project P2, the same bi-directional connection type is set by default.


(Unidirectional) : Allows you to set up the Hierarchical distributed systems, by changing the default distribution connection (bi—directional).
Visibility: When you configure this distribution connection type, the originator system will be able to see the linked distribution partner project, when you log on to the Installed Client on the originator system. However, vice versa is not true.
Example: If you configure two projects P1 and P2 in distribution with (unidirectional) distribution connection, such that P1 P2, you can log into the Installed Client of P1 and work with project P2, however vice versa is not true. That is, when you log into the Installed Client of project P2, you can only work with project P2.
On Sync: When you click Sync in the Distribution Participants expander, the originator project with all the distribution partners, the distribution connection type of the linked distribution partners is by default set to unidirectional ().


(Unidirectional): : Allows you to set up the Hierarchical distributed systems, by changing the default distribution connection (bi—directional).
Note again that the direction of the arrow head indicates the visibility.
Visibility: When you configure this distribution connection type on the Local System (originator project), the originator project will be visible from the linked distribution partner projects, but vice versa is not true.
Example: If you configure two projects P1 and P2 in distribution with (unidirectional) distribution connection, such that P1 P2, when you log into the Installed Client of P1, you can only work with project P1 and cannot work with project P2.
However, when you log onto the Installed Client of P2 you are able work with project P1, along with the Local project P2.
On Sync: When you click Sync in the Distribution Participants expander, the originator project with all the distribution partners, the distribution connection type of the linked distribution partners is by default set to unidirectional ().

Partner Dist Port

Allows you to type in the dist port of the selected distribution partner project. This port is used to set up the distribution between two systems (projects).
When you add the distribution partner project in automatic mode, the Partner Dist Port field in the Distribution Connections expander of the originator project is automatically updated. However, the partner dist port for the partner project is kept blank.
When you add the distribution partner project manually, you need to type in the correct partner dist port number in the Distribution Connections expander.
NOTE: Ensure that the partner dist port is configured either on the originator system or on the partner system. It is recommended that you configure the partner dist port entry preferably in the originator project. SMC does not restrict you if you add the entry in the originator as well as on the partner system. However, in this case, each distribution manager creates a separate connection for each partner dist port entry; thus resulting in an additional open connection between the partner projects consuming unnecessarily additional bandwidth.

Partner Proxy Port

This port is the proxy port configured for secured server communication on the linked distribution partner project.

The partner proxy port is mandatory for non-local, linked, secured distribution partner project that has the partner dist port configured.

When you add the distribution partner project in automatic mode, the partner dist port and the partner proxy port values are automatically updated in the Distribution Connections expander.
However, when you add the distribution partner project in manual mode, you must type in the correct partner proxy port number in the Distribution Connections expander for all the non-local linked secured distribution participant projects having the partner dist port configured.

Profiles Expander

When you edit the project, you can work with the Profiles expander.

The Profiles expander lists all the profiles for the originator project including profiles for its extensions. It also displays the profiles for all the linked distribution partner project (including profiles for the configured extensions), if any.

The Desigo CC profiles determine the appearance and behavior of the Summary bar, Event List, and other system functions involved in handling alarms. The extension profiles are designed to meet extension specific needs.

Why Do We Merge Profiles of the Local System with Partner System?

The distribution partner project has its own set of profiles depending on the extensions configured. When you add a distribution partner project to the originator project in automatic mode, the profiles of the linked distribution partner project along with those of the configured extension s are automatically added to the originator project (…\profiles folder on the installation drive). However, when you configure the distribution partner in manual mode, you must manually add the extension s configured in the distribution partner project, which in turn adds the corresponding extension profiles to the originator project.

This is done, so that when you log onto the Installed Client, depending on the distribution connection type and the profiles configured, you can work with the respective functionalities of the linked distribution partner project.

You can add extension s to the originator project using Add to Project, and if the newly added extensions are already installed on the distribution partner project, on Sync, the extensions along with the profiles are updated on the distribution partner project.
The corresponding applications related to the extension do not display, when the profiles are not merged.

The following table describes the relationship between the Distribution Connection type and the profiles of the linked distribution partner project, when added to the originator project.

Distribution Connection Type

Profiles of the Linked Distribution Partner Project

Originator Project Distribution Partner Project
For example, P1 P2.

Added to the Originator Project.

Originator Project Distribution Partner Project
For example, P1 P2.

Added to the Originator Project.

Originator Project Distribution Partner Project
For example, P1 P2.

Not added to the Originator Project.

When you remove the distribution partner project, the profile entries for that distribution partner are removed from the Profiles expander as well as from the ..\profiles folder of the originator project. Similarly, when you remove the extension of the distribution partner, the corresponding profile entry is removed from the Profiles expander as well as from the ..\profiles folder of the originator project (when no other distribution partner project has this extension configured).

The Profiles expander comprises of the following:

Profiles Expander



Profile Name

Displays the name of the Profile for the Originator project as well as for all the linked distribution partner projects, if any. It also lists the profile names of any extensions configured in the Originator or linked distribution partner project.
NOTE: If any profile is missing or when an unidentified profile is present in the project folder, it is displayed in red.
Click Edit and Save Project to restore the correct profile or to remove the unidentified profile.

Host Module

Displays the name Platform, if the selected profile is Desigo CC profile.
Displays the name of the extension, when the selected profile is an extension profile.

Profile Type

Displays the type of profile for the Originator and/or linked distribution participant project. The Profile type can be:
Base for profiles belonging to Desigo CC
These are located at the path [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\<projectname>\profiles.
Extension for profiles belonging to the extensions.
The extension specific profiles are also added at the path
[installation drive:]\[installation folder]\<projectname>\profiles\Default.

Profile Source

Displays the profile source:
Local for profiles in the originator project. If the same profile is also available in the partner project, it is displayed as local.
None: When profile is unidentified. Click Edit, and Save the unidentified profiles, if any are removed.
[System Name]: Displays when this profile belongs to only one linked distribution partner project.
Multiple: Displays when the profile belongs to multiple linked distribution partner projects.

For the profiles depending on the selected event schema provided by Headquarters, see the UI Customization Profiles.

Additional Profiles, designed to meet specific needs, can be installed as an extension and added in the project.

Manager Details Expander

It lists all the managers that are configured in a project along with their status.

Before starting the Installed Client or Web/Windows App Client, it is recommended to wait until all the managers of a project except for the managers with manual mode (excluding the process monitor manager), are running. A manager in red with a project status stopped – inconsistent progs file (in red) indicates that the progs file is corrupt. Check the Smc.log file located at
[installation drive :]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\log.

Manager Details Expander




Description of a manager


Name of the manager


Displays the following modes:
Manual: Indicates that when the project starts the manager will not be started automatically.
Always: Indicates that the stopped manager will be immediately started when the project starts.
Once: This option starts the manager only when a project is started (not later).


Displays the following statuses:
Initializing: Indicates that the manager is started but not fully started.
Running: Indicates that the manager is started.
Stopped: The manager is not running.
Blocked: The manager is not responding.


Displays manager parameters associated with a manager.